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fishin jesus

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Everything posted by fishin jesus

  1. those are framers forsure. I have noticed the exact same thing, they seem to move around the bigger pools side by side. unfortunately i have a harder time hooking into them than you guys seem to have....double header Steelheads are amazing. Great job guys!
  2. Those Browns sure pop out on the screen ....awesome fish !!!! and great strategy of the beer back up plan!
  3. Nothing like the Fall Chrome silver bullets tumbling across the water..........the colours this time of year are amazing on the Males aswell keep the pics coming !
  4. Paul knows the fish by name in that river ! check out his Face book page ( thats how I decided to use him ) and we produced all day long. somethings wrong if a guide doesn't get 1 hook up on that River in peak season ?????
  5. [He looks like a Willy to me !!!
  6. the official " boys weekends"...you can't beat them .A few drinks, a few fish, and a ton of laughs ....great shots, especially the airborne fish.
  8. incredible fish.......what a treat to see that flash of ontario gold !! great job
  9. Just simply AWESOME!!!!!! did you take it on a Streamer???
  10. I have a brand new 420 abu garcia diplomat mooching reel thats never been used.if anyones interested, i'd let it go for cheap.
  11. its single barbless catch and release only !!! it's ignorent people like this that makes me sick !! Tightline......is a poacher !!! KNOW YOUR REGULATIONS!!!!
  12. [thanks gang !!! my first run through a pool this year will have a black Wooly bugger up top........black Stone fly running right off the bottom !!! sounds great in theory.............but anyone that knows me will be wondering long long before I'm tangled up or hung up in a tree branch !!
  13. i've watched a few video's of guys Fly fishing using 2 flies at the same time. The guy was running a 2 foot line tied from his first fly ( Wooly bugger) and he had a smaller Stonefly running as his 2nd fly off the bottom ./ Looks like it could be quite productive does anyone know if that is a legal tactic in Ontario?.....I'm tending to think it is but I need some re assurance.
  14. 10LBS BROWN ON A FLY ROD 4 LBS BROOK TROUT Lots of cold beer...lots of laughs , lots of great weather!!
  15. thanks guys i was beginning to get lazy..........i just went and dug up alot of my gear. fly boxes,Roe,Pink work, emerald shiner power baits............ALL packed into the vest !! it now weighs 45 pounds but if i get into the fish it;s all worth it !! LOL i'm usually a fly guy...i'm branching out this season !!
  16. Bring a hat...despite what people might of told you , you don't wear a Crown Sir King Imperial Angler]
  17. That's a great idea.....I have a few Black Stone Flies on the larger size.......thanks for the advice !
  18. that makes sense......i'm always self doubting myself as to what to put under the float at diff times of the year. Pink worms, power grubs, or roe....but you right.......bring em' all !! What about running a fly under the float?....wolly bugger, or egg suckin' Leech , Stone Fly???
  19. perfect way to start the year...looks like you put a clinic on !!! great looking fish !
  20. Good day gang i'm thinking of hitting a trib on the upcoming weekend. this time of year should i be floating roe or should i be floating some Berkley Power minnows ??. any advice on how to fish the mouths at this time of year???? float, toss hardware, bottom bounce???
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