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Everything posted by aniceguy
actually Im in the same market in mississauga shoot me a pm also please
more then enough smelt for that purpose heck I ll add one heck of a shore lunch to boot lol
Hey Mike nice pics but the site of yours is mint looking forward to that
great topic, My group is currently working with both sides of the floor on this and lots of other issues and this one is front and center. Here is my take. A test would be great but the cost attributed to it would over shadow the profeciency it might provide so Im not for a test. Here is what I think will work. Firstly scrap the conservation part and create 1 liscence for all anglers under the legal drinking age. Raise it in line with most other jursidictions ( ontario is in the top 3 of lowest in North America) I suggest in the range of $35. The additional revenue should generate an additional 28 million dollars by our accounting and based on actual liscence sales within the province. A matching amount from the government to the F and W accounts spread over 4 yrs boosts the OMNR fish and wildlife operating budget a substantial amount. Make the fines serious, with a 3 strike your out banned for a period of time for repeat offenders, also make the fines real falling into 3 catagories and with an increasing scale based on severity. For example someone fishing for Pike but hooking OSS fish and not moving is one set of fines but the guy with 30 fish in the cooler should recieve upon conviction fines in the magnitude of 5 figures. 1.5 million in fines last yr placed by the co's the additonal funds can be moved to the enforcment branch but thats another thing all together. Fishing while a fundemental right of us all should not be misused or abused and as such should be treated as priviledge for all to enjoy but for those that misuse a statment needs to be made And here is my take on that too Under the self funding model of the Ontario Parks System we believe that in order to enforce policy and directives a two fold increase is needed within the Conservation officers branch. The current ecological framework of the OMNR is focused on streamlining FMZ zones within the provnice and as such is increasing the potential sq mile footprint an active officer might potentially be required to patrol. Curently there are 199 conservation officers patrolling close to a 1 million square kilometers as opposed to 1992 when there were 257 uniformed officers. We propose due to demographics of populus in Ontario that there is an equal split of new officers with a 50% increase in Northern Ontario and the same in Southern Ontario. Conservation officers like all functioning business models require fixed and variable spending forumula’s within there budget directives, these cover operationing costs and capital investment in order to fulfill their obligation a best guess scenario is there budget has been reduced by 50%. Conservation Officer background data. The following are general facts about the work of Conservation Officers in 2006: The current government has been very withdrawn regarding commitments in particular where a paper trail is present and have in fact been under edict to communicate budget short falls in . In the previous Conservative government, conservation officers had approximately $15,000 a year for expenses, or $300 a week in an economic environment where feul costs were in the 50 to 60 cent range Under the current government model a conservation officer on average receives 50% less not withstanding inflation. Conservation officers have directive to reduce enforcement tagets . Original targets were established in April 2006, using a risk-based analysis to identify priority areas for enforcement. The 40 per cent cut will therefore affect areas already identified as being at the highest risk. Conservation officers are being directed to manage by priority The top priorities will be public safety and endangered species. Operating budget of the Investigation and Intelligence Section has been cut by roughly 60 per cent. The primary work of the IIS involves investigations, including undercover work, around the commercialization of wildlife: illegal harvesting of bear gall bladders, illegal hunting of trophies for sale, illegal commercial fishing, and so on. The normal operating expenses for the Section total about $250,000 per year. This year they will be closer to $100,000. MNR’s award-winning Flying Conservation Officer program has been eliminated and two Conservation Officer Pilots received surplus notices. This program had provided years of effective access to the remote and sensitive areas throughout the province, especially in the north. MNR says Conservation Officers will use the MNR Air Service instead – highly doubtful since it costs over $500 an hour for an aircraft. The end of the Flying Conservation Officer program means an end to any meaningful enforcement throughout much of northern Ontario. Most Conservation Officers have been allotted enough overtime to work one statutory holiday and an additional eight hours for the year. OMNR is reducing the number of trucks for Conservation Officers. Three officers will now share two vehicles in many cases. In 1992, when there were 257 officers, there were 257 patrol vehicles. Today, with 173 field officers, there are between 110 and 120 vehicles. OMNR is reducing the number of computers for Conservation Officers. Officers will now share computers. OMNR has invested tens of millions of dollars in the construction of logging roads for industry. These roads open up new lakes to fish in and new lands to hunt in. With a general reduction in enforcement, these new areas will be like the Wild West for fishers and hunters. Reduction in enforcement The IIS needs to be expanded and to be allowed to pursue developer’s and the Corporate sector and increase its ability to levy fines within the mandate currently in place. Current fines are in a stratified mode where in most cases it becomes the “ cost of doing business†These set fines need to be readdressed and prioritized into 3 catagories, with the determination as to which category the infraction falls within is based on environmental cause, socioeconomic ramification to the environment and other mitigating factors. All fines within these 3 catagories should be increased in effect sending a message that environmental neglegance in sustainable building practices can go no further, also these fines should have a ramp up phase for multiple infractions under the initial infraction. While at the same time if a developer is practicing environmentally sound practices that a tax relief encentive can be devised therefore rewarding good corporate citizens. Conservation fines should be increased 2 fold again sending a message to Ontario Citizens that breaches against our Natural Resources can no longer go unpunished. Using the model above we can extrapolate that each Conservation officer was able to generate $9521.00 per fiscal year in fines paid, with a doubling of Conservation Officers and the appropriate investment in infastructre that 50% increase in fine rates coupled with the relevant 50% increase in officers those fines approach a tangable number of self financing. Sorry about the long read..Louis
LOL shouldnt be an issue solo.....................in fact I can smell a good ole fish fry soon between us awsome scenery no doubt.....I think a 2 week trek is in order next yr
