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Posts posted by MJIG

  1. On 3/15/2020 at 5:22 PM, Big Cliff said:

    Well, we have decided to head for home early Tuesday morning, if we are going to get it it will be a lot easier to deal with it there than here.  Trudeau announced that closing the borders is a possibility, it's not worth taking the chance.

    Big Cliff,

    Like here, it appears that Myrtle Beach has changed a lot since you left the area a few weeks ago:


  2. Here’s the statement from the province:

    A direct quote from the above link:

    “Prohibiting recreational camping on Crown land as of April 9, 2020. Under the emergency order, no individual can camp on Crown land, including the placement of tents or other camping structures, while the order is in effect. The government will continue to monitor the situation and re-evaluate if further actions are required.”


  3. 36 minutes ago, DanD said:

    The car hasn't moved for the last two months; but he was upset that his plate had expired.

    All expiration dates on or after March 1 were extended until further notice:

    • extending licence plate sticker validation including International Registration Plan (IRP)
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  4. What will the stance be on solo fishing once the ice is gone?

    Up until now I’ve been assuming that fishing alone, far away from any other person, would be an acceptable way to pass the time in the current situation.

    Obviously,  opening day crowds and boat launches where people congregate would would be unacceptable due to risk of community spread, but there are many ways to fish without any risk of spreading the coronavirus.

  5. On 3/25/2020 at 5:05 PM, irishfield said:

    and FYI David, virus was still live in cabins on the cruise boat 17 days after the last person disembarked.

    I read that too. It’s worth noting that it was only in the cabins that had not yet been disinfected, and not in the already-disinfected cabins, so it sure sounds like our efforts to disinfect, sanitize, and hand-wash might indeed be very important for our own safety.

    It stated that remnants of the virus were found in the cabins of people that had tested positive through nasopharyngeal swab, including positive-testers that had been asymptomatic. That would seem to support the stance that infected asymptomatic people can shed the virus.




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