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About mdej

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  1. I really need to get one of those offset seat posts. That would have my long legs from cramping when running the trolling motor all day.
  2. I agree tie directly to the leader. Be aware however that if you set the hook into a log, you won't be able to pull the line till it breaks. Get as close as you can to the lure then pull out your knife, reach into the water with tension on the like and cut the braid.
  3. Yes the police presence is large. I'm by the Royal York and police in riot gear everywhere. However my understanding is the human chain that was to span the downtown core was called off earlier this morning buy the organizers. Looking out my window now all I see it some police and Timmy's cups, not a protester in site. In fact a very nice day downtown! Not sure about the Queens Park area.
  4. I've been very happy with both my 1 piece and 2 piece Bass Pro Extreme rods. And they are in that price range as well.
  5. Never say Never
  6. I don't have a chance vs level 10. But I did it anyway just for the experience. http://azx3232.mybrute.com
  7. Please tell me thats a typo 1400... if not WHOA I would not wake up the next day after the wife say that one.
  8. The painful part is trying to remember to do it. Then having to run around once you do figure it out. I get limited time out fishing these days so the last thing I want to do when I get to the cottage if find a place on a SAT or SUN to get my boat papers in order. In fact if its free I would prefer to do it every couple years. That way I remember.
  9. I usually tie mine at home as well. But never thought of the loop concept. I'm gonna give that a try.
  10. My main concern would be the next steps. Every 10yrs having to re-register seems a little painful but if that is the limit its fine. I would worry that we would soon have a drive clean for boats. Or every 10yrs it would need to be inspected by a certified boat mechanic. Not that I'm concerned about the result of the inspection I'm more worried about the cost of having it done. Or the time spent as we all know how busy boat mechanics are in during the boating season. And I for one would have to have my inspection done during that time. I don't get why they just don't classify Seadoos and Jet Ski's into a category and then they can create rules that just apply to them.
  11. I'm with Seaweed. I use fitovers as well. I have 3 pairs. One in the boat and one in the truck and car. I think that you can get them for like 20-25$ at lebarons and in person at BassPro. I use the large size. After a long day on the water they can get uncomfortable on the nose but thats a compromise I'm willing to make for convenience and cost. I don't think they work as well as real polarized len's in higher end products. But when you wear glasses these are a great choice.
  12. I'm in Mississauga. Thanks for all the replies guys. I think I'm good now.
  13. I'm having a hard time finding a retailer in the GTA west that sells interstate marine batteries. Anyone know who out in west end sells these? Thanks in advance
  14. Two things come to mind.... If it tastes like trout... get out!!!!! And seriously, who wants to be known as Miss Crappy?
  15. You would think they would have done these studies prior to rezoning everything.
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