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Posts posted by Broker

  1. Went out on the river tonight after 2 weeks of practising casting in the backyard. Thought I was doing well for until a fish hit , and another , and another and ended up having my fly taken under atleast 7 times. didnt get one fish on. so my question is, when a fish takes the fly under what do i do ? Set the hook ? new to this so any tips would be great help

  2. Hello everyone. I have been in search for a way to catch any type of trout in the Haldimand area. Kinda wanting to use the fly rod on some as I am new to fly fishing. So I am not looking for any specific hotspots or honey holes, But I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for some trout in the Haldimand area? ThanksGonefishing.gif

  3. okay, been hearing a lot about brown and rainbow trout in the grand river , and after seeing all the posts about the trout opener, I've been wondering if you can catch them in and around the York area? Never caught a trout before btw..

  4. Hello OFC, heading out to Rockpoint Provincial Park on Lake Erie this weekend, and was wondering if anyones tried fishing there? I'd rather fish from the shore, unless it's a calm day and I can head around the shore in a canoe. Thanks.

  5. Hey guys , lately I've been catching mooneye alot in the Grand River , and i was talking to my neighboor about it and he was so shocked that i was catching them there, he also said people come from all over North America to catch mooneye in the river , and they're quite the tasty fish. Is this true ? any suggestions on how to cook em ?

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