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Posts posted by taper

  1. Headed to my local tackle shop on Saturday to look at a rod and reel for Pike. Originally I was looking for a round style bait caster but after talking to the owner and telling him what I wanted it for ( 95% casting) he recommended a low profile version. I made a final decision on the Quantum Accurist 501PT left hander.Then off to the rod rack where I finally decided on a Quantum PT 6 foot 10 inch heavy action 1 piece rod. As you can see I was impressed by the Quantum line up. After making those decisions I got to browsing and remembered a couple weeks earlier I had bought a new Quantum PT 6 foot med/ heavy 1 piece for jerk baits and was undecided about buying a new reel to go with it or using one of my old reels. Well the urge over took me and I picked up a Shimano Solstice 1000RH. I was looking really hard at the new Quantum PT spinning reels with the holographic looking metal finish but they don't sell a rear drag model in North America ( i was told you can get them in Europe ). I had a chance to try them all out on Sunday down at Long Point and was very impressed so far. Just don't tell my wife what they cost she'll kill me. :whistling:






  2. I am not sure if it is province wide or just here in the London area but it is earth week. There is a great young girl at my work who has taken the time for each of the last 3 years to organize a clean up of roughly a 1 mile stretch of a local stream. The stream runs through a park and splash pad and gets a lot of traffic. This is the first year that I could go and help make a difference. There were about 50 people that made it out, all employees and there families. I would say we had from ages 2 to 55 covered. It only took about 2 hours to clean up and then the London sanitation department will come by and pick up the garbage. One of the employees offered to pick up all the metal and recycle it rather than seeing it go to landfill. We managed to find a lot of trash along with a Knife, hypodermic needle, 1 car tire, 3 truck tires and 4 or 5 shopping carts. When we were all done it was noticeably different then when we started. Here are a couple of quick pics I took, there not the best but it gives you an idea of how much junk we found.





  3. I agree with all of the discussion at points. Down here in Southwestern Ontario there are not a lot of good walleye waters without a bit of a drive. I do enjoy eating fish through the year, so I like to bring home a few when we go because I only go for walleye 2 or 3 times a year. I just had a nice feed on Tuesday and was glad it was in the freezer. I think thats the last of it. I by no means keep every fish I catch but I don't want to see the limits cut unless the ministry deems it necessary to save our stocks and I will abide by what ever limit they impose.. I think the true ambassadors of our sport can keep a few and not hurt the stocks, if you lowered the limits the guys that take huge numbers probably wouldn't even think about going over the limit any ways.

  4. I am going to look at a new rod and reel tonight. Mainly for pike but want it to be able to handle musky as well, so I am looking for a baitcaster. I don't do a lot of trolling mainly casting. I really like power pro but this is my first baitcaster so I am wondering if I should stick with mono until I get the hang of it. What do you guys recommend.

  5. I use the Offshore boards with updated clips (OR18) and the tattle tale flag kits. These clips are supposed to work well with braid but I have not tried them yet with braid. What are the advantages of braid for Dipsy use.

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