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Posts posted by Motorhead

  1. Signed affidaved by both you and the guy that gave it to you.Stateing just what you posted.



    Thanks for the quick response....


    Who do I get an affidaved from??? I guessing Lawyer???


    And then do I just take that to the MTO???


    If that`s all it is I should riding in a week or two....


    thanks again


  2. I recently bought a 1978 yamaha 250 enduro motorcycle... The guy I bought it off of is a stand up guy and I know his wife from work so there is no problem with the bike being stolen or anything like that.....

    What he told me is that his roomate from 10 years ago had this bike and used it as a daily driver. He ended up getting a job in Peru (where he was from origionally) so packed his clothes and left.... He hasn`t heard from or seen him since.

    He did tell the guy he could have the bike to do with as he pleased so he just kept it in his garage for the last ten years until he sold it to me...

    I asked for the owership because I was thinking I could put it back on the road with very little work and it would be a nice toy to rip around the city with...

    The guy said he`d help me out in any way to get the ownership...


    My question is what do I need to do to get this bike put in my name???

    I figured I`d ask here because maybe someone went through this in getting a boat ownership???




  3. same here.. got it for stern, but kept it for bubba the love sponge.. even put a bubba army bumper sticker on the boat this spring :)


    my money would also be on a bad antenna.





    Ditto on the Bubba The Love Sponge.....


    my guess is the radio... no problems at all with mine...

  4. Yeah god forbid someone takes away the absolutely absurd amount of bankable sick days you guys have held the city hostage for. Those who voted for this strike have no grasp on reality and what is going on with the rest of the workforce apparently. I hope the city and general public turn on you all and finally figure out it's time to privatize most of these services. I know I happily look forward to crossing your picket lines.



    I bet you wouldn`t be saying that if you were in a Union....


    Cross my picket line and you`ll get what you deserve.... A job with no sick days, crappy pay and benefits and no-one to fight for you when you screwed by your employer....






  5. The Rangers are a good deal right now, but just check out all the financing details with a fine tooth comb to see if the low interest rates are really good and check with your bank before signing on the line. You are better off with a brand new truck than a used one especially with the deals now. If you are going to spend up to 20 G's then why buy used? Get a new one, it might have a couple less bells and whistles but there is nothing, NOTHING like a brand new car!


    Remember the Ranger is a Mazda with a different tag on the grill.


    Keep us up to date on what you buy and happy motoring.



    In early Dec I needed to get a new vehicle fast because I use it for work and my Astro Van crapped out on me...

    I went to the Ford dealership and told him what I wanted---- A no bells or whistles plain-jane 09 ranger ext cab with a V-6 for under $400 a month he came back with $395, told him OK we`ll be back after looking around...

    Next we went down the street to the mazda dealership told him what ford was offering and if he couldn`t beat it we were out of there... He came back with a loaded 08 mazda ext cab for $391 /month... needless to say I bought it and absolutely LOVE it... decent on gas compared to my van (roughly 450km per $60 fill up at 80 cents)

    I`d look into getting new... you get the new smell and don`t have to worry about getting something that someone bought and drove the hell out of...

    Good luck with whatever you decide



  6. wish I could find a pic of someone beating a dead horse





    here ya go....




    The stick man should be beating the horse but because I` m computer illiterate it`s not working as a gif. ???


    I tried :dunno:

    any ideas???





  7. I`ve tried it once and never noticed any difference... No-one caught anything that weekend with or without WD-40... :dunno:

    Personally I think there`s enough crap in the water with out adding anything else...




  8. Hi Arsenal.... I heading to Whitney this weekend and will be taking the same route as you.....

    I`ll be bringing my own worms and not really bothering with anything else but if I remember right

    Ellwood Epps sells live bait??? maybe someone can clarify this????

    I think it`s just past Orillia but I may be wrong??? There are a few places that advertise live bait on the way up but I can`t remember where they are exactly... Keep your eyes open and I `m sure you`ll hit a few on the stretch of highway between Barrie and Huntsville...

    I usually just use plastics...

    Good luck...



  9. Check out Toporama. Click on "view our topographic maps". You should be able to figure out the controls....http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/index.html



    I`ll second this site.... Not the most detailed but I can zoom right in on my Huntcamp and it`s pretty bang on



  10. In rememberance of the Near North Angling and Swlling Clan!


    Maybe someone will be there that can give an interesting history lesson on the beginning of the swill. I think I didn't have kids then and also didn't live 90 minutes from Bronte...DANG Most of the Swillers are gone now, off the board anyways. Gerritt will remember, we actually had a web-site and "secret hand shake". I beleive that was how Raf (BoostnAWD) became a member of the OFC.


    It was a long, long time ago. But I can still remember, the day....the muuuussssiiiicccc died.


    have a great time everyone.



    I was a member of the Near "North Angling and Swlling Clan"....

    I went to one of the first swills and sat by myself outside (in the smoking area) waiting for everyone to show up... :wacko:

    After 3 beers I left, only to find out everyone was inside drinking... (in my defence I thought there was a few smokers in the group and I would see them as they came outside for a smoke, didn`t happen :oops: ...)

    Should have maybe gone for a tour inside???

    Just not thinking that night... :huh:

    I`ll try to make it to this one.... I`ll wear my OFC hat... LOL



  11. Redfin.... Have you looked into using the spray foam???

    It might not be what your looking for but then again it might be just the thing ???

    Shake the hell out of the can, hold it upside down and let `er rip....

    The low expansion stuff should work, once it is dry you can trim off any excess with a sharp knife...

    Hope this helps



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