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Everything posted by Canadave

  1. I can`t think of anything more boring than watching a bunch of guys I don`t even know slapping a piece of rubber around to see who can get it into the net the most times.
  2. Getting rid of Assad could have the same result as getting rid of Gadhafi where now Libya is a total mess with ISIS making big gains there. At the time Gadhafi was a small problem if a problem at all. He had cancelled all his expansionist ambitions and was actually helping the U.S. with intelligence. As bad as Libya was by western standards it would have been on the short list of places to live in the ME then but not now. No surprise that Hillary bombed and killed him without Congressional approval and laughed about it on camera. She now condemns Bush for Iraq who did have Congressional approval and with her's at the time. Hypocrite thy name is Hillary.
  3. akrisner .... OOPS!!! I meant Russia is supporting the government of Assad against the rebels who want to overthrow him.
  4. AKRISNER ... Powerful countries have many times supported other allied countries when rebels want to overthrow them. In this case Russia is supporting rebels that would likely replace Assad with Islamic lunatics. I doubt if Russia is intentionally bombing civilians when they're fighting the rebels. In war civilian casualties often outnumber military fighters. No one can win. If Assad wins he'll be a powerful supporter of Iran and Russia. If he loses religious lunatics will take over and become supporters of Iran and Russia.
  5. Old Ironmaker ... As it turns out I PVRd that 60 minutes show and watched it yesterday. If in fact the only nuclear secrets he passed along was that drawing, they sure would have passed along everything that was necessary to develop the bomb if they had it. The more important point is that they were leaders and recruiters for a very successful Soviet spy cell that passed along military secrets and were so devoted to the psychopathic mass murderer Stalin that he could have saved his wife's life and prevented his children from becoming parentless but he didn't. When you read the book you'll be sickened by the extent of the corruption and infiltration that went right up to the White House and that it's likely that even the Secretary of the Treasury at the time was a mole.
  6. manitoubass2 It's scary that a total fraud like Obama was elected twice and a pathological incompetent liar and power monger like Hilary will likely be the next Prez. Joe Biden is nothing less than a clown and he made it to the number 2 position. John Kerry is also a narcissistic con artist and could have been court-martialled for incompetence. He was hated by the men under him (read the Swift Boaters) when he as a 90-day wonder commanded a swift boat in Vietnam. He recommended himself for two purple hearts for scratches that wouldn't require a Band-Aid. I'm old enough to remember him making a speech as an anti-war demonstrator, accusing the American troops of being war criminals. The head of the Romanian KGB who defected to the U.S. in 1979 stated that that lie was created by the KGB of the Soviet Union and there was Kerry being their useful idiot mouth piece and he made it to Secretary of State.
  7. Old Iron Maker .. I hope you do read that book. I fortunately came across it accidently in a thrift store in Alabama two winters ago. The information is highly researched and documented. The Rosenbergs gave atomic information to history's second greatest mass murderer Joseph Stalin which enabled the U'S.S.R. to develop the atomic bomb. That being the case I hope they were slow roasted in the electric chair. What's very scary is that Robert Oppenheimer, the head of the Manhatten project was also likely passing on nuclear secrets to Stalin. Soviet moles in the American government at the time were estimated at over 300 and the State department was the most extensively infiltrated. I checked it out for you and it's available on Amazon for $1.26 plus $3.99 shipping. If you do get it let me know what you think.
