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Everything posted by SLA

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  2. Some good deals to be had at Grimsby Tackle this week! https://grimsbytackle.com/blogs/news/boxing-week-sale-dec-28-31
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  3. The Strait Line Anglers Club annual Steelhead Derby is Sat Dec 3 @ Queenston and all are welcome to enter. $20/person, pays out cash to the 3 biggest individual steelhead (50%/30%/20%) Registration at the boat ramp from 545am-715am, blast off at 730, be in for 2pm (time listed on our website is incorrect) Please be quick and efficient at the boat. Try to do as much launch prep before coming down the hill possible. After launching, while waiting for blast off, please idle your boats in front of the jet boat/sand dock area and not by the Queenston shore drift The next Strait Line Anglers Club monthly meeting is Tues Dec 6, 7pm at the Grimsby Legion basement. All are welcome to attend
  4. We invite everyone to come out to our next meeting on Tues Nov 4. Our guest speaker will be Andy Todd of the MNR's Lake Ontario Management Unit. He will present information regarding the Lake Ontario Stocking Program and there will also be a Q & A session. It will all begin at 7pm at the Grimsby Legion.
  5. Well we ended up with good fishing conditions this past Saturday for our 3rd Annual Lake Erie Perch Tournament. 24 teams signed up, here are the results and a couple pictures. Top 10 Teams for the 15 perch box 1) 14.12lbs Mark Penner Richard Brouwer Jordan Brouwer 2) 13.90lbs Wayne Nelson 3) 13.46lbs Shawn Barrett Sondra Barret, Dan Laroche (wins tie breaker with big fish) 4) 13.46lbs Dave Margerison * Wins LIVETARGET Lures Prize pack 5) 13.42lbs Gerald Koetsier, Roy Young, Kevin Hampson 6) 13.32lbs William Forrester 7) 13.16lbs Darryl Steadman 8) 13.06lbs Josh French 9) 12.28lbs Shane Martel 10) 12.08lbs Justin Borowetz Brandon Kriter Lucas Dracz Top 5 Big Perch 1) 1.54lbs Shawn Barret 2) 1.46lbs Clint MacAulay 3) 1.40lbs Kevin Hampson 4) 1.36 Richard Verrault 5) 1.34lbs Mark Penner Our final events of the year are: Port Colborne Bass Classic, Sat Oct 18 Niagara River Steelhead Derby @ Queenston, Sat Dec 6 Next Meeting - Tues Nov 4, 7pm @ Grimsby Legion, guest Speaker Andy Todd, MNR Lake Ontario Manager
  6. Lots of cool stuff happening for the Lake Ontario trollers this spring! 1st off, the 39th annual St Catharines Game & Fish Association's Spring Salmon Derby begins in 2 weeks! A couple hi-lights to mention: * Everyone who buys a ticket, qualifies for the draw for a 2116 Scotty HP Downrigger. As well if you win a top 5 placing in any category, you get an additional chance in the draw. * They will be also running a Summer Derby, same format and same payouts running from June 14 - August 12. Again, everyone who buys a ticket, qualifies for the draw for the 2116 Scotty HP Downrigger. As well if you win a placing in any category, you get an additional chance in the draw * There will not be a "Members Derby" this year. Instead, there is a new "Members Division" which will run concurrently with both the Spring & Summer Derby. There will be one placing for each species in the "Members Division" and you cannot enter the same fish in both divisions, it has to be one or the other. Please refer to the rules. Summer Derby will have same rules, format & payouts and will run June 14- Aug 9 They are going to try to use social media as often as we can to keep regular updates coming. The SCGFA will also be running the 1st annual Port Dalhouise 3x3 Salmon Classic over the May long weekend May 17-19. Very simple concept. Any boat owner ("captain") has until the Friday at 6pm to register their boat for $50. From Saturday 6am, to Monday at 2pm, they may enter any and ONLY 3 salmon that are caught from that boat. No upgrading fish! yes you can enter the same fish in the Spring Salmon, or any other event, as long as all rules are followed for both events Very simple concept. Any boat owner ("captain") has until the Friday at 6pm to register their boat for $50. From Saturday 6am, to Monday at 2pm, they may enter any and ONLY 3 salmon that are caught from that boat. No upgrading fish! yes you can enter the same fish in the Spring Salmon, or any other event, as long as all rules are followed for both events Also this Tuesday, April 1 at the Grimsby Legion, the guest Speakers at the Strait Line Anglers Club meeting is the 2013 KINGS OF THE LAKE, the "Silver Junkies". (Darryl Day, Pat Commerford, and Nate Jamieson) All are welcome, to attend this free meeting. Starts at 7pm! The SLAs will also be running a new Salmon tournament on Sat May 31, out of Fishermans Pier. More details to come on this, but it will follow same rules & format as the "Catch The Fry" Tourny. Hope some of you fellas can make these events!
