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  1. Hey everyone! Just wanted to encourage everyone to get out tomorrow and support the Fishing For Tyler Event! I myself unfortunately can't make it...but have heard nothing but amazing things about it! I wish all who attend a great day and especially the organizers! Cheers Doug
  2. Hey Everyone; Where is this ice??? Man..I was out in my shorts today...what is that? Anyway, I was looking for a little help and hoped you might be able to point in the right direction. I am the organizer of PERCHIN FOR MS - Lake Simcoe's Premier Ice Fishing Event. What I am looking for is some help in regards to INSURANCE! We are looking to get an insurance policy for the event to cover liability and have been having no luck. Most companies don't seem to do this type of thing. I wondered if anyone on the board here did insurance or knows someone who does! I also have been working with ARGO to run a new contest this year at the event. We are 98% sure it is going to go...but could use the help of an insurance company for this aswell. For this part we are looking for companies that do insurance like the "hole in one" competitions. We want to run this contest to offer a $23 000 ARGO for the prize and need coverage. If anyone is able to assist...we would love to hear from you! WE ARE ALSO STILL LOOKING FOR ANY COMPANIES THAT WOULD LIKE TO PUT AN AD IN OUR BROCHURE. THIS WILL HELP COVER SOME OF THE COST OF RUNNING THIS EVENT AND HELP US PURCHASE MORE PRIZES! WE WILL BE PRINTING OVER 5000 BROCHURES AND WILL BE DISTRIBUTING ALL AROUND SIMCOE, GTA, MUSKOKA, HALIBURTON, AND REQUESTED AREAS...ASWELL WE WILL BE ATTENDING THE TORONTO SPRING FISHING SHOW THIS YEAR! ADS ARE $500 FOR LARGE, $300 FOR MEDIUM AND $150 FOR A SMALL. EMAIL ME IF INTERESTED PLEASE. [email protected] Cheers D
  3. How much for the hut??
  4. Hey Guys and Girls Anybody else ready for some Ice fishing?? I gotta say, I am so ready for it. This time of year is great for the hunting..but I do really enjoy some ice fishing. Just talking with a buddy...we were throwing out dates we thought we might have ice. We are near Simcoe...but always like to get around different areas! My prediction this year is that we will be able to get out on some of the smaller bodies on Dec. 23rd. Simcoe I say Dec 29th in Cooks! Gotta love first ice!! Anyone else got a guess!
  5. Wayne; As you have said...karma helps alot! As to does a positive attitude and a strong wil to keep up the fight! No one ever knows how one will deal with such news...but it sound like your daughter is a strong one and I only hope our prayers and strength also can assist. Keep your chin up, smile together, laugh together and kick its ASS! Doug
  6. Live your life today...tomorrow might not come!

  7. As always...lots of ideas and assumptions....but Fisherman is correct. MNR state that if you want to keep the black bear, woodland caribou, white-tailed deer, American elk, or moose, YOU SHALL report the acquisition immediately to the nearest MNR office. This can be as simple as calling the MNR and letting them know the details and where the animal is being kept. If a CO wants to come and inspect it, they might and you are then covered. If you don't want the deer and it is dead and not suffering, you can just leave it in the ditch. Usually someone else will come along shortly and claim it...or as stated a few times...Call another OFNer. As for Police. They cannot give you permission to have the deer, etc... even though they sometimes think they can. Always call the MNR and get the permit of reporting! You might need the Police though for the accident report if damage was done! Cheers!
  8. Thanks Fishlogic. Sounds like a few good places to check out. I am coming from the GTA area. As for fish...walleye / Pike would be great....with some bass if possible. No real set fish species we are after. Most trips seem to be pike, bass or walleye. thanks
  9. Hey Solo: Thanks for the reply. At this point, it sound like we are willing to drive. We are setting aside a day of driving if needed, but would prefer closer if something was pretty good! I also believe we are looking for something that supplies meals included if possible, but we have done several trips where we cook our own also. Just figure, if we are doing this...might as well do it right! Looking to catch lots of fish with the possibility of a trophy! Price...not sure what we are even talking yet. We aren't rich...but know the cost is going to be high. Thanks
  10. Those are amazing Fish! Way to be. Thanks for the set up also...I use a similar method for early season pike...but never had any luck with Musky!
  11. My buddies and our fathers do a fishing trip each summer, but would like to do a fly in next year. Just wondering if anyone has done one or any recommendations. Appreciate the advice.
  12. I have to agree the St. Croix's are great. I got a great one on Kijiji Toronto.
  13. Has anyone tried one of these? I have to agree it doesn't look like something for our waters...but hey...you never know!
  14. That sounds Good...you are making me hungry Frankie

  15. Just wondered if anyone had seen any results from the Salmon Derby on Lake ONtario? Always a well run event and some big fish...just seem to have taken a bit of a hit over the last couple years in overall size of fish!
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