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Posts posted by Motorhead

  1. After reading in a previous post about a broken fishing rod I got to thinking about a few of my rods that I`ve managed to break over the years... Only one out of the 3 was broken while fighting a fish.


    First one was when I was a kid about 8 or 9, I can remember hiking along the Grand River with a couple buddies and not paying attention and the tip getting jabbed into the ground in front of me..SNAP :o ... Haven`t done that since (knocks on wood)


    Second rod was broken fishing Lake Erie at Nanticoke, we were into some real nice smallmouth and I set the hook a little to aggressively? and SNAP it busted in between the first eye and the handle... :o ... Did manage to luckily jam the two pieces together and with a little electrical tape was back to catching fish...


    The third and hopefully last rod I`ve broke was last spring, I was in the basement and going over some of my fishing stuff when I noticed that the tip of my 5` lightning rod looked crooked.. No problem I thought I`ll just bend it back :blink: Yup you guessed it SNAP... (feel like a real dumbass for that one} :blush:


    So for me that`s 3 rods in 30 years of fishing, not bad I guess???


    Lets hear some broken rod stories.

    What about those big muskie I see posted on here all the time??? Do you guys break many rods fishing for those monsters???

    Somebodys got to have story about losing a fish due to a broken rod???



  2. I saw mention on another post about Junior Rangers and thought I`d ask if anyone on here was one ???

    I was at RoughRock junior ranger camp about an hour north of Kenora in 1986.. The fishing was AWESOME... A week long 150km canoe trip through Lake of the Woods. Visiting the girls camp for the weekend in Sioux Lookout .... I posted this on the old old OFC board and if I remember right there was a few people that went??? There also used to be a message board for Junior Rangers on the MNR site but I can`t for the life of me find it anymore???



  3. :blink:


    Here`s my eye story...


    Couple of years ago at work I was watching the plumber solder some pipes, shooting the breeze and just dog fornicating. A small blob of solder dripped off and hit some water in the sink, you guessed it, it spattered and a piece hit me square in the eye from about 6 feet away.. There was an eye wash station right there so I quickly opened my eye and tried to flush the solder out. That didn`t work so a quick trip to Joe Brant hospital. After waiting about an hour to see a Doctor in he comes and puts a couple of drops in my eye and with a Q-tip lifts out the piece of solder... Had to wear a patch for a few days but got really really lucky and ended up with no damage to the eye or vision.. Was a scary few days while the patch was on....


    Moral of the story, wear safety glasses and quit screwing around at work... LOL :P



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