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About JamieM

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. I've used Grangers...not sure of their number though. Last year was 40 per and they provide transport, wood and bait. Search the forums here: http://www.longpoint.on.ca/forum/
  2. I've been there during the summer - great owners.
  3. I second mount pleasant. The water is really clear so the kids will have a chance to see some of the cruising bass.
  4. northern
  5. I just looked at this again. Are you referring to the plastic corrugated pipe in the first picture?
  6. It could be that it is simply a drainage ditch from fields, which it looks like to me. I don't know where that is but several areas of ontario had a lot of rain. I doubt its a sewage runoff...that would be a hell of a lot toilets flushing to produce that much water It could just contain what was on the field (pesticides, herbicides), which will turn the plants red and yellow. The local conservation authority will know what to do.
  7. check this video out!
  8. Your last line sums it up well. Mountain streams (or the Canadian Shield) have very low levels of base nutrients that are key to organic life (nitrogen, phosphorous). In northern ontario and mountain streams the nutrients in the system are generally really low and thus prevents significant organic growth (bacteria). The grand river has more than enough nutrients to go around. There are several sources: dams, farming - runoff from animal waste and fertilizers, urban runoff...many more. This nutrient loading and the high temperatures of the grand river are ideal conditions for bacteria - yum yum. The problem with the bacteria is they reduce the level of dissolved oxygen making the river have less than ideal conditions for a lot fish. I know for a fact that the effluent water from the Waterloo wastewater treatment plant has either the same water quality or better than the immediately upstream portion of the grand river during the summer months. Basically the Grand River is bad news bears in the summer months. Cheers. This link may help http://www.grandriver.ca/index/document.cfm?Sec=67&Sub1=2&Sub2=4
  9. #4 here is a link for sunrise/sunset times. Bass will bite at all hours of the day. http://www.sunrisesunset.com/calendar.asp?comb_city_info=Toronto,%20Ontario;79.5;43.5;-5;1&month=6&year=2010&time_type=0
  10. That's funny, that is also the first thing I noticed....I'm enviro '09, waterloo
  11. Haha. I'm up North all weekend so a good purge would be perfect for myself. Scrape all the algae out to erie. haha
  12. http://www.lakemichiganangler.com/tips/general/how_to_make_salted_minnows.htm Never tried this, but seems like a good idea.
  13. I hear ya, I've fished in Waterloo a few times and I would never have guessed that it's the same river.
  14. This park was excellent from a camping perspective, but sadly not much to report on the fishing end. A lone OOS smallmouth. Marked fish off shoals on 30-40'. Jigged white tubes and grubs, spoons...not even a sniff. Fishing aside, it was a great weekend.
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