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Posts posted by adolson

  1. Lew I have sleep apnea also the mask help's me alot in the fall and winter ,I can't use it spring and fall due to allergies but I do not get headaches when I use it .And there is no recording device in it .I had similar readings as your daughter and it helps me alot when I'm not plugged up and I can't use the full face mask.


    There are a lot of different kinds of full-face masks, so maybe you just need to find the right one? They should let you try them on at the store and test seal and fit, etc. I tried a bunch and only found one that would work well for me.


    For data recording, are you sure yours doesn't have that feature? My machine does have a card that records data, and the machine itself stores data and I can browse it from the menus (it's not detailed, mostly just summaries for certain ranges). I don't know anything about them checking the card, and I'm not sure if my machine would operate without the card in the slot.. I know if I ran Windows on my PC I could buy a little USB card reader and software to see detailed data, like what they use at Shoppers Home Care or other similar companies. Even the bottom-of-the-line machine I borrowed originally also had a card that stored data but no way to browse it. They could check at Shoppers though, and show me the data. I think you have to pay for them to show you the data, though. There's probably card readers and software for any cards out there.

  2. Ahhh, I just thought of a great fishing moment!


    I went to go ice fishing with my uncle, stepdad, and one of my brothers. He was just a little kid at the time, and hyper (ADHD or something). Anyhow, we had no luck on a lake so we went to a trout farm. My brother caught one, and got super excited and was jumping up and down. I was video-taping this, by the way. My stepdad goes, "be careful! you're going to step in one of the holes!" and my brother is backing up yelling, "I got a fish! I got a fish!" when, bloop! Leg right into one of the holes. We did laugh. He did cry. Good times.

  3. I did mine at boaterexam.com and my wife is doing hers there so I can change lures and troll without having to constantly look up to make sure I'm not driving into the side of a cliff or something. Regular price is fifty bucks, but there are coupon codes to get you ten bucks off. If you can't find one, I can give you one of mine that arrived with my card in the mail about a week later. You can print a temporary card as soon as you're done, too.


    The site tracks your time, and forces you to put in 3 hours. It reads everything to you. It tracks your progress so if you need to stop, you can resume later. I found it easy and got a 94% on the test, so I missed 3 questions (I know one of them I ran out of time by mistake, but that's no excuse).

  4. FINALLY, a topic I know something about. :P


    For years I suffered from headaches, but I never connected it to sleep apnea because when I made a conscious effort to eradicate any trace of aspartame and monosodium glutamate from my diet, they went away. I *rarely* ever get a headache anymore. MSG in particular is difficult to avoid, because they put that into almost EVERYTHING, even things you would think there's no reason to put it in, there it is. Even if your daughter's headaches are not related to MSG intake, it can't hurt to cut it out.


    That being said, here's a bit of my sleep apnea story...


    Back in very late 2005, I was starting to get pains in my chest a lot. I weighed less then than I do now, too (though I'm currently working on it harder than I ever have). I kept going into the ER and they always told me my heart was fine. I had to talk to a counselor, as they thought it was due to stress. They didn't find a problem. Anyhow, it would come and go. Sometimes, I couldn't breathe, it was very painful and scary. I almost passed out at work and had to lay down on the floor in the hallway one day. A day or two later, I had such severe pain in my chest and such a sense of dread overcame me, I was terrified to lay down to sleep. I really believed that if I tried to sleep, I would not wake up. I went again to the ER. They stuck me with some kind of needle and I don't even know what it was to this day, and at the time I didn't even realize what was going on, nor did I care. I thought I was - and I likely was - on the verge of dying. They also gave me a referral to the sleep clinic.


    It is a bit of a blur from that point until the sleep clinic appointment, which was sometime in 2006 I believe. I felt somewhat better, but I was on meds for the pain. I also acquired a family doctor, but he was fairly useless - just kept telling me to lose weight, and I spied his notepad once, where he had written "Depressed?" on it... Uh, I wasn't depressed. Anyhow, about a week or whatever after my sleep clinic appointment, I got my results. I went in to talk to the sleep doctor, and he assured me it had little to do with my weight, and that he had it himself, and supposedly about 1 in 3 or 1 in 5 people have it and most don't even know. Anyhow, I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. My AHI was only 31 - I believe "severe" begins at 30. Severe sleep apnea requires either invasive surgery or a CPAP machine (there's another type of machine that does bring air in and pulls it out, I forget the name right now). The dental appliance options are not going to do anything for severe cases of sleep apnea, only mild and sometimes moderate cases... I asked. I really didn't like the idea of having to use a mask to sleep at night... An AHI of 95 is very severe.


    What happens is, when you have an apnea or hypopnea while sleeping, you stop breathing in or out, some flaps of skin in your windpipe (lol, I don't remember the correct terminology here) cuts off the flow of oxygen. Your brain sends a shot of adrenalin through your body, and you start breathing again (a partner might notice this as a snore or a snort, when it's really your body gasping for life). This happens to me 31 times in an hour, and to your daughter 95 times in an hour... Your body will grow more and more tolerant or immune to, and fatigued by the adrenalin, so the risk of death increases the more it happens. Dental appliances will pull the bottom jaw ahead, opening up the airways, but again, only works for milder cases than mine. CPAP will force air down to the lungs (not actual oxygen - there's no tank, just whatever is in the room in the air), essentially ensuring you continue to breath all night long. This is the way it was explained to me by the doctor, more or less.


