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About seaman

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  1. You think????? LOL
  2. I Love Slot Sizing!!! Personally I would of put that fish back, slot size or no slot size in the area...A little big for me personally to eat...but great fish, and great release!! On a side note, in my studdies of Walleye, I have read that any larger size fish would be a female, I rarely keep any walleye over 17 inches, brecause of this! True???....Good job Bud!!!
  3. B..B...B...B....B....B.....B...B...B..B.OOOOOOOOOOOTTTT!!!! What a Nasty Looking fish!!LOL The real question here Miller is......Did you eat that ugly thing???
  4. Thing is......the way i see it we are encouraging this behavior.......every day there are posts on this site from people "snagging", "flossing", "catching" salmon in rivers, creeks, drainage ditches?......and they recieve a "Nice Fish", or "Good Day of Fishing" comment...........Someone please tell them that Salmon dont bite marshamllows, let alone anything when they come into creeks. They have one thing on thier mind!! And its not "Im Hungry" lol My rant!! Bottom line....If you want to challenge yourself, and try and "catch" a salmon, hit the local pier and chuck lures, it may take 1000 casts, but you may just get one?
  6. Amazing Report...My Girl is 11, and it seems like we went fishing for the first time yesterday.....I would say "cherish the moments while you can" as they grow up soooooo fast, but you already have that covered!! My Uncle used to say "A family that fishes together, stays together" Good on you!! Thanks, for a great read!!!
  7. Fantastic Report!!!! +1
  8. Exactly!! lol
  9. Grand river would of been good enough........no? My 2
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