  7. Our next monthly meeting is Tuesday Dec 3 @ the Grimsby Legion @ 7pm. We are now accepting membership dues for the 2014 year and our doors are open to any one who would like to join. In addition to our monthly meeting's & putting on many various derbies & tournaments each year, we are also involved with a few various local projects. Paid members are entitled to our annual awards banquet dinner, as well are able to compete in our annual big fish contest and Angler of the Year points championship and are eligible to fish in some events that are for "members" only. more information can be found here http://straitlineanglers.com/
  8. Results from last week's Lake Erie Perch Tournament are as follows: 15 Perch Box Challenge 1) 16.70lbs Bill & Jeff Bondar (back to back champions 2012/2013) 2) 16.23lbs Justin Borowetz, Brandon Kriter & Lucas Dracz 3) 15.84lbs Trevor Bendo Big Perch Challenge 1) 1.50lbs Trevor Bendo 2) 1.45lbs Bill & Jeff Bondar 3) 1.42lbs Wayne Nelson Thanks to everyone who came out & a special big thanks to the Grimsby TSC Store for the additional prize donations! On Tues Nov 5 at our next general meeting, our guest speaker will be Glenn Anderson from the Metro East Anglers Club will be speaking on the goin-ons with Ringwood Hatchery, FMZ 20, and the Pen Projects around Lake Ontario. We welcome you all to attend! It begins at 7pm at the Grimsby Legion.
  9. How many of you are using GoPro or other types of video cameras while fishing? At our next meeting on Tuesday Oct 1. We will be discussing ways to get the most out of these cameras, as well as different options for editing. Guest speakers to include Angler & Hunter TV Show editor Dave Winslade and avid anglers/camera man Rob Crowe. All are welcome, it begins 7pm @ the Grimsby Legion www.straitlineanglers.com
  10. We had 29 boats at our Lake Erie Walleye Tournament out of Pt Bruce this past Saturday. Great weather and fantastic fishing was enjoyed by all. Congratulations to the Reel Busy team consisting of Darryl Crosset, Gavin Cameron, Jamie Fairles and Trent McIntee with 47.56lbs for a 6 fish box and also a 9.17lb 'eye for big fish bonus. 2nd place Capt. Doug Fairbanks with 44.36lbs 3rd place Abby Grace team with Capt Jamie Higgins with 44.00lbs biggest Steelhead went to the Green Reeper team (Dave Moody) 5.32lbs big thanks to Greg & his team @ North Erie Marina for hosting us again! Our next upcoming event which everyone is welcome to is our "Catch the Fry" Salmon Tournament out of Port Dalhousie on Saturday Aug 24, details coming soon on that!
  11. Strait Line Anglers Lake Erie Walleye Tournament Sat June 8 Crystal Beach Ramp 6 Fish box, $80/team, 6 rods max 6am - 2pm, Registration at the ramp 5am-5:45 am, all are welcome! [email protected] (mods please move this to "announcements" if you feel its neccessary, thank you!)
  12. Strait Line Anglers Lake Erie Walleye Tournament Sat June 8 Crystal Beach Ramp 6 Fish box, $80/team, 6 rods max 6am - 2pm, Registration at the ramp 5am-5:45 am, all are welcome!

