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Posts posted by Oggie

  1. 17 hours ago, grimsbylander said:

    I don't think he's saying that at all. He just made the comment that in contrast to the analyst saying it looked like a 3 game suspension, it didn't even draw a 2 minute penalty. 

    A month ago Chris and I were on here saying this team needed a tough guy or two that could play AND help keep teams honest. We got lots of push back from some guys thinking we'll just skate circles around them in this "new" NHL. It'll be Marner, Matthews or JT next, just wait. Dubas needs to pull his head out and wake up before he has $11M watching from the press box.


    A team like Boston won't pull that crap until the playoffs then they'll hit to HURT the Leafs top players and it'll be too late for Dumbass to go looking for a tough guy.  If the Leaf's finesse players try the high skill moves in playoffs they won't finish the game.

  2. Hate to sound like Don Cherry but pick some players with some heart and grit! Players from the GTA for example rather than NCAA and KJHL players.  Nylander needs to go if for no other reason to raise the bar in terms of accountability. Hard to hold the third and fourth line guys to any work ethic when Nylander is floating around avoiding body contact.

    • Like 1
  3. On 12/4/2019 at 2:45 PM, glen said:

    We waited years for the leafs to get a goalie.  Goal scoring.  Talent.  A great coach.  Now it is all gone because some in the room already got everything they wanted.   A bag of cash.  Never did want the cup.  

    A rebuild is on its way.    Pick players who love to play and win this time.  

    👍 Wonder what the ANALYTICS suggest the odds are for Dumbass and Keefe to see next season in Leaf Land!

  4. 1 hour ago, zenon11 said:

    Hitting and kicking players and using the N-word wasn’t cool 20 years ago either. There’s no point looking to blame the players for Bill Peters’ issues, it’s all his own doing. 

    Haven't heard any details but if that's accurate then he made his own bed. Not many coaches went that far even back then.

    • Like 1
  5. I can guarantee you every coach (not just hockey) at every level is looking in the rear view mirror.  Ever say anything or do anything 20 years ago that wouldn't fly today??? Any body you ever worked with or for that has fallen on hard times in life and could be looking for a scape goat to blame all their problems on??? OF COURSE we all have. 

    If I'm a young guy now thinking about coaching..... I wouldn't recommend it to anybody based on today's political correctness!

  6. 21 hours ago, dave524 said:

    Anyone else think maybe there was a conspiracy to tank just to force the firing of Babcock ?

    Oh yeah for sure! Lead by the young guys!  You could read their body language in September. Now that the inmates are running the institution it'll be interesting to see if there's any team discipline or accountablility.

    If I'm Dumbass I'm polishing my resume as well.  Right after the playoffs he'll be gone too!

  7. 45 minutes ago, Tjames09 said:

    I think some of the problem is lots of people dont wear poppies. But instead of saying Canadians in general aren’t wearing poppies, he singled out immigrants in Mississauga and Brampton. “You people come here and enjoy our milk and honey” 

    come on guys, if you can’t see that’s offensive.....

    OK I guess I see it now but isn't disrepecting the vets of our country by not wearing a poppy offensive? Maybe we need to do a better job informing the public as to the significance of poppies. We used to have an hour long assembly in our high school every year. I bet that isn't done anymore.

  8. He was blunt that's for sure but the scary part is I can't figure out why people find what he said racist??  As an old guy I think'll just refrain from saying anything these days. He didn't try to assign reasons for the lack of poppies; he just made an observation.

    • Like 3
  9. The Leafs are one or two injuries away from not making the playoffs  and it'll be some luggen that runs Marner or Kerfoot or Rielly because he knows he won't be challenged.  I wonder if there's grit on  this team , other than Hyman, that just hasn't shown itself.  It'll be interesting to see if Doug Gilmour behind the bench can sprinkle some of his grit across the team.

  10. I liked the way the Wings hit the first two lines.  The high priced players need to get hit a little.  They don't finish a check EVER so it's nice to see them receive a little physicality. I keep hoping they'll learn something or at least start to play with a little edge. Can't imagine Babcock enjoys the noncontact hockey out of the first two lines given the style he coached in Detroit. 

  11. I noticed the Algonquin Park newsletter acknowledges the fact that large male black bears up on occasion can become human predators.  They stock and hunt a human if they are in this category. Maybe this behavior is becoming more common.

    I have noticed the unhunted bears in Algonquin Park seem to lack the healthy respect for humans that hunted bears exhibit.

  12. I really like mine for keeping the ankle bitters off when I'm in the boat. The repellent seems to sit nicely in the bottom of the boat, right where the ankle bitters like to sit!  My spaniel thinks it's awesome because she gets hammered under the console unless the thermacell is on.

  13. On 6/5/2019 at 4:15 PM, Squid said:

    Chara extended his arms at the very last second and pushed Max's head into the corner post.


    I remember that hit!  Brutal! I respect Chara's hockey abilities but for a big man I never liked his lack of class on the ice. He hovers around a scrum which gives the Tory Krugs of the world license to act much tougher than they really are.  His favorite move is a crosscheck to the back of an opponent about the top of the pants usually after the whistle has gone. 

    This late in his career he should be carrying himself with some level of respect on the ice. He's a thug!

  14. I had just dealt with Microsoft about a Windows 10 issue.  About a week later I got the scam call and I must admit I did go for it.  Fortunately I got suspicious before anything serious happened and I got the computer powered down in time. The scammers timing was perfect and my radar was down. I'm usually a pretty cynical, suspicious person........just ask my wife!!!?

  15. On 5/24/2019 at 2:45 PM, Canuck said:

    They called one evening when I was at home in the kitchen.  Said my computer was sending data and messages out and needed to be fixed.  I told them to wait and I would go get it.  Then I listened to her for a few minutes and told her that I would make sure it would never happen again.  I took a cookie sheet out and threw it on the floor with a crash and banged it around a bit.  I told her I had smashed it and it would not do it again.  There was a pause and then she hung up.  Probably did nothing, but my wife and I had a  good laugh.

    I have done the same thing with the duct cleaner call centres and my duck call.   Its pretty funny when they try to explain that they don't mean "ducks' they mean "ducts" while I am yelling at my wife to keep them quiet while I am trying to talk to someone about getting them cleaned. 

    Too funny!

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