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Posts posted by Motorhead

  1. I`ll eat just about any fish I catch.... Not a big fan of carp or freshwater drum though, but have eaten them in the past...

    Usually just dip the fillets in egg and coat them in crushed "vegetable thins" crackers and fry them in butter in my cast iron fry-pan... tasty tasty....



  2. Urbanangler... I just let my girlfriend who is an RN read your post and she seconds Bigbuck`s diagnosis...


    GO SEE A DOCTOR !!!!


    It could be caused by the heat we`ve been having but why take any chances.... Go to a walk in clinic ASAP




  3. I was in Cubs, Scouts, and Ventures.... It is sad that kids nowadays don`t get more involved it this type of organization.. I thought it was a great idea to let the girls in , too bad they didn`t do it until I left...


    1st York all the way...



  4. I`m one of the lucky ones... I could roll around in the stuff all day and not so much as a scratch... Even rubbed it on my arm when a friend said it was impossible to not be allergic... Not that I`d want to try what Photoz did ... OUCH

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