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About ravinerat

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    Lake Simcoe Ont.

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  1. Can you show a better pic of your motor mount? I had a motor on my old Mad River canoe. I have a new canoe and looking at different ways to mount a trolling motor. My canoe used to motor right along with the trolling motor. RR
  2. no electric brakes if it is only a 4 pin. There may be serge brakes which work off the trailer hitch. Bearing buddies are pretty common. CT or Royal Dist should have them. RR
  3. Oops. Sorry some of the larger tent trailers may have portable holding tank. Usually it is just the hook up the hose on the outside and run it into something. RR
  4. Congrats on your Jayco. We have a 8' tent trailer and love it. One thing on the bearings. If it doesn't have bearing buddies then throw some on. They are about $30 and well worth it. Get some Ply wood cut to the size of the tires and lean it against the tires when parked. It will keep the sun light off the tires and the hubs from heating up too much in the summer. The sun will melt the grease out of the outside bearings. Just check them before trailering. See where the spring is which pushes the plate in to push the grease in (bearing buddies). Bearings are pretty easy to do once you have seen it done. The smaller trailers don't usually have a holding tank for gray water. You can get a 5 gal jug which looks like a colapseable water jug to let it run into. You'll have to do something with it after though. Maybe pick up a solar charger for the battery. Mine (battery) will last about 18 hrs if only running the fridge. I haven't had much luck with the solar chargers. If your leaving the trailer there parked make sure you don't leave any food in it. You can also lay Bounce sheets in it to keep the mice out but I haven't used this yet. My brother does this when storing his. As you start to use it you'll find what you need extra of and what you can leave at home. A 12v pump for tires is an assett too. RR
  5. The lake is firmming up great. Atv's were traveling around effortlessly and walkers weren't even sinking. There was some slush here and there but nothing like on Mon. RR
  6. Sorry if you have read this on other boards but I feel it is important. If a sled or ATV hits this at night they won't fare well. Headed up through BBP on my way out to the main lake today on my sled. The new hut operator at the point has ploughed a road which has flooded. It is 36" deep and 8' wide filled with 2' of water.It is impassable on foot. You can pick it up as you come apon it and he has some sticks but it is not enough. I came to the edge and slowly entered the trough. As my skis came down I broke through the ice and was in two feet of water. My exaust was underwater and water was comming through my nose cone into the belly. I tried several times to climb out but the slick ice under the water and the steep bullet proof banks kept me in. I was worried the sled would stall but kept it running. I ended up driving down the trough to shore breaking 1" ice all the way. Man this thing is a liability. To get around it on sled or ATV you need to travel on the outside of the huts. RR
  7. Wow great pics. I want to come fish with you. Great sized fish. RR
  8. I sure was glad I had my Baffin Rubber boots on. I was in water all day. It is kind of neat not being able to see shore(s)at time. The fog liftted by the time I headed home. I've seen a few auger racks like mine now. Guess I came up with a good desgin. RR
  9. Now that's two great days on the ice Collin. Teh herring have driven me away form the Point. The slush was really bad today. Enjoy your birthday on the ice. RR
  10. I made the auger rack after about 2 years and one dream thinking about it. I have no fabrication skills and used a dremil and a drill. It worked out pretty good but would probally change a few things. It is held on by three pins so it comes off pretty fast for storage. RR
  11. Well This is my only day off after working the weekend so I decided to hit Simcoe for a relaxing day of Whities. I left the south shore of Kemp Bay heading toward the North East end of the lake. The going was tough. The whole lakes seems to be one big slush bed instead of the smaller pools of a week a go. Visibility was poor at best and I got turned around a few times. Why bring a GPS if your going to doubt it. I always had to double check with my compass. My fishtrap seemed to gather up all the slush it could and added another 50 lbs to my load. I almost got stuck a few times and bogging down was a real pain. Finally got to where I wanted to be around 1030 hr. Marked lots of fish but no takers. Just around noon the fishing picked up and was non stop till around 2 pm. A green bad boyz seemed to do the job today. Just bouncing it off bottom then a lift of a foot and they’d smash it. I decided I didn’t want to run the lake back to Barrie since I was using more gas in the slush so I headed to the Oro shore line. I caught the rail trail around the 12 line and ran it back. It sure was a lot easier on me and my Tundra. Not a bad day off at all. RR
  12. Sure looks like a great day on Simcoe. Some great smiles in the pics. RR
  13. Well the issues of the divers is a tough one. This is what one of the councilors told me. The divers who were there numerous weekends parking everywhere including as far as they could get on the dock. This blocks fire as they use the dock to get water for fires at the point. This is summer I'm talking. They were telling local kids who swim at the dock they couldn't swim there. Boaters were turned away from using the dock. Town council held a meeting to figure out what to do about the esclating situation with the residents. I believe that the divers are now going to have to purchase a special events permit from the town to proceed with their dives. The no parking signs were erected to help inforce this. RR
  14. Try targeting the Chamber of Commerce. They are the busniess people of the town who are loosing money from tourist dollars. If enough of them complain to council maybe they will have to listen. Every season people send letters in and get answered by a person who still gets a pay cheque regardless of the results. Just a thought. RR
  15. I am working night shifts but will try to make it. A great event. RR
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