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Posts posted by Oggie

  1. Boy Babcock is taking serious heat for managing his bench like he's coaching a house league team. The better players really do need to play, expecially if you're behind in the score.  Trouble is I really didn't see any difference between the third line and the fourth line. In fact the fourth line was their best line at times, in terms of effort.

    So who goes down the road...... Babcock or Dumas??  Dumas hung him with Nylander and some very old tired vets.  

    Will Kadri ever play another Leafs game?? 

  2. Babcock should know when to sit a guy who is obviously out of control.  Even a midget coach knows not to play a guy like Kadri when his eyes are rolling back into his head!  Six minutes left in a 3-1 game that is clearly done...... why is he out there!! 

    Kadri isn't frustrated at the Bruins.  He's fed up with the other 17 skaters on that bench that won't get their shirts dirty. He can't run over Nylander, Matthews,  and the other noncontact players on his team so he exploded at a Bruin.

  3. The only hope for the Leafs would be if the Bruins can't play the intimidation game they like. The officials would need to start calling some of the Boston tactics and the Leafs powerplay needs to catch fire.  Toronto can out skate Boston but they can't play Boston's style of hockey. Boston penalties need to hurt so they abandon the Marchand style of hockey and try to skate with the Leafs.

  4. The only hope for the Leafs would be if the Bruins can't play the intimidation game they like. The officials would need to start calling some of the Boston tactics and the Leafs powerplay needs to catch fire.  Toronto can out skate Boston but they can't play Boston's style of hockey. Boston penalties need to hurt so they abandon the Marchand style of hockey and try to skate with the Leafs.

  5. The only hope for the Leafs would be if the Bruins can't play the intimidation game they like. The officials would need to start calling some of the Boston tactics and the Leafs powerplay needs to catch fire.  Toronto can out skate Boston but they can't play Boston's style of hockey. Boston penalties need to hurt so they abandon the Marchand style of hockey and try to skate with the Leafs.

  6. 1 hour ago, Headhunter said:

    Arguing on the internet... here's a good definition.

    It's like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over. Then craps all over the board. Then struts around like it won.”

    I can hear the cooing in this thread!


    LOL.   Good one!!!  What sweater would the pigeon be wearing!!! LOL.

  7. On 3/28/2019 at 10:32 AM, BillM said:

    You don't keep a 35 year old backup and have the possibility of losing Sparks on waivers.   That's a pretty easy decision to me.   As for Nylander,  if they can get a stud D man for him before next season, I'd be all for that.

    Normally I'd agree with you as to keeping a 35 year old starter but Sparks wasn't the answer for a backup.  He can't play in this league!!!  And he honestly expects to be the starter at some point on the Leafs. Nothing worse than a backup with attitude and no talent. The Leafs have a history of sending the better goalie down the road.... I think the goalie coach and the scout should join Dumas in the firing!

  8. I liked Doug McLean's first period feature on Nylander and how he won't get his shirt dirty.  I can't believe Tavares hasn't told the kid. Hey if it's good enough for me to drive the net I expect you too as well.

    If the Leafs exit first round I expect Dumass to fall on his sword for the Nylander deal and his decision on Sparks vs McIllenney. Babcock has made it pretty clear that the goalie decision wasn't his.

    • Like 1
  9. Muzzin raises the temperature of the game and the Leafs that used to like to float won't find that easy to do after a Muzzin hit!  You can either get involved or get run over! I like it! 

    Has anyone else noticed how Muzzin nearly always hits the net with his shot?  It's off the glass when Gardiner slaps one!

  10. I tried Power Pro on an older Shimano spinning reel 2500. I had problems with the line nesting into itself if it was retrieved with tension making the first cast or two after landing a fish difficult.  The line would also frequently slide off in a a large bunch of coils. I'm thinking the reel is the problem more than the line.

  11. 7 hours ago, jerpears1 said:

    I just realized I think I found something in the NHL we can all agree on. At least the Leafs and the Sens aren't the Edmonton Oilers. If I still lived in Edmonton I'd be asking for Chirelli's head on a pike.

    Remember when Pittsburgh got Crosby? The team was terrible. Looked like they had to fold. Then they drafted smart around him. Fleury, Malkin, (I think they drafted Jordan Staal) and they became the closest thing to a dynasty in the salary cap era. 

    Take Edmonton in the same situation. They may go down in history as the biggest waste of a generational talent of all time. How long before McDavid demands a trade out of Edmonton? 

    Edmonton fans deserve a medal!  Unbelievable mismanagement and coaching!

  12. did you notice the Bruins don't take the same liberties with the Caps as compared to when they play the Leafs.  Wilson is always cruising out there so the Bruins finish their checks but they don't get stupid.  You're right about Marner..... it's just a question of when not if, unfortunately. He reminds me of Gretzky in that he seems to be difficult to line up for a hit. 

    • Like 1
  13. When does Babcock stop using the carrot on Nylander and bust out the stick!!!  He's earned a healthy scratch or a fourth line assignment (that would diminish the fourth line mind you).  Enough ALREADY!  I can't watch this freakin floater anymore.

    Hutchinson moves and plays like a goalie that has some coaching. He's in position to make a follow-up save.  Sparks looks like Mike Palmateer out there....... no fundamentals.... all instinct saves.  Hutchinson calms the team while Sparks makes them dig into their defensive edges.  Sparks plays like he's entitled.  Trade him.

    • Like 1
  14. Well I certainly agree with that post AKR.  I think most teams would find Boston's physicality difficult to deal with for sure.  The playoffs certainly expose the team's warts.  If I'm Bozak I'd be playing a lot harder, given my free agency in June. A soft performance now (which it has been) will impact my pocketbook. 

    All I'm looking for is grittier effort tonight.  What happens happens after that. The Leafs being a young team play based on momentum. Success brings success.

  15. I'm not a fan of Martin either but they've taken bad penalties in two games trying to protect Marner. Until this kid matures and hits a gym I would suggest he needs someone to protect him. It worked for Gretzky and many other highly skilled players. I know it's a different game.  It is a shame they can't seem to find skilled, physical players instead of NCAA players that don't seem to handle a physical game  very well. I know Marniner is an OHL player but they have a slew of NCAA players that cower in the playoffs.

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