  8. That's weird ... bull keeps coming up as bull
  9. " It was probably something like Hilary and Obama should be strung up, drawn and quartered and bull upon". I meant bull upon
  10. ckeyley ... This'll keep ya busy for a while. Fool Me Twice Culture of Corruption Red Army Courting Disaster The Amateur The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama Obama Zombies The Manchurian President The Case Against Barack Obama Deconstructing Obama No He Can't Conduct Unbecoming Crimes Against Liberty Obama's America No Higher Power Shadow Warrior Judicial Watch (This one will make you want to start a revolution and string up Obama) Treason ( One of a few by Ann Coulter that talks about Obama) I had a few more that I have since given away but I can't remember the titles. It was probably something like Hilary and Obama should be strung up, drawn and quartered and bull upon. Books on the Clintons Hell to Pay Clinton's Secret Wars The Final Days Legacy Because He Can Hilary' Hilary's Secret Wars The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy ... Dossier on Hilary Clinton One of my favourites on a different subject (Senator Joe McCarthy) is: Blacklisted by History This is a 600 pager on how not only has it since been proven that Joe McCarthy was a great American patriot but he was totally innocent of charges against him and the infiltration of the American government was far worse than he claimed. Since the end of the Cold War, KGB records and records from the Venona Project, a CIA counter-espionage project at the time of McCarthy proved that every name McCarthy mentioned, were in fact KGB agents including Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs that the left to this day love to genuflect to. It's a national crime that 60 years later his name is associated with infamy.
  11. I haven't been here for a few years but if you remember me you know I love to rant and with informed opinions. I research the financial and political scene for at least 3 hours per day. I first became intrigued about Obama when he made his keynote speech at a Democrat convention while still a State senator. I was shocked to see his audience of clapping seals screaming their approval as if it was at an Elvis concert but his speech was nothing less than a long list of meaningless cliches, slogans and buzzwords. It would have made a good Saturday Night Live skit ridiculing politicians. I was so intrigued that I have since purchased over 20 books on him. Likewise, I have 6 books on the Clintons. There are only two things you need to know about Hilary. Number one, withing 2 days of Slick Willy's first election she actually stated ..."WEEEEE are the President". That must be the first time in history that the spouse of an elected national leader is automatically included as a co-winner. Not being a shrink I'm not sure if that means she's a narcissist, a sociopath or a psychopath. I have read opinions of psychiatrists who conclude that she is at least one of the first two. Don't take my word on it, just do your own homework. Also, do your homework on "Chinagate". In a nutshell, The Clintons after receiving a huge contribution to their Clinton alleged foundation, immediately loosened the foreign trade rules that allowed the Chinese communists to get secret missile technology that they needed for their ICBMs which enabled them to more accurately target American cities. When an investigation began, suddenly Americans involved took the 5th and Chinese nationals involved immediately fled home to the People's republic to avoid arrest. Call me silly but I believe that used to be called high treason. The law pertaining to Hilary's emails is very specific ... United States Code: Title 18. Section 2071: (a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record filed…in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. ( Whoever, having the custody of any such record, unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. Hilary was forced to admit that she deleted tens of thousands of emails the majority of which was government correspondence and we now know included top secret information. TheDemocrat government is so corrupt that even the head of the FBI said she should not be prosecuted because they didn't know her intent. The obvious escapes him. Anybody else would be in prison by now. At a very minimum, that law says that she could never hold ANY government office let alone the Presidency. I'll spare you the long list of Clinton crimes and incompetencies. Her admission to her deleting emails is all you need to exclude her from office. Trump is the last of the Republican candidates that I would have chosen but he is the only one who has addressed the issue that has most concerned me going back literally decades and that's the huge trade deficit that is killing the country. It's now at 700 BILLION annually. The U.S. now has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. No wonder companies have fled the country in droves and continue to do so . At least Trump understands business while Hilary is a die hard redistributionist. Her track record is one of endless failures. When the country is at stake who cares about Trump's alleged womanizing. Those accusations are now falling apart. Compared to the rapes and assaults of sex-obsessed Bill Clinton and Hilary's defence of him while bad mouthing his victims all the while claiming to be a supporter of women. The decision becomes obvious. Sometimes you just have to hold your nose and vote and not worry about the predictable accusations of the left of predicting the world will fall apart and there will be a nuclear war next week if Trump is elected. Prince Justin is another rant.
