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About shadowfly

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  1. Hey Dan I work for a Chrysler dealership as a sales rep if you would like I can try to find something for your around your budget, if your interested let me know. text anytime at 647 871 6333
  2. Sweeeet Pics where did you go for your trip?
  3. All done picked up a pair of suncloud aviators made by Smith from sail for $70 and another cheap pair for hell of it I might go back and grab a pair of Riders in the coming weeks once they stock up some more. Thanks for all the input guys
  4. Nice pictures 3rd one looks awesome what lens did ya use if you don't mind me asking?
  5. Im leaning towards the NUMA i'll take a drive tommrow morning to sail see if they anything i like thanks for all the input guys much apreciated tight lines
  6. didn't know zeiss made sunglasses gotta check that out thanks
  7. I just came back from optic stores i did try pair of Maui Jim perfect fit and tint but for $480 is a bit hard since im unemployed at the momment , i tried costas just didn't like the way they sit on my face so for now have to find something thats half decent for $120 max i just checked out gagons website they have the eyewear section empty
  8. Hey guys ive lost my good pair of H2O sunglasses that I got from le baron and they no longer have any or simmilar style best $50 sunglasses so im currious to what you guys recommend looking to spend $50-$120 will be using them for driving and fishing thanks in Advance
  9. I red that article yesterday, my heart says if you’re 17 and you kill because of boredom you’re old enough to take full responsibility for your actions, he deserves the death penalty. Some people may be against my opinion but this what needs to be done to set an example to hopefully minimize such incidents from happening . If sentences are toughened up idiots like these teens will think twice about committing a crime.
  10. Happy New Years to all Wish you guys all the best and a prosperous 2013 Tight lines always and God bless Shadowfly
  11. Liverpool NSW
  12. Merry Christmas everyone from Australia
  13. love the picture it has the film feel to it did she shoot it with film?. it has the look of something that you would get with an old yashika or holga camera spiel your daughter has good eye for photography
  14. 15 meters? you would hate fishing at the pier casting for salmon with spoons, you have guys standing on either side no more than 5ft apart personally it's fun fishing with people around i can fish 10 feet away as long you don't tangle my line. or cast over me then were cool I keep a friendly attitude while fishing , and to be honest we don't own any body of water to claim spots on it. Ive seen arguments escalate over this matter "that's my spot i fish here all the time" or that ass who took my carp spot gonna cause him grief by casting over him maybe he'll leave" and it's quite childish First come First serve as long you don't tangle lines. tight lines
  15. congrats musky Mike
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