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About getnjiggywithit

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  1. The sport is alive and well! Here is a clip of my brother from last year!
  2. Back in 2005 the boat was rated for 115hp! In 2006 the rateing changed to 90HP! 75,90,115 All weigh around the same as they use the same block!
  3. The 150opti is on a fishhawk 1850 next to a 9.9 prokicker! completly differant boat!
  4. This might help you out http://www.mercurymarine.com/look_deeper/boat_house_bulletin.php?ID=436&SortBy=Title&Section=outboardChecks&fourStroke2515=9&fourStroke2530=10&fourStroke4060=11&fourStroke75115=12&hp5090150efi=20 [url/] My 2005 1650 sportangler originally came with a merc 75 four stroke and the boat did 42mph I swapped the 75 for a 115 and only gained only 5-7mph Both the 75 and 115 use the same block! I now have the 150 optimax and kinda wish i'd bought a fourstroke! hope it helps
  5. I had a sportfish 1650 with a 115 efi fourstroke that worked well! It planed out perfectly tones of bowlift and a nice dry ride! The boat with two guys loaded with gear would do 47mph with a regular aluminum prop! I now have a fishhawk 1850 with a 150 optimax and have a problem with it! The problem is when I'm on plane I can't get any bow lift. As soon as I tried to trim out the prop would blow out of the water! So the dealer tried lowering the engine and it was better but not even close the where it should be! Over the summer I tried differant props and engine hieghts and was never able to get it to run properly. I should also mention that I get wet from the spray every time out! I put a straight edge on the bottom of the hull and lets just say it wasn't straight! The boat has been sent back to the factory so they can figure out the problem! This is a pic of the boat trimmed out at WOT A tip for anyone buying a welded boat! Bring a 3-4foot straight edge with you and make sure the hull is straight before you buy!
  6. I had the same issues with the hard covers. This is what I use! It's a soft top but folds in 3 comes on and off in less than a minute and No hardware!!! Best of all it only cost me like $400 and installed it myself in the parking lot in less than 2mins! http://extang.com/docs/trifecta.html I should also add that it is totally waterproof !
  7. I got a few pics to share from last fall! Ive always caught them by accident while fishing for something else. It was the first year that I started to get serious about musky fishing! This is one I got on a crappie jig on 3lbs line
  8. I have been useing a normark with the husqvarna engine for the last 6 years and love it! Hands down the best auger ive owned or even used! It's quiet, has lots of power, spins a 10inch bit and weighs less than 20lbs! but it's not cheep! I purchased new blades for it last year but have yet to installed them! I easily cut 3000-5000 holes per year with this machine and still useing the original blades!
  9. I know a few people that own cottages on Bells lake. I know that the lake was stocked with brookies at one point, but at some point bass got introduced and the trout are rare... and the bass are fat!
  10. This is one I got first ice on a buckshot
  11. I was wondering where you get the upto date photo's ? Very usefull info...
  12. Nice looking reel! I bet it's light! The foot looks interesting does it swivel? I saw a pin a while back where the whole reel swiveled 90 degrees and the reel could be casted like a spinning reel and then swiveled back to work like a regular center pin!
  13. The P means it's a car tire and the LT stands for light truck!
  14. I went out for a few hours tonight and hooked into my new PB muskie! pulled this little bugger off of his head Release shot you can see the mark from the lampry
  15. I read that post and the guy wasn't complaning about the noise he wants to sell them because he thinks they are heavy! E rated is a bit much for a little jeep! Ive been looking at these tires for a little while now and although they don't make it in the size I want they look good! I want something with an agressive tread yet not too loud on the hwy! So far the best tire ive found thats aggresive and not too loud is a BF AT! There are plenty of tires out there that are quiet but they suck offroad! I found the BF at to be a nice balance!
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