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Posts posted by Oggie

  1. Mulroney = Free Trade that's how we started the raise to the bottom. If you're going to compete with the US you first need to reduce wages and benefits to the American level. The problem is the wages and benefits have dropped over the past 20 years but the cost of goods hasn't, including houses.

    It took Mulroney to clean up the mess from the first Trudeau, then Harper to clean up after Chretien


    The big question is who will clean this Trudeau who is our least qualified PM of all time.


    I really hope everyone else was smarter than me on this one as I really do not get it

  2. I use a drift sock for trolling under certain conditions. It does cause an oversteering problem though. You tend to zig and zag alot.. Some people tie a drift sock on each side so that the drag is more uniform to reduce the steering problem. They say the IKEA bags make great inexpensive drift socks.

  3. The car in front of me strattled a mattress only to have it get hung up under the car. He continued to drive until the smoke started pouring out from under the car. By the time he stopped the mattress had ignited. How do you get a burning mattress out from under your car?


    Answer is - You don't! The car burned completely but everyone got out in time.

  4. Great thread guys! I use a very large Okuma reel suitable for Great Lakes rainbow or salmon but way too much reel for bottom bouncing walleye. The info in this thread sure helps. I do like the line counter though. After a few times out you get to know exactly what line lengh will do the trick with a lot less hangups.

  5. Now that Kessel has shed the blue and white disease, he can resurrect his career! 50 goals at least, but I still can't stand the whining fat little ex laff!

    Well we agree on the last part of your post. I don't care if he scores 30 goals I'm just glad I don't have to watch him FLOAT night in and night out.

  6. Good decision by the Chief. Now it's up to the Band to pressure those that decent and continue to fish. Things must be pretty bad for the Chief to make that decision. Sounds like the Fishery is in real trouble.


    My next concern was where will the nets go? Surely they aren't just going to STOP fishing. Mattawa River? Ottawa River?

  7. I like the brass and silver Colorado blades and if that's not working I go to perch coloured (fire tiger) blades. Orange blades work well for me in colder water. I use the quick change clevise as well but I rarely bother to change the blades.

  8. I paid a lot of money for a Happy Troller plate and quite frankly I was happier with the drift socks technique. I find the plate very limiting. It`s too slow at times (like going into the wind) and it makes maneuvering very difficult. For $200 installed I wouldn`t buy one again.

  9. He may do fine in Pitts. They tolerate players like Kessel. My blood pressure dropped the minute I heard the trade. He`s just not my style of player. I think the Leafs did fine on the trade given his record at the end of the season. He`d had enough of the fish borl in Toronto.

  10. :)are you his agent or his dad? I've coached enough hockey to recognize a player with a bad attitude and a poor work ethic. The egg was laid before Carlyle got the boot that's why he got the boot. Kessel was already heading for the dumpster by that point in the season. The lack of fitness rumour is no secret. Two teams inquired about him (sportsnet article) and they thought the asking price was too high. Don't pin this on Horachek!


    So what do they do with him if he doesn't pass Babcock's fitness test?

  11. I taught biology to every high school grade for over 30 years. Sex education was taught as part of sexual reproduction. We dealt with reproduction in fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Humans are the same as most other vertebrates in that they have the same "issues" and orientations as other species. What we're after in teaching this is tolerance and acceptance.


    We're not teaching to push any particular viewpoint just a more inclusive society. It's OK to be yourself regardless of your sexual orientation or identity. Most parents don't have that discussion with their kids (I know I didn't). It's much easier dealing with the subject in a classroom where the kids feel more comfortable to comment and ask questions.


    Has all this helped ....yes! The fact that the average post on this thread is tolerant suggests we are a more tolerant society. You should have heard my dad's views on these topics. Fortunately I had teachers that opened my mind so I could decide for myself.


  12. I just moved to a rural property after 30 years in a town of 15 000. We both spent our lives at camps so we were good with rural life. I have noticed though that I have a lot more to do in the new setting than my wife. Hunting and fishing are a walk or a short drive from the new house. My wife on the other hand is lost at times unless I'm around. No neighbours! She liked to walk with the neighbour next door. The roads were paved and safe for walking, unlike the high, speed gravel roads in the country. It was a great move for me and a pretty good move for my wife but I actually spend more time at home and less time hunting/fishing since my wife relies on my company to enjoy the country-side. I don't miss noisy neighbours though!

    Dan O.

  13. Anyone remember when Ottawa had Ray Emery and Wade Redden in the room? These two had "lifestyle" issues and a terrible work ethic/attitude. Once traded the chemistry in the room improved immensely and the team started to compete every night.


    I would equate Phil Kessel with either of those individuals. How many other players in the room look at Phil Kessel as the benchmark for effort and coachability? The culture of the Leafs will never change until those players are removed. Trade him as fast as you can so we can watch a team that puts forth an effort every night. I'm not worrying about winning just a decent effort will do.

  14. I've never seen any litter law enforced, unfortunately. The highways are terrible in Southern Ontario but they sink to new disgusting levels in Northern Ontario. If I find one more Gatorade bottle of urine I'm going to ........ exactly....what can you do! What ever happened to "Litter bugs me".

    Dan O.

  15. If you're going all the way over to the east side of Algonquin I'd consider going to Driftwood Provincial Park on the Ottawa River. It has electrical sights and a beach. Hiking trails, showers, and large sites. Fishing on the Ottawa is decent for bass, walleye, and pike. Beautiful view of the Laurentian Mountains right across the river.


    What time of year are you considering as bugs will be an issue in some campgrounds for kids?

    Dan O.

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