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Mike the Pike

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Posts posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Now you did it Lew .Maybe you won't get another storm down south 500kms but I know we will get at least one more here in Montreal.


    I was lookin at the snowblower today in the garage .I wanted to put her away in the garden shed but I know mother nature will most likely give us one more snow fall and NOW my friend I know I can blame it on you :P

  2. Fish pictures are the true test of any camera Brian!!!


    Ya Brian we miss those bass reports man.Please go fishing with Rob so you can use that camera.


    Question is will you be getting a boat again some time soon.I don't think you would like the slow speed of Rob's boat or my boat I think once you have a bass boat you will want to go back to speed.


    well our MPH would be boring to you.


    Anyhoo love to see those fishin reports again with the new camera.So what did you buy????

  3. So like I said Jacques my wife and I went nature walking this Morning......



    Was surprised to see Canada geese in the creek leading to the Lake you were fishing.......









    In the field just over the hill from were you where there was plenty of deer..... :worthy:







    But here's a pic of the strangest animal of the Day... :dunno: :dunno:







    :P:lol: :lol:



    Too bad poor Paul wasn't aloud out to play with Jacques :whistling::P



    Too bad poor Paul wasn't aloud out to play with Jacques :whistling::P



    Thats the way to get rid of the skunk Jacques go fishing while others go................

  4. I like those Kershaw knives Jacques!


    I have an old "exchange-a-blade" Kershaw has a fillet blade, a meat cutting blade, and a saw blade.


    I'm not really sure if Mike has anything to worry about.. he has to catch a fish before he can even start to worry about cleaning it! ;)


    ... but it is better to be ready if the moment should ever arrive!


    I know one think Glen I will eat Walleye before you this year.







  5. thanks for the info.I have imported 2 boats but have never imported from a state that has no title.Just wondering how it worked for the trailer as well.notorized bill of sale is good enough? Boat is coming from alabama




    Oh my God you bought GCD's boat The Red Neck finally came to his senses and bought a TILLER boat :canadian::P

  6. Yes Bruce it was a beauty day and had a great time. Did you go out last Sunday??




    Not sure what you mean about that :lol: Didn't have time to check :lol:




    Cliff from all the years I've been ice fishing, never heard the ice make so much commotion as today. I tell ya at some point I thought there was seismic activity going on :w00t: The noise sounded like a tree being hit by lightning and falling down and this is not exaggerating.... Once I had the car off the ice, I did not worry too much cause there was a good 20" of ice.


    Jacques it may be the Lochness Monster of the Ottawa River.

  7. Mike, like Billm said that little gizmo is for getting the edge back on your knife blade..... If it does not, I suggest you bye another. I've had the plastic V sharpener for the longest time and when it's time for filleting, a couple of pass and I'm good to go.


    How old's your knife anyway??



    Jacques my knife is 6 yrs old its the big rapala with a wooden handle I also have a little 4 inch model for trout and perch.


    I don't use much only for Dore .Most of my fishing is catch and release.


    I replaced the rapala sharperner and the new one has no effect.Perhaps my knife is too far gone or it needs to be sharpened by a professional.

  8. Ok folks I need to know if someone has purchased a good system for sharpening the good old filet knife.


    The old fashioned sharpening stone does not work for me I know I am not doing it right I seem to make it worse.


    That little piece of crap that comes with the Rapala is only good for the plastic recycling bin.


    I bought this hand held unit that looks like a set of brass knuckles it worked nicely for a year and a half and that too also wore out.


    So I don't mind paying a little more but I want something that sharpens my knife so I can sizzle thorugh those filets.


    BTW I have the electric Rapala knife which is amazing and I do love it but sometimes its not worth it to take it out for a couple of fish.


    :dunno: Mike

  9. Cliff next time don't discuss Plan D..... go for Plan E and bring some sandwiches along so that you don't have to go back home early ;):lol:


    Again great job you guys!!



    Nice fishy Cliff I don't understand you could have had lunch cause your lunch box is stuck to you chest :lol:

  10. Great report Emile.Nice fo you to lend a helping hand to someone in need may have been 30 whities had you not been distracted.


    Sounds like an agressive dude from the MNR.Unfortunately someone else may have been caught this way so you had to pay for the bad asses.


    I sure would not like someone going through my vehicle.


    If they want to be that agressive its high time to look at folks over filling the white buckets on the piers where is the MNR for that :dunno:

  11. Great stuff! I'm heading out for one last stab at Simcoe tomorrow! Hoping to catch at least one fish through the ice this year!


    Cliff bring a chainsaw cut a 4 X 4 hole and voila no problem pulling the fish through the ice.


    I am counting on you to be successful saturday I feel it .Your time has come now break a leg :canadian:


    Nice whities Mr Bob

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