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About Tacklebuster

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  1. could have been this or that, maybe even a beaver. If you don't have one of those rod holders then loosen the drag so that any fish can peel off line, hence leaving your rod where it belongs. Just an idea
  2. There is a public beach in Keswick that you can use to access the lake. There are several actually. Just drive along lake shore rd. or whatever the road is called that runs along the lake shore and you will notice them. They are scattered all around the lake, and some of them even have parking.
  3. I went to the Streetsville dam today with the kids (its been at least 30 yrs since I've been down there), and discovered that you can't get to the fish ladder because there is a gate and of course its locked. I suppose it is only accessible by the ministry or people of CRAA who run the ladder.
  4. I want to take the kids to see the fish ladder on the Credit. I was there many years ago as a kid and I remember what a fantastic sight it was seeing the salmon jump up the ladder. I am hoping someone can give me some directions to this place, many thanks.
  5. Fishing excursions have been far a few between lately so its been a while since I have had a post. Hopefuly with your guys/gals help I will have one in August. I am going to be heading up to Bracebridge for a week with the family to hook up with some longtime friends at cottage on the Muskoka river. Having looked at it on Google, I am wondering if its worthwhile bringing the boat. I have a 17' Lund so I have some concerns about how navigable the waterway is, water hazards, and where to launch? It looks more like the type of river you might just be better off in a canoe or a tinner. I don't mind taking the boat and making a day trip to one of the nearby lakes. I guess the question would be which one? Also, does anyone know which species are in the Muskoka River? I know these things are not shared easily, but if anyone is willing, I would really like give the kids a bit of a day trip adventure to some backwoods type of location with the canoe...I don't have a 4 wheeler though, just my Explorer. Thanks, and please feel free to pm me.
  6. Holy! 150' down on the riggers, wow. I think the deepest I ever set the riggers was 110' in mid summer, any further I would have to use my anchor line. Congrats, on your catch.
  7. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think you need a deep cycle battery as your starter, that would perhaps explain the differences you were mentioning. I also don't think the alternator in your motor was designed for charging a deep cycle battery. I would just get a regular marine starting battery, keep it charged when in storage and you should have no problem for the next 10 years.
  8. I am not even sure if they are still in business. They also may be operating under a new name since they were sold several years ago. If anyone has any info or a number it would be much appreciated since I would like to launch my boat there.
  9. Every now and then I trick myself into believing that the small ones are going to taste good. Especially in the spring when the water is nice and cold, because for some reason they should be less contaminated and should taste better. So last year I reminded myself why I never keep anything I catch out of L.O.....they simply taste like crap. I just had a small laker from Simcoe that I cooked on the BBQ, and it was fantastic. The summer is the worst time to eat any trout or salmon out of L.O. becuase of the flees. Anyone who has had them on there line know the smell, and it gets into the meat, Nasty is all I can say. Have fun catching them, but throw them back its not worth the trouble. I would be interested in hearing about how the trout taste from GB or Huron.
  10. the more partners the more problems. In addition to what has already been mentioned, you need a pre-arranged arbitrator (perhaps a lawyer) in the event there is any disagreement that can't be settled amongst yourselves, such as the value of the property in the event one of the parties wants out. Is the share transferable in the event one of the partners dies?, etc. etc.
  11. One of the very few reasons to use Bell, they have the services to deal with these situations. Call them up and ask for a number blocking service/feature. They also have a feature that you can manually block individual numbers yourself, or block numbers that don't have call detail information, and pre-screen callers without call detail information before the call gets through to you. Anyhow they have an array of feature or services to deal with this, mind you it will cost you, but its not a lot and well worth it if it bothers you enough.
  12. that is one very cool looking fish.
  13. Another fine treat provided by you. The pics of Thunderhouse Falls and Hell Gate are amazing. The first explorers must have been sh*@!$ their pants when they first saw that.
  14. Yummmmmmmmm, 2lb. crappy
  15. Great catch, I think your reef hawg needs a paint job. Is that lead wrapped around your front trebble?
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