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Everything posted by brewster

  1. Fins It's always a good idea to change the impeller after a motor has been sitting, or even if you don't know the last time it was changed. The second thing is to change the oil in the foot this can save you lots of money in the long run the oil is only about 6 bucks and the impeller is relativly cheap. You can find any nuber of web sites that will explain how these proceedures are done and they are quite simple. Rather be safe that sorry also it can be a long row back to the dock. The fun is just beginning!!!
  2. Yep! Them little beggars are makin' their annual appearence round here this week. If you're not fast enough they'll carry you off while runnin' from the car to the house!!! We are firm belivers of the bug suit and don't forget the hat if you want to do any gardening stuff. They can still get pretty warm when you are working. The best thing is to pray for a nice breeze to keep them away.
  3. Misfish Congrats on the 25th, guess she's a keeper!! Something tells me you got something special for her too!!
  4. love2fish That's cold, but i like the strategy!!! I used your strategy when I wanted a new trolling motor and when I upgraded the sonar and purchased the downriggers........etc. When she gives me "heat" I use the excuse "What good is having a boat if ya can't enjoy it!" My kids are all growed up, so it can get pretty lonely in the house in the winter. With smaller ticket items the heat only lasts a cou[le of days!! The things we put up with, man I gotta tell ya!!!
  5. When i bought mine, i started out lookin' for a 14' with a 25hp. The Misses was up for the purchase so I took her to the boat show....... We were sitting in the 14 with a huge smile on my face and she said "I can't get comfortable in this" then she looked over and said "How about that one?" Well folks, it's been a few years and a whack of payments but I love my V-170 60hp and yes I do dream about that really nice 20' with the 200hp, but the payments kinda burst the bubble, if ya know what I mean! It took a few years and a bunch more cash to set it up with all the toys and when i think about it, it's now custom made for the way I fish. Funny thing is I'm out every weekend from May to December and the Wife goes in the boat maybe twice a year. So remember guys, if yer Wife likes ta shop, you gotta take her to the right stores!!! Come on snow, MELT!!!!!!!!
  6. You're gonna love it!! Got mine a few years back and love every minute of havin' mine
  7. Mike If you and the family like Sandbanks, then can I suggest Bonnechere Provincial Park. I went there with my wife last year. We both loved it. It's got on the river campsites, a beach, showers etc. and just a few short hours from Montreal. Fishing wasn't that great but still a nice place to be. Brewster
  8. Hey Steelcat I did the same thing today but in downtown Montreal in the Old Port. Took a thermos of coffee and brought my folding chair. Who a thunk i'd be shore fishin' in Juneuarey!!!! managed to catch 5 perch and 2 walleye. 3 of the perch were fat porkers bigger than the walleye. Met a couple of guys and had a great day. Ya gotta love it!!
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