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Posts posted by Oggie

  1. It's covered under your house insurance when you're not towing it. Covered under your auto insurance when towing. I would inform my house insurance carrier only if its a very expensive boat that you'd want replaced if something happened. if it's a new boat worth a decent amount then I'd call your house insurance to see if it's covered and how much to cover it should it be stolen or catch fire.


    I agree with Bill.

    Dan O.

  2. It's covered under your house insurance when you're not towing it. Covered under your auto insurance when towing. I would inform my house insurance carrier only if its a very expensive boat that you'd want replaced if something happened. if it's a new boat worth a decent amount then I'd call your house insurance to see if it's covered and how much to cover it should it be stolen or catch fire.


    I agree with Bill.

    Dan O.

  3. If they show up at the rink, work hard, and actually give a crap it's a huge step forward from what they get out of Phil and his cancerous attitude. Whether he goes somewhere else and excels or not, he is done in Toronto and a 1st rounder in return sounds like a bargain at this point whoever it its.


    Very well put! He'll never play another game for Toronto! His attitude is a poison in the dressing room. I'd pay him out just to get him out of that room.

  4. If they show up at the rink, work hard, and actually give a crap it's a huge step forward from what they get out of Phil and his cancerous attitude. Whether he goes somewhere else and excels or not, he is done in Toronto and a 1st rounder in return sounds like a bargain at this point whoever it its.


    Very well put! He'll never play another game for Toronto! His attitude is a poison in the dressing room. I'd pay him out just to get him out of that room.

  5. Yes my wife just got diagnosed with Lyme's disease. Fortunately they were looking for the cause of another ailment and just decided to check for Lyme's. She has no symptoms related to the Lyme's. Doesn't a dose of antibiotics clear it up? Am I being naive?

    Dan O.

  6. Phil has been blessed with great genetics as an athlete. He skates like the wind mostly because of great fast twitch muscles provided by those genetics. I'm not sure how hard he worked or didn't work to get to the NHL. Read Brett Hull's book, he didn't work at all to reach the NHL; he did after he made the big show.


    The Mechanics stats say it all and yes he won't have a long career in the NHL IMO.

  7. I'm obviously not talking about "battling" in his personal life. His personal life isn't important to me and it's none of my business.


    It's the effort on the ice I feel fans can comment on. Bill when have you seem him win or even try to win a puck battle. The American league call-ups are putting a much better effort than the guys on the first line. I'd sit the first line the rest of the season. I think the Leafs would too but they're afraid they'd really attract the League's wrath.

  8. After watching friends change dramatically after years of heavy pot smoking, I'm not a real fan of smoking pot. It also screws up a lot of high school kids when they really don't need any help getting screwed up. Making it illegal has done nothing so lets legalize it and tax the crap out of it. At least the legit producers will keep books and pay taxes as well


    I'm surprized the first plank in his platform isn't lower the voting age to 13 then announce the second plank which is to legalize pot.

  9. Don't get me wrong Shanahan needs to stay! I'm just wondering if the organization and the fans have the nuts to see this through. It's going to get even uglier before it gets better.


    After that Oiler game last night I'll be shocked if the League doesn't take the Leafs to task for mailing-it-in. They aren't that bad despite what Matt says.


    BTW Matt your Sens won't make the playoffs and they're just screwing themselves out of a decent draft pick. It's OK the Leafs have done that for years as well. They finally figured out how the game is played once it's obvious you aren't going to make the playoffs.


  10. The Leafs are so sad I couldn't care less and I stopped watching them about 2 weeks ago. I wonder how secure Shanahan's job is these days. I've watched them since 1978 when I moved to S Ont and I can't remember anything this bad. I can only assume they're intentionally tanking. Sure hope that's the strategy.

    Dan O.

  11. They can't be maintaining the track like they used to back in the day. Things changed as soon as the train companies shifted from a service to a profit based format. I know they pulled both sets of track (CP and CN) out of the Ottawa Valley. I didn't like the idea at the time but with two derailments in a month it's time to thank my lucky stars.

    Dan O.

  12. I was taught to call people older than yourself Sir or Mr or Mrs. It was considered a sign of respect. They're older and often wiser so using the formal term acknowledges that assumption.


    Many kids today are taught that they are just as important and valued as anyone else so don't call older people by the formal names; in fact use their first name if you can. Wonder why the younger people have less respect for elders than their parents did. Blame it on the parents who convince the kid that the cop, teacher, doctor, etc are no better than him/her.

  13. How are we ever going to unload Kessel when he's playing like this? He's proving all of his critiques right! I noticed Brian Burke in the boxes last night. Geez I wish someone could ask him if the Keseel trade for Dougie Hamilton and Seguin was a good deal now! I hate to dig up old axes but the sight of that Man makes me ill.

    Dan O.

  14. I'm sure guys like Kessel and Phaneuf have one way contracts so they can't be sent down to the Marlies unless they agree to it. I think Phil would agree to nearly anything that gets him out of Toronto but not the Marlies.


    Why were the Montreal fans booing Kessel the other night? Does is poor reputation preceed him?

    Dan O.

  15. Boy I can't wait to watch young, eager players that don't mind being held accountable. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in the Leafs dressing room tonight. I wonder if they salute the fans at centre ice! :worthy: How dare we criticize their level of pay!


    I'll predict that Kessel will be a bum where ever he goes.

  16. I bet Carlyle is laughing! If I were Nonis I wouldn't be sleeping well at night waiting for the inevitable phone call. The new coach made a poor choice taking over for Carlyle; his career as an NHL coach is tanked before it even got off the ground.


    Has anyone ever seen Phil Kessel cut to the middle of the ice in his whole hockey career. What a fringe player! Everyone in the League knows you're a one trick pony Phil! They don't give you that shot off the wing anymore. Drive the net Phil like you did in the NCAA???!!!


    Let's hope when they rejig this team they get some Canadian kids on the team so they play with some heart and sandpaper.


    I agree with you Bill this is really hard to watch AGAIN! How many years have this movie been playing!!!

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