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Posts posted by Oggie

  1. I find the lack of compete the most frustrating.  They're young but a lack of grit is obvious and inexcusable.

    I also find Babcocks loyalty to some of the lower skilled players very annoying.  JVR, Marner, Matthews and Marleau must be shaking their heads behind closed doors when they see Komarov on the power play! Komarov has a role but that ain't it!

    Babcocks lack of bench management hasn't helped in the two games. 

  2. I just know I sleep better if I DON'T watch the third period of any leaf game.  I think Babcock is arrogant.  He and only He knows what's best.  I couldn't believe he left the Kadri Marleaus combination on the ice for 4 defensive draws (previous game).  They eventually scored the tieing goal of course!  Even a peewee coach knows enough to change his line after 2 lost draws. 

    Too much ego for me!  And his players have not bought into his defensive system or excection.  Not many happy faces on that bench most nights and a lot of blank nods when he's correcting them on the bench. The Go To H*LL nod!

    If he puts Komarov out one more time on a 3 on 3 I'm done watching!!

    NOW I feel better! :)

  3. On 11/23/2017 at 1:21 PM, crappieperchhunter said:

    I agree. If you can find a Fish trap Pro...grab it.  It appears they no longer make them. If you can't find one second hand somewhere, search other hut makers for ones with similar size specs. It will be a sad day for me if/when my trap pro is no longer usable.

    You've got that right! It's my go to hut.

  4. I've been out 4 times for morning hunts only. Not many birds and I'm using a cocker spaniel so leaves don't matter much to her. I've managed 2 birds and seen 4. It's brutal hot! I feel for the bear hunting guys. I'd be reluctant to shoot given the night time temps are mid to high teens. A bear wouldn't be edible if it sat all night, IMO.

  5. My ten year old Motorguide W55 bow mount finally refuses to pivot. I'd like to avoid an expensive install so I'm looking to replace or repair the motor. It was a very common bow mount motor on many boats a decade ago but it's hard to find new ones now.


    Anyone know of a reputable Motorguide repair outlet in the Barrie to Guelph to Owen sound to North Bay area. LOL.


    Thanks for any help.

  6. When any team regularly loses games because of poor play in the last period or 4th quarter the reason is usually poor conditioning.

    Absolutely right IMO. Poor conditioning is the result of poor off-season work ethic. Exactly what you'd expect from young players. Wait until Gary Roberts gets a hold of them this summer. Whole different third period next year.

  7. Hey they're kids guys! they've never seen playoff hockey at this level. I'm OK with making or not making the playoffs as long as they realize it's time to listen to the strength and nutrition coaches this summer. I just hope Marner or Matthews don't get hurt in the final games. This is whole new level of physical these guys have never seen before.


    Yeah time to address the D on this team. Not sure what they see in Zitsev. I bet Rielly was glad to get away from him so his stats could improve. Very skilled player but too small and too light.

  8. I fish the Ottawa River and if you're on the Quebec side of the river minnows are illegal. But you can have a beer visible when checked by Quebec enforcement! Hope the minnows got the memo so they don't SWIM across the river! It doesn't make sense on this body of water.

  9. Nothing wrong with Nylander, I don't see why they'd ship him out when they can develop one?

    Did you see him barking at an assistant coach the other night when he tried to correct something the kid had done on the last shift. He sat a couple of shifts for the "attitude". Not sure how coachable he is and you'll never know publicly. If he's traded that'll be the reason not his ability.

  10. I set nets for the MNR back in the 1970s and we had to mark them with a tag. We often didn't put buoys on them because we were working in small remote lakes with no cottagers, in an effort to reduce theft of the nets. they were set at dark and pulled at 8 am. If you're setting nets without identifying yourself then you're not subject to the laws of Ontario ie. status or a non-FN poacher. I would think most status Fn would identify their nets.

  11. You're right about the Fraser Institute that's one of the reasons I didn't like the idea of standardized school testing in Ontario. It was there idea when Harris was in power.


    Thanks dude. I'm not sure that's the consensus opinion but I'm not trying to win friends here. Just me being me.

    I will say I stayed up way too late last night researching the Fraser Institute but I'm glad I did. I'll know to be wary the next time I see them quoted in an article. Just the association with the Koch brothers alone is enough to put me off.

  12. well for once we may actually have a contender from the Conservatives that can compete with a well spoken Liberal. I think O'Leary will take Canada by storm because he's straightforward and not always politically correct. He's kind of a well educated, intelligent Trump. People are worried about Canada's financial situation and O':Leary sounds like he knows how to begin to fix the problem.

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