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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. 11 hours ago, BillM said:

    This wasn't a terrorist attack.



    Just one twisted individual intent on killing.


    Terrorism gets thrown around too much, as does mentally Ill


    Ummmmm, if you kill people without a very very good reason obviously you are mentally ill.

    Thoughts and condolences to all those involved.

    And that police officer is one heck of a public defender.

  2. 54 minutes ago, moxie said:

    Maybe top 4-6 teams teams Max?  And that point that rewards  overtime losers , Be done with it. 

    Top 15 imo and get rid of overtime points all together. No reward for losing in OT


    First place gets a buy and doesn't play the first round

  3. Anyone in Canada hear what just happened in Saskatchewan?

    I've been through it twice. Break and enters that is. Did I reach for a gun? No. I reached for a bat. Guess who's in jail? It isn't me.

    You CAN defend your family and property with deadly force if absolutely necessary. But that has it's own set of laws as well. Like if the perp is subdued, you cannot just beat him to death. Once neutralized legally you must stop. 

    See a guy steal your car? Can't do nothing legally to stop him. Its the law. If a guy enters illegally and presents a firearm, you have every right to shoot, legally. 

    OI, this gets to the point I addressed earlier and perhaps you missed it or I worded it wrong. In a b&e your not likely to reach for a gun. Why? Exactly as you stated. By the time you get your gun you might already be dead. The laws in place make it highly unlikely and unpractical to try to get your gun. Thus a bat or knife or something will hopefully suffice.

    I prefer the bat, because subbing the perp is my goal. I don't wanna ever deal with blood on my hands(legally or illegally)

  4. Just now, Canuck said:

    To keep it

    Agree to disagree on the 22 vs AR-15.  Have shot both.  They are different.  None of those deaths I talked about could have been done with a 22.  


    Totally agree on that point about keeping this Canadian.  

    As hunters and gun owners, we need to be very vigilant about not letting our politicians overreact to fix problems we don't have in Canada.  Clearly from the start of this post, it is happening.  I am a member of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters.  Hopefully it will rally the troops and get talking to politicians.  We need to get on top of this and keep the US insanity from giving the anti-gun anti-hunting urban lobby groups from taking advantage.




  5. Oi. It's clear you didn't read my post on page one. I addressed that issue(property defense).

    And yes you definitely defend your property/family with deadly force iIF you are met with deadly force.

    Obviously you don't just start shooting people unless it's necessary to protect yourself from an armed assailant

  6. Just now, Canuck said:

    To say an AR-15 is nothing more than a mean 22 is horse-$crap.  Tell that to the parents of the kids in Florida (he used an AR-15).  Tell that to the parents of the kids from Sandy Hook (killed mostly with a Bushmaster version of AR-15) or the relatives of Vegas victims (shooter had AR-15s and that was the weapon used with the bump stocks to give near automatic rifle performance.  

    You can hunt in the US with an AR-15.  You can hunt in many, maybe most states with an AR-15 with a 30 round clip.   (which you would need in order to bring down anything of any size).   I swear that the reason some states allow hunting with AR type guns is to prevent any attempt at banning ARs but not hunting weapons.  Call it a hunting weapon and it is all ok, right?

    He Canadian's, the f-ed up lack of gun laws in the US is going to cause us problems in Canada (by overreaction to solve a problem we don't have in Canada).  What will prevent it best, is rational gun laws in the US that bring their gun death stats down in line with the rest of the civilized world.  But that won't happen.

    It is total crap. Ever shoot an ar15? It is exactly a mean looking .22

    If I'm bird hunting and have the choice, I'll just use a .22 or a 4/10 anyway over the AR.

    BUT I'm not gonna be pissed at a guy hunting with an AR. WHY? BECAUSE IT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH ME.

    bump stocks etc are a totally different aspect

    Again, let's keep this Canadian. The topic is Canadian, not US gun related laws etc

  7. 4 hours ago, akaShag said:

    That's crazy - Rainy River has open water and Kingston still has ice.  I was out on 11 inches of water yesterday and caught a bunch of beautiful perch.  Fresh pan-fried perch for supper, YUM YUM!

    4 hours ago, akaShag said:

    That's crazy - Rainy River has open water and Kingston still has ice.  I was out on 11 inches of water yesterday and caught a bunch of beautiful perch.  Fresh pan-fried perch for supper, YUM YUM!

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