so I finally took the road trip I had in the plan for a month or so. some of the finest scenery I have seen in a long time and I can now add a new river to my " hard fishing fish " catagory, there is nothing like looking into a pool seeing fish, thinking its only 6 feet deep tops only to drop the fishing rod down and realize the 13 footer is almost under water and your no where near the bottom....... some scenery and 1 of the many bullets from this epic trip A priceless weekend with less then 8 hrs of sleep from Friday through Monday and of course finding the mother load of smelt A few of the hundred pictures of fish and scenery and of course the reason for the trip...........timing couldnt have been much better on these.......with a fantastic push of bright dime fish
darn work thing The trip I had planned to Welland to see my client panned out good and all, but darn man another trip I should have been on...................... Solo Im off to fish those pristine waters of Superior for a weekend
[quote Now..I gotta find out how to get on board the good ship solopaddler....LOL I can carry bait, gear and I can gather a mean stack of firewood....haha. I ve been steelheading a very long time and I have meet thousands upon thousands of steelheaders both die hard and float dunkers alike, having fished with solo a few times the dude is all out hardcore and one of the nicest guys I have shared a drift in all those yrs..... Nice pics for sure solo
I said it to someone today too.........that I had the feeling it was going to be one of those trips. Thank god I have Superior steel on the plate for next weekend
What was I thinking, knowing Ohio wasnt going to fish and I decide not to come along and instead help my wife with a garage sale Seems like i missed an Epic trip
I personally like the sites where you get banned for not contributing after say ohhhhh 2 months but get nagging emails to visit the forum funny wnough the same one you get banned on for not contributing LOL some good ones some real bad ones.........this one is certainly in the great ones catagory
NIce goin solo....Im guessing your in practice mode for next weekends adventure
Ohh I remember Harris disecting the OMNR and those were the days we had a direct line into snobolen's office too. Having meet Tory a few times now, this guy is different...he is specific in not commiting to anything unless he can carry through. But hey Im a big boy and dont like follow the leader so lets see. In the interim if I have the ear of the future minister, policy directors and the future premier and I can post policy directives to them that make sense and get both parties to make some commitments come election time we are on the right path. 1 liscence for the province @ 30$ with the govt matching the increase dollar for dollar, an immediate injection of 40 million, co's working under the provincial parks model where they are self sustaining via fines a special task force aimed at developers who break the law ( million dollars a day for chemical spills so the potentiality of this can be huge), with all fines going to special purpose accounts an economic stimulus aimed at the great lakes charter boat business and stimulus aimed at the economic value of fishing based resorts a tag system where you can donate 5 or 10 when you buy the liscence and the money going directly to CWFIP operations decisions based on science and public consultations rather then fly by the seat. Some of the concepts floating around the war room these days. the goal is a leaner meaner MNR that has additional revenue streams to support its self without having any tax grabs or user fees without support and thats the key to it all. No question there is a startified layer of managment at the OMNR and other governmental agencies.
We had the pleasure of meeting with opposition OMNR ctitic today again to discuss OMNR matters. We offered our services in an advisory manner to assist with party election platform matters on how to fix the OMNR. After a long meeting in the PC caucus room at the legislator and with many of the senior party officials and chiefs of staff we were pleased to see that the PC party is gaining a strong grasp of what needs to be repaired within the OMNR and hopefully our suggestions will become part of an election platform and become ministry policy. We found them energized and open to suggestion and that there was a true and warranted care for the natural resources of the Province. Come November a new landscape might appear where the OMNR is brought back to what it was of Note the bill pertaining to species at risk is in its second reading and if you have had the time to read it you will see that no where near enough consultation has occured and that fishing and hunting opportunities can be potentially disected as a result of this bill. We urge you to call or email your local liberal MPP to have this not go past second reading and infact go to the citizens of ontario for public consultation
thanks a ton for the great info quite the task for him as I read through it all. Someone mentioned there is an office in Brampton, my buddy lives there and it would be easier for him to do it there From what he said to me he has the bill of sale and the tranfer doc signed he just doesnt knwo who to call and where to go to get the hull transfered over and the boat numbers either changed or transfered over also
ok thanks does anyone know where the closest office is to Brampton
I have a friend and wer were talking yesterday. He has a boat that he bought 7 or so yrs ago, he registered the plates to the trailer but he never registered the boat or engine. He does have the original bill of sale. I always had the dealer do it so I have no clue on this. Would someone point it in the right direction so I can help my friend out thanks Louis
Something I ll be taking advantage in a few........... Nice fish there guys
Im happy to confirm good news to the community I recieved the call this afternoon directly from the ministers office, and subsequently from OMNR directors office the order was receinded this afternoon, we prepared this evening and will commence lifts starting tomm night. I believe we were the first in the province to hear as it was told to us direct from the minsiters office and had not filtered through the MNR district offices. I worked the phones, conference calls lots of hard work on many channels honestly Im exhausted Im glad that it came out positively for us all. thanks for the support it was a tough sales pitch Many of those suggestions that OFAH released came as the result of discussions between OFAH and CRAA on this matter, we equally worked this issue from both sides on the same group of individuals. For those interested in helping with the steelhead transfers please visit the site for times and location www.craa.on.ca Thanks for the support
tony you can park it in my garage it will accomadate it to perfection, of course along with the free stroage there is a casual user agreeement lol
sad to hear.
jj did your biologist not tell you to not collect gametes this yr.
here is a pic I took of my unit 2 minutes ago. See hwo the long and lat are not flashing and the other data groups when signal was aquired
you were locked on then it appears you lost the lock. re power it and it should be fine there should be an alarm also when you have aquired signal
pretty much the funniest thread I have ever seen on the internet thanks for the awsome laughs