    So anyhow, the shop lent me a machine to try it out, and some device to track my oxygen levels overnight and the first morning after, I had felt better than I'd felt in many, many years. I couldn't believe the difference! I've been using a machine ever since, and yeah, it sucks, but it's just something I have to do now. It makes traveling a pain, and camping a rarity. But I feel a whole lot better than I ever did before. I've been exercising every other day since March and eating better, and getting out of the house a lot more lately. I'm hopeful that when I get my weight down, my sleep apnea severity will lessen, but I'm not banking on it. It can't hurt, and it'll benefit me in a multitude of other ways.


    One other thing to consider is the type of mask. I started off with a nose-only but ended up my mouth would open in the night and that renders it wholly ineffective. A full-mask is what I would really recommend, so you can be sure it's going to work. AND it will work if you're stuffed up with a cold, since it can force air in through the mouth. The only real downside to it is the rash on my face from the rubber part of the mask. :\ But it's that, or potentially die. I wear the mask.

  5. So, I don't know the first thing about fishing for trout, but I was doing a bit of reading and see that August 1st is a holiday, and is also the opener for auroras. Liberty Lake is about two hours away from me and open this year. Considering the aurora trout lakes rotate every three years, and the limit is 1 for sports license, what would you do? There's a part of me that wants to hit somewhere closer to home and catch as many fish as I can, all day long, and maybe camp somewhere. Then another part of me that wants to be in the 2% or whatever it is who can say they've landed and seen an aurora trout. They look very pretty.


    There must be someone here who has hit Liberty before? Possible to get there with a car (without destroying it)? Would you do it


    Edit: I saw a comment here from Gary from brooktrout.ca from a few years back saying that the auroras didn't survive in Liberty - if that's the case, I guess that decides my long weekend for me..

  6. Different bodies of water deserve to be judged on their own merit. Province wide limits is lazy and irresponsible. The MNR does their due diligence to inform us on the sustainable catch limits for each region and body of water, the least we can do as anglers is do our due diligence in understanding the regulations. It is not that hard. It really isn't.


    I agree with you about catch limits. Had you read what I wrote, I specifically was talking about possession limits. I don't see any reason why there should be room for confusion with possession - those of us who actually want to follow the regulations might get screwed because it really is not clear, and there is room for error, potentially causing issues for those with no ill intent. A province-wide possession limit would solve that, while retaining the catch limits of individual zones and water bodies.

  7. Thanks everyone!


    PS.. I assume you got the fish bone dislodged ok from your throat?


    Ah, yeah. I think it went down on its own after a day or so. I did swallow marshmallows and bread and drank a ton of water. Hasn't been bothering me since. But it wasn't fun!


    Am I the only one that noticed something funny with the action picture?

    Lets see if anyone else can spot it. :whistling:


    Now you have me wondering.. lol

  8. My second question is top water lures e.g. frogs -what are good times of day to use them? I am guessing either early or late day in areas around lily pads.


    I'm still new to topwater myself, but I can speak a little about my experience with the Hula Popper lure. I used it in the daytime, evening, and night (still too much of a night-hawk to go out in early morning - I want to though!), and all three times of day it's produced fish for me - including my first ever bass (seen in avatar) and my first night-time catch (another nice sized bass). With that particular lure, in my opinion anyhow, the key is to use it when the water's still. If there's much wind, I'll go for something else.


    Other lures, like a frog and Jitterbug and whatever else I am unfamiliar with so far, as I'm still learning and expanding my basscabulary.

  9. Well, I do have a second spool. I don't know why, but I forgot about it... It still has some Trilene XL 14lb from probably 1998 on there... That should probably come off soon. :) I'm still unsure about what braid is not good for, compared to mono. It seems some people just use one or the other. I guess fish might be able to see braid when the color comes out, but I read about running it through a Sharpie tip to permanently color it. All I really know is the Crystal stuff was basically dental floss and it felt like it was frayed, and it didn't feel like the samples of Power Pro tied to the packaging.


    I went out at midnight, tried two lakes, got two bites, but no take. I was only using the Jitterbug. Didn't feel like changing to my Hula Popper, though I expect I would have had more bites.


    Thanks for the tips. Also, I see you're almost as new as I am here - welcome!

  10. Question 1: I am using Trilene Transoptic 10lb and I liked it until it started getting super twisted, and that frustrated me. I figured out that it's probably due to trolling with a red eye lure with no swivel... So really, not the line's fault. Problem is, I now need new line. I previously tried Fireline Crystal or something like this, and I hated it. Now, my only rod currently is a 7' Ugly Stik with a Shimano spinning reel. Should I put 20lb Power Pro braid on there? Or should I buy more mono stuff? I am hesitant about braid because of my experience with that Crystal stuff, but I have little experience outside of Trilene XL, and the two I mentioned here. I read other posts and saw a lot of people liked Power Pro, but usually on baitcasters. I don't have a baitcaster [yet]. Edit: forgot to say, I am freshwater fishing for bass, pike, walleye, that kind of thing, often from shore, sometimes in a canoe, sometimes trolling. Eventually in a "real" boat.


