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Posts posted by Oggie

  1. Terry is absolutely right! If they ship UPS (and they do!) or Purolator, bend over when the man in brown knocks at your door. The brokerage fee is unreal sometimes and it does seem to be determined by a monkey spinning a wheel of chance. USPS does not charge a brokerage fee and it arrives Canada Post for no additional charges.


    BTW the brokerage fee is a scam. It doesn't cost them anything to move the product over the border. UPS and Purolator are both under investigation for this bogus charge (second hand information).


    Dan O.

  2. 1. The trip is expensive in total.

    2. $11 per person per night is too expensive interior. It used to be $11 per campsite with 9 people allowed.

    3. Yes reasonable.

    4. Yes I realize the equipment is rentable but it is expensive and unavailable at some entrances.

    5. It's too far for a day trip at today's gas prices.

    6. I think the "entertainment" is what you make it. It's not supposed to be a layed on thing.

    7. Frustrating because once you start your trip the reservations on various lakes mean NOTHING! There are virtually no park rangers in the interior anymore.

    8. a) B) and e) I use the more difficult areas of the park to avoid the crowds and noise.

    9. I see no need for cultural events unless they educate people as to the history of the Park. First Nations, Park Rangers, Wild Fires, Endangered Species, Early Struggles with Poachers, etc.

    10.The Park is busy enough. I don't think we need to market it, except for some feel good ads that make people aware of its existance.


    Dan O.

  3. Thanks for the input everyone.


    We are going forward with Algonquin. Even if we wanted to change, it is simply too late in the term to do so. Anyways, we have to do some primary research in order to identify what people think of the park, what they know about the park, etc. If you could be so kind as to answer the following questions it would be much appreciated!


    1) In general, do you feel that a trip to Algonquin Park is/would be a) inexpensive; B) moderately expensive; c) expensive?


    2) Do you feel the $11 per night interior fee is reasonable?


    3) Do you feel the $13 per vehicle day-use fee is reasonable?


    4) Are you aware that one can rent all the needed equipment from the outfitters surrounding the park?


    5) From the GTA, Algonquin Park is about a 3 hour drive. Do you view this drive as too far for a day trip?


    6) What activities are you aware of that one can take part in at Algonquin?


    7) If applicable, when making a reservation with Ontario Parks, was your experience a) pleasant; B) frustrating; or c) average?


    8) When thinking about Algonquin Park, do you think of a) rugged terrain; B) lots of bugs; c) untouched wilderness; d) summer crowds; or e) paradise? (Choose ALL that apply).


    9) Would you attend a cultural event if it was held at Algonquin Park, such as: Chinese Lantern Festival, Easter Egg Hunt, etc.


    10) As arguably Ontario Parks' most popular and significant park, do you feel Algonquin Park should be marketed specifically to the public and tourists?


    That is all guys...thanks a lot!

  4. It's true, I've never seen anything freezer burn faster than fish and talk about changing the taste! There's a reason why fresh fish costs more than frozen. :rolleyes: If you really need to freeze it do what the others have suggested. Ice around the fish helps to reduce the freezer burn.


    Dan O.

  5. Frog Toggs are on sale at Bass Pro right now! Under $100 for top and bottom.


    Being a big guy is often a good thing when shopping for high end raingear (clothes in general)..... it goes on sale because they have trouble moving it. I'd check Mountain Equipment Coop for a sale.


    Dan O.

  6. Well I'll give the other side of the coin. I'm a retired biology teacher who often taught environmental science and in that course there was a unit on fisheries and wildlife managament. The topic of catch and release was often discussed with the pros and cons. The kids knew I would take a fish when I choose too. Hell I brought a big rainbow in for a class dissection (beats those damn pickled perch).


    It's good to have a descenting voice to provoke thought and discussion (not that it should be the teacher who descents). The kids know you're point of view even if you don't come out and say it. They're pretty persceptive by grade 12. What the teacher said is no big deal unless she is presenting it as the only side to the issue and won't allow discussion.


    BTW that view of C&R is really common in teachers as you move from more rural to more urban. Same with anti-hunting!


    I hear there bring environmental science back to the curriculum. Let's hope they get teacher's who see things from a conservation point of view not preservation.


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