  12. Actually I didn't do any fishing last year. Last year, for the first time since we retired here from Toronto 15 years ago, we took the boat down to the St Lawrence a few times and never got it into our home water. We'll do the same thing a few times this year. The St.Lawrence is absolutely amazing. I've only been out once this year in near-by Charleston Lake to take a visiting friend on a tour of it and not to fish. Anyway, we're heading out on Tuesday to visit friends around Ontario for about a week after which maybe I'll get to wet the line when I get back home. We didn't fish in the St. Lawrence last year but I'd like to take a shot at it this year as there are a lot of things to chase out there including monster muskies.
  13. HOLY CRAP!!! What a pleasant surprise to hear from all youz yahooz. I just hit the big 6-9 and am officially in my 70th year. Who needs to be reminded about that? The good news is that I'm getting closer to my next life at which point I fully intend to chase more of those young hotties like the ones I see every time I'm out in the boat cruising by all the cottages with all those young'uns out sunning themselves. With my luck though I'll probably come back as a woman in which case I sure hope I come back as a lesbian ... not that there's anything wrong with that. A few days ago I got out in the boat for the first time this year out on Charleston Lake and promptly dinged my prop from cruisin' too close to the young'uns. Got it fixed though for 45 bucks by a local who can fix anything kinda guy. I see the site has been all tarted up since the last time I was here so I guess TJ is starting to get a little uppity and trying to haul in some extra loot. Roy ... I see you're still using the same old photo of yourself that you've been using since you were a lot younger. You must be a lot older and uglier by now. I stopped posting years ago since some new guys came on board and started complaining about my rants because they thought the only important thing in life is stupid fishing. What fun is that.You'll get no sympathy from me if you've been missing out on my rants on that fraudulent scumbag Hussein Obama or the global warming scam. AND DON'T GET ME GOING ON THAT JUSTIN TRUDEAU TWIT!!!
  14. Actually Roy, my Harbercraft is an exciting shade of stupid beige. I don't think anything matches beige.
  15. Crewsa ouya Ielspa
  16. Hmmm ... I finally figured out Sufud. That's much better ... I think.
  17. What the hell's a sufud? Hey Corey ... How can you afford the 700 series? Did you finally get a job or did your mother lend you the money as a Christianing present?
  18. Thanx for the input guys. I feel a lot more confident now about having made the correct decision based on my sartorial expertise. The Humminbird 570 only comes in black which fortunately co-ordinates quite smartly with my spark plug wires. The yellow trim on it is a tad too gay for my liking ... not that there's anything wrong with that.
  19. What's the deal with my two subjects on fishfinders, one having an open envelope and one with a closed one, whatever that means. Am I only a stupid minnow after 10 years of trying to get the world to wake up?
  20. I did a lot of research and finally decided to buy a Humminbird 570 DI to replace my 9 year old Lowrance X65 that bit the dust last Fall. I found a review comparing it to the Lowrance Mark 5X DI or whatever and the review said they were comparable but the Humminbird had more pixels. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with this Humminbird or DI technology?
  21. I called Angling Outfitters and Josh said he thought the DSI was a piece of crap and highly recommended the Eagle 640 for $250.
  22. From what I've read it seems that the DSI models are only good for depths up to 200 feet which is a tad inadequate for my needs. Too bad if true cuz I've been seriously considering the Lowrance Mark 5x DSI. In the late Fall, Garrett referred me to a guy named Josh at Angling Outfitters who I called and he said to call him back in a few months after he had a chance to try it out but I haven't called him yet. Not sure what to get now in the $200 to $300 range but open to recommendations.
  23. Hi Roy ... Actually I traded in the old 98 LeSabre in Florida a few years ago for a 2005 Buick Century with only 4,800 miles on it. Turns out it was owned by the Canadian TV sports announcer Don Chevrier who now lives on the brown side of the grass. Now whenever I go to the U.S. I get a cavity search by some ape named Igor.
  24. Hi Roy ... I just noticed you have over 15,000 posts. Have you ever thought about getting a life?
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