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Posts posted by Motorhead

  1. My dog Rocky loves the water....


    This picture was taken after a gruelling 3 mile hike.... He wouldn`t get out of the water until he was good and ready...






    Sadly I`m not to optimistic about him making through the spring :( but like I tell the kids, he has given us 12 years of love and devotion



  2. I agree Biteme... I have nothing but the greatest respect for our troops... :worthy:


    I just got this in an e-mail today.....



    It is the VETERAN , not the preacher,

    who has given us freedom of religion.

    It is the VETERAN , not the reporter,

    who has given us freedom of the press.

    It is the VETERAN , not the poet,

    who has given us freedom of speech.

    It is the VETERAN , not the campus organizer,

    who has given us freedom to assemble.

    It is the VETERAN , not the lawyer,

    who has given us the right to a fair trial.

    It is the VETERAN , not the politician,

    Who has given us the right to vote.


    It is the VETERAN ,

    who salutes the Flag,


    It is the veteran ,

    who serves under the Flag,





    Both Grandfathers were in WW2, One was through Holland,Denmark and Germany and the other was through Africa and Italy.... Both survived, good thing `cause I wouldn`t be here typing without them...




  3. I can remember fishing a private pond for bass one time about 15 years ago... I was by myself and had been told that this pond was loaded with smallmouth but it was hard to find because you couldn`t see it from the road. I had a good idea where it was so one Sat. morning I loaded up my gear and a few bottles of beer and away I went in search of this secret pond...

    Found the pond without too much difficulty cracked a beer and started fishing... Caught a couple of small ones and after fishing for an hour or so decided it was time to clean up some of the garbage that was laying around... There really wasn`t that much, a pop can or two and I think some old line but I put it in a pile beside my tackle box and continued fishing...

    I finally get rewarded with a hit from a nice sized fish, as I`m fighting this fish a guy on a 4-wheeler pulls up and starts flipping out on me for fishing here... The whole time this guy is freaking out, I`m reeling in this fish and it`s jumping and tail dancing and putting on a great show, I look over at buddy and he`s not impressed with my fishing skill.... I land it, unhook my spinner and let it go and turn my full attention to him..

    By now he`s off his bike and coming at me yelling he`s going to call the cops and have me arrested for trespassing and all kinds of crazy stuff. I try to tell the guy I`m sorry that I`ll just grab my stuff and go and never grace his presence again when he sees my 2 empty beer bottles and the garbage lying by my tackle box... Off he goes on another tirade about littering and that`s why this place is private and he doesn`t allow fishing etc. etc....

    After I explain that the only stuff that was mine was the 2 empty beer bottles and the 2 caps I threw in the bottom of my box, the rest of the stuff I picked up off the ground and was taking with me, it was like someone threw a switch in the guys head.. He calmed right down and we talked for about a half hour...

    It turns out that he`s a pretty decent guy who was just sick and tired of people not asking permission (guilty) and littering (not guilty) on his property.

    I was told I was welcome anytime, and used to go quite often with my daughter until he sold the land to someone about 8 years ago and they built a house right beside the pond..

    It sure saved me a big hassle by picking up that bit of garbage and I got a good fishing spot for some tasty bass for a while anyway...

    Now I usually pay the kids to pick it up when we go out especially if they start getting bored

    Well that`s my garbage story thanks for reading



  4. Do you think that the shows get worse, or do we just get older and expect more?


    I think we just get older and expect more...


    Here`s my take on this years show....It was GREAT ... they all are...


    I`m kind of lucky, in that my birthday usually falls during the show.... So I get to go and have a great time regardless, I mean who doesn`t have a great time on their birthday no matter where you go???

    The better half and I went yesterday with free tickets :worthy: THANKS TJ :clapping:

    Her first time at the show was last year and we had a good time, so this year she was all for going again...

    I didn`t buy much this year, a few packs of power worms 3 for $10, and some new slimy kinda bait stuff that looked pretty good so I bought some pink eggs, leeches and white grubs for $20. Anyone else buy any of that stuff???

    Tami replaced her rod that she broke in the fall, a new reel, and some topwaters so she was happy...

    We watch alot of fishing shows so she was really excited about meeting Cronzy and getting to chat with him for a minute. I was happy I could meet some fellow OFC`rs and put some faces to the names...

    I was surprised at the lack of people, not that I like fighting crowds but these shows sure aren`t like they used to be.

    I remember going to the Sportsman Show when I was a kid with my dad back in the early 80`s.

    Back then I don`t think you had a separate show for fishing/hunting/boating... They were all under one roof at the Ex.

    I met Red Fisher and got Terry Bradshaw`s autograph, saw a big bear (can`t remember the name??), numerous seminars that we sat through (and I don`t remember because I wanted to go check out the bear again..what was it`s name??? anyone remember???) we were there wandering around for the whole day. Not like the 45 minutes to the hour it took to wander up and down the few isles at this years show (we still stayed 5 hours).


    It seems to me that maybe the powers that be should go back to one big show for everything???

    You had better deals because there was alot more people going to them, boaters, fishermen and hunters.

    The International Center is a huge place, you could probably hold them all at once, still charge 12 bucks and get 3 times the people through. Who wouldn`t wander through them all??? Even if you weren`t a hunter or looking for a boat???


    It was a big shock not seeing the MNR there.

    Imagine that.... cutbacks so they can`t afford to set up an information booth?? You would think our govt. would get it`s priorities straight and spend 100 million on the MNR and not some Bull "Canadian Museum for Human Rights"... Sorry shouldn`t go there...


    Oh well that`s my dimes worth :blahblah1:

    tight lines all


  5. My number one go-to rod would be my Abu Garcia Conolon 7ft classic-action and my Abu Garcia Ultra-Cast 1000 spinning reel.

    The line on it is 10lb test (2lbs diameter) Power Pro...

    I also have an Abu Garcia Max-Action 6ft teamed with a Daiwa Triforce baitcaster and 10lb trilene, I don`t use this one much because of bad back-lashes. Guess I`m going to have to practice with it a little more this summer..

  6. Had a great day at the show with the wife....

    I think we walked out of there a hundred bucks lighter, She got a new Rapala rod and reel and I picked up a few packs of plastic worms... All in all a good show, met a few OFC`rs and got to meet Darryl Chronzey in the beer tent..

    Was fun, thanks TJ for the tickets



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