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Posts posted by MJIG

  1. What was the verdict on the taste compared to crappie? You said delicious, but which would you prefer? Was it flakey? They certainly have an odd shape, and the body tapers to almost nothing ahead of the tail. Were they tough to clean?

  2. Anyone else around back in the day of the usenet and rec.can.fishing using dialup and an OLMR ( offline mail reader ) like Freeagent so you didn't tie up your phoneline reading . If you are really old, your local BBS was a Fidonet node and you had access to a forum type discussion using a DOS based OLMR like Bluewave. I don't even think most ISP's even have newsservers any more.


    usenet groups are fed/hooked into google groups it you want to relive it all.https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/can.rec.fishing

  3. Erie alone can keep a fisherman happy with it's amazing fishery. After dozens of trips I have not caught a single walleye under 16" with the average being 24-28"


    Isn't that a bit worrisome from a "healthy, sustainable lake fishery" perspective? I would have thought that the presence of young, undersized fish would be needed for the future. Or, is it just that the younger fish hang out in different parts of the lake than the larger fish?

  4. pine tree...pine tree...pine tree...pine tree...pine tree..moose...pine tree...pine tree...pine tree


    pine tree...pine tree...pine tree...pine tree...pine tree...pine tree...pine tree...pine tree..




    Just kidding, mostly and I've been up there many, many times. I like it. It is probably tougher to measure Southern Ontario visitor counts because we get to use the same license up there as we down here. Americans have to pick up a non-resident license.

  5. The original question was can the non licensed person given the fish be able to "transport the fish" from point A to point B and the answer is yes. If the fish are clearly id'd. The crazy thing I have learned is that a non licensed person can possess more fish than I can with my conservation licence. So my non licensed, non fisherman room mate/wife/son/daughter/renter/mother in law/ stranger on the couch can possess a full sportsman limit on their side of the fridge and I can only possess for my conservation limit on my side of the fridge. The same goes for anyone else that lives there. They can have more fish possession than I can and I'm the one paying for an Outdoors card and license. C'mon Man!


    I think it needs to be thought of like this...

    A conservation license is an "opt in" - you're sort of declaring that you want to follow conservation practices, and in return you get to go fishing for a wee bit less license money, if that's your thing.

    Isn't it against the spirit of the whole conservation "opt in" to then complain "hey, my non-fishing, non-licensed neighbor gets to possess more fish than I do!"

    The unlicensed neighbors/friends aren't impacting the fish count in the lakes or rivers at all.

  6. the boundaries for the rivers to the closed walleye area's have been set for the lake, see attached.


    so my guess is that you might be able to fish the rivers for them provided the river isn't a sanctuary?


    Are you able to cite a source or provide a reference to an official copy of these boundaries? An attachment to a posting on a fishing forum, while appreciated and useful, isn't going to be considered a supporting legal document although I am not a lawyer.

  7. Kinda pointless isn't it? You can't fish the lake for walleye, but you can fish the rivers when they spawn? SEriously? Just shut it down....all of it. Simple.




    There's nothing simple about phrases like "all of it."


    The boundaries have to be set somewhere, and the lines clearly marked. Scugog and Sturgeon are connected by a river and it would have been way too ambiguous if they hadn't marked things out.

  8. I wonder if there's a unique opportunity this year to try open water crappie fishing in places like the Kawarthas? I think the water is around 4 C.


    Have the crappie all checked the calendar and moved off to deeper water anyway, or do you think there might be some hanging out in some of the spring/fall haunts this year?


  9. Apparently Target or the liquidator, is over pricing the stock so that you are actually paying regular price when you get the 30% off. someone at the Oshawa Target found a higher price sticker over top of the original price sticker, when brought up to the manager they were told to leave their purchases there and get out of the store.


    Unfortunately, it sounds like it may all be deteriorating into a somewhat bitter parting of the ways, with both sides trying to get the most out of whatever remains. Target is trying to draw the most money it can from bargain-hunting customers, and these "customers" are going there in search of rock-bottom prices, many shopping there for the first time. Target is pulling out, so there is no relationship left to salvage at this point. Buyer beware. It seems unlikely that anybody is going to come out a winner.

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