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Everything posted by snag

  1. Deliverance. For obvious reasons.
  2. WOW! WHAT A BEAUTY! Did it survive?
  3. The Musky loves you. Could be a re-incarnated fishing buddy or relative. Try talking to it. One swish of the tail for Yes, two for No.
  4. This place is a chick magnet!
  5. My brain hurts from all the aquatic education here. I would still be a miserable hack if it wasn't for this place and the lost souls who have foolishly fished with me.
  6. Again, I'm envious!!!!!! Good one!
  7. Where am I? I'm scared. What is this place? Wanna see something cooooooool? Look at my post # and then look when I signed in. Freaky!!!! Update: (oops, there were both at 903 1/2hr. ago)
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