  13. We welcome everyone to our next meeting on Tues Jan 8, Shane Thombs of FINtastic Sportfishing (fintasticsportfishing.com) will speak on the spatial relationships that can be revealed from what would otherwise be considered random trolling waypoints saved on your GPS. He will also share how to save and organize your waypoints and discover free ways to look at them on your home computer. As always, our meetings include cash bar, 50/50 draw and recent local fishing news & reports. As well we are accepting new members for 2013. $40 annually makes you eligible for our 2013 Ten Species Big Fish Contest, Angler of the Year race, it also gets you in to our awards banquet, as well as various members only events throughout the year. It all begins at 7pm @ the Grimsby Legion www.straitlineanglers.com
  14. For nearly 2 years now, Grimsby Tackle has been unable to issue fishing & hunting licenses. Please take a moment to read and copy/paste the following into an email and send it to [email protected] it would be greatly appreciated by Martin & his staff who strive to serve the local angling (and hunting) community and give back to various groups and causes as well. Dear Mr. Tim Hudak, I am writing this to express my concern to the fact that Grimsby Tackle shop is no longer able to issue Ontario fishing or hunting licenses or able to distribute the annual provincial regulations governing these sports. Before the store recently changed ownership, they were able to sell fishing licenses and all the necessary papers to get a tag to hunt deer, turkey, and small game. After the store was purchased, they were given an order to cease and desist and were ordered to reapply. They have since in the meantime applied for the permission to sell these licenses but have been told that this could take up to 6 months. Well now almost two years have passed and all the paper work to sell the licenses continues to sit at the M.N.R. office unused. When a person wants to go fishing or hunting they go to a specialized independent retailer such as Grimsby Tackle. They don’t want to be forced to go to a corporate “big box” store that sells light bulbs, patio furniture and windshield wiper fluid. They go to shops like Grimsby Tackle because they know that for the past 20 years they could get their licenses renewed at such a place that knew how to do it, and at the same time they could get the necessary equipment they always wanted. This store has been around for 23 years and serves the many people drawn from various regions who come to take advantage of the fine fishing and hunting areas we have nearby and contribute to our local economy. It would be greatly appreciated if you could please find the time to investigate this matter further and see what can be done to speed this process up to ensure that this store will be able to fully service the area’s sportsmen and woman for many years to come. Sincerely,
  15. Strait Line Angler's Annual Steelhead Derby on the lower Niagara River is on Sat Nov 24

  16. Today we were greeted with a calm & co-operative Lake Erie, and 25 boats signed up for our inaugural Perch Tournament. In the end this is what the results were 15 Perch Challenge Division Jeff & Bill Bondar 14.56lbs - Mike Duncan 12.10lbs Richard Verreault 11.96lbs Big Fish Challenge Dave Viles 1.44lbs Jeff Bondar 1.26lbs John Poirier 1.20lbs & Richard Verreault 1.20lbs (tie) We would like to thank everyone for coming out today and hopefully we'll do it again next year. A reminder that our next SLA's meeting this Tues Oct 2, Musky guide Brent Bochek ( fishnv.ca ) will be our guest speaker. It all begins at 7pm @ the Grimsby Legion. Our next upcoming events are our Pt Colborne Bass Tournament on Oct 20 http://straitlineanglers.com/Bass_Series/Bass_Tournament_Series_index.htm and our annual Niagara River Steelhead Derby on Sat Nov 24 http://straitlineanglers.com/NiagaraRiverSteelheadDerby.htm [email protected]
  17. Due to the current weather conditions and the forecast for our scheduled Walleye Tournament out of Port Bruce on Saturday August 11th it is decided that the event be cancelled. It is also with regret that due to our busy club events schedule, the event will not be rescheduled in 2012, but we look forward to planning the event to return to Port Bruce in 2013. Thanks to North Erie Marine for your help in spreading the word to those calling about the event. Be sure to return to our website for more on the event in 2013 and we look forward to your participation. Our next upcoming event is our Crystal Beach Bass Challenge on Aug 18. http://straitlineang...eries_index.htm Thank You for your understanding. Strait Line Anglers Club Committee
  18. Volunteers are needed for this annual event held out of Turkey Point on Lake Erie to host eager teen anglers on their boats. details can be found here http://www.educastfishing.ca/ Even if you cant make it, please Take A Kid Fishing!
  19. certainly was a great event by all accounts big thanks to all the boat captains who donated, their time, fuel & equipment to this great cause!
  20. Hey Folks, Bass season opener is just around the corner, and so is the kickoff to our 2012 tournament series. Open to all to enter. More details can be found here: http://straitlineanglers.com/Bass_Series/Bass_Tournament_Series_index.htm As well at our next meeting on Tues June 5, our guest speaker will Walleye tournament angler John Scalaro. It all begins at 7pm at the Grimsby Legion. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you there
  21. A reminder that our annual pike tournament is this Saturday out of Port Rowan. Details here: http://straitlineanglers.com/LongPointPike/LongPointPikeTournament.htm see ya there!
  22. the Strait Line Anglers will be holding their annual opening day tournament on Lake Erie out of Port Maitland. Details to come!
  23. @slaclub definetly is a great fishing tool
  24. Hey all! Hope everyone has been having a great holiday season thus far. A reminder to all that our next general meeting is this Tuesday, Jan 3. Jocelyn Leung from Angling Outfitters is our guest speaker this coming Tuesday. He will be sharing his expertise in dialing in and interpreting your sonar & GPS units to achive maximum results on the water no matter your prefference of fishing style or target specie. All are welcome to come and attend our monthly meetings. Additionally we will also be announcing our 2012 schedule of events and tournaments, and as allways, we'll be accepting interested new members. More details can be found at www.straitlineanglers.com
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