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About vince.bornais

  • Birthday 09/10/1964

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  1. She's a sponsor for the BFFF and she has no bait. She hasn't had minnows since last year, yet the guys at Hwy#11 & 89 have. I'm thinkin' she wants out of the business. It's too bad really because there is no other bait/tackle shop in Barrie now. You'd think that bait sales would make up a majority of her business?!
  2. They made it look pretty, but they didn't increase the functionality of it. It still sucks on the weekends. The only plus was they started ticketing vehicles without trailers.
  3. Yeah they were supposed to make out of towners pay at the Tiffin Launch and then that got put off. There still is tons of free parking down there though. The city of Barrie is not real good at utilizing the lakefront. After looking at the price for the other derbys, $40 is pretty high. I don't normally fish tournaments. I got a free pass for last years derby and decided to try again this year. It's still new, I'll decide after this year if I'll keep going though.
  4. "Ah yes looks like the parking has been postponed for a while." HUH?
  5. It's only $40 to enter the tournament/festival. Where are you parking & paying? There's tons of free parking down there!!?
  6. I haven't seen this posted before and thought I would let people know. I was at the Tiffin launch yesterday and noticed cars without trailers being tagged. I don't know what the fine is.It's about time they started to get "some control" over that launch. I,for one, welcome it.
  7. With the weeds in the shallow areas gone, I would try a little deeper. 30 ft or more. Again, looks for weeds.
  8. You could probably still go. I would try the North or South side of the bay. Look for weeds.
  9. If you're going to Kempenfelt Bay in Barrie you may have a hard time finding them. The city of Barrie has been dredging the waterfront. I was out 2 Fridays ago and my usual spot was completely devoid of weeds. I had to fish over by the Tiffin launch to find weeds & fish. That smell from the run-off canal there adds to the experience as well.
  10. Setting up a charge booth would also deter a lot of people from using it(Which may not be a bad idea?!) It would have made more sense, since they were already revamping the launch to add in the things I mentioned above.
  11. The chips should all be the same whether you have the Elite model or the HDS one. Maybe you have an older version of the chip & it needs to be upgraded throught the Navionics site.
  12. It doesn't render it unusable. I just got the same unit and I have already downloaded the Navionics program & updated my micro-SD CARD. I'm still fine-tuning it myself and haven't really noticed the depth detail. It is pretty easy to set up if you download the manuals for it, although the manual covers a number of models.
  13. They could also use extra docking where you could tie your boat up & then go get your vehicle & trailer, instead of pulling into the launch and then getting your trailer and thus tying up the launch. If the setup was improved with extra docking, signage, and police ticketing vehicles without trailers in the parking lot once in a while, it would probably improve the situation immensely!
  14. It's on the South-West corner of that intersection. There's a variety store in there as well.
  15. Hwy 11 & 89(Cookstown rd) sells minnows, worms & leeches. Really nice guy(Kevin?,Keith?) owns it. I apologize if he reads this, I don't have his card handy. He's open @ 6am. Only 1/2 hr, 45mins from Tiffin launch.
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