    Question 2: for night-time topwater bass fishing (from shore), is there a certain time that is best? I caught one or two (I forget now, all the fish are blending together in my head!) and I think it was around 12:30am at least one of those times. I am just curious because it's around 11:30pm right now, and I have the urge to go, but was curious if it's more productive to wait until a bit later.


    Sorry if these are dumb questions, but I did search around and I either find conflicting info or no info at all. And I trust you guys and your collective wisdom.

  11. Thanks, all! BTW, I caught it on that Cotton Cordell Super Spot lure I just got today. :) Not on the Jitterbug (that woulda been more awesome).


    Next step - get a net so your fish aren't all covered in sand for the money shot!!!


    (PS - we have the same tackle bag)


    Haha, I have a couple nets but my fish and lures keep getting tangled and it's easier to walk off the dock and onto shore.. But I use it in the canoe, usually. But yeah, I know what you mean - at least there's less sand than in my avatar! And I love that Plano tackle bag. :)


    Recipe for a soaked angler. Take one part small dock, combine with a 1/2 cup of tackle box laying at feet. Slowly add a dash of PB fish on the line and wait...

    Nice fish but be safe!


    lol, yeah. I am careful, but good advice. :)

  12. After no success off the pier behind the marina in New Liskeard on Lake Temiskaming, I tried under the bridge in Latchford. Nothing. Then we hit Gillies Lake on the way home and... My new personal best for smallmouth, 19" (edit: just measured it while not sitting in the sink, and it's closer to 20" - say 19.5") off a dock there! Conversion charts say it's about 3.5lbs. It put up a great fight! Man, I freaking love fishing. I should have been doing this for the past ten years. I don't know why I got so lazy. I used to love fishing so much as a kid, and then went off to college, got married, got a job, and mostly forgot about it. Well, not anymore!


    My previous best was 16.5"-17" (I didn't have the mouth closed, so I'm not sure exactly).


    My wife was very patient despite feeling sick all day (we both ate really terrible food today, both of us felt horrible). She snapped a few pics.







    Weird look on my face in that last one, but it was the best pic she took... lol

  13. It has a fuse built in , but these are two headphone jacks, and the 2 jacks were still in the box, ready to hook something up to them?


    Did you try plugging in some headphones? Maybe there's a secret message recorded inside the box! Perhaps a clue as to why it was thrown away? Maybe the box is cursed! You will never know until you plug in some phones and giver a listen!





    I never even considered a box for my battery before. Is there any reason I *should* have one? I only use my battery for my trolling motor, which has a battery gauge built right in, which seems like the best feature on a box. And a handle, of course, which my battery already has.

  14. I've only ever reeled in one salmon, back when I lived in Toronto. My advice: do a lot of workouts - strength training, specifically - before your trip. The salmon was the most tiring fishing experience I've had to date. Mind you, I was fishing off the shore on a river - I forget where, my uncle took me since I was new to the city (literally there fore about a month). I don't even remember how big the thing was, but it seemed huge at the time. Still, it was fun. But tiring. Might be different/easier from a boat, I dunno.

  15. Thanks all! I never caught walleye on a lure before, so it was another first for me. It was about 3.5lbs. I love that lake, it's so big and calm and pretty, and quiet.


    I'm an OK swimmer, but I never snorkeled or anything like that. It's a cool idea, though.. I do want that lure back... lol


    Your dad doesnt make choppers does he??whistling.gif


    Hmm, nope. My dad doesn't do anything, really... What makes you ask, though?

  16. I went out to Latchford and fished off the shore under the bridge. I caught four small bass there. Well, three. One of them I caught twice in a row - I know this because one of my hooks tore a bit out of his side. Didn't seem to phase him, since he went right back after the exact same lure two casts later. Not keeper size, but fun to fish, anyhow. I was using all sorts of lures, no biting until I went with my gold rattlin' rap, which got snagged and I lost it. :( They don't make those exact ones anymore.


    Then I went home and picked up the wife and we headed out to Anima-Nipissing for a couple hours. I told her I wanted to catch a walleye or a trout, but I caught three more bass, one a keeper. I had several other bites, and then I got a nice little walleye (the biggest I think I have caught, which is not that big), as seen in the non-flattering picture my wife took. At first I thought it was another small bass, since that's all I was catching today, but then it dove straight down as I got it near the boat, and so far none of my bass have done that, and actually, I only really remember walleye doing it (and some pike, but I didn't think it was a pike on). The lure I was having success on there was a really old and small original Rapala floater with slightly rusted hooks that I need to change tonight (I wasn't really planning on using it, just thought I'd give it a shot. Worked GREAT!).


    It was really dark by the time we got back to the boat launch. A 2-hour trip turned into 4 hours. And now I wanna go out again ASAP. :)




    And here's a view from the boat:



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