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Status Updates posted by Nipfisher

  1. There's booze in the blender...and soon it will render.

  2. Tourney sign-ups are done. Great participation and thanks again Joey.

  3. Want to sell my personal pontoon in the classifieds but still cant get my pictures to post there.

    1. misfish


      Email me Blair. I,ll post them for you. Interested.

  4. Was in my local Canadian Tire store today and learned they are now carrying Musky Innovations, Tackle Industries, and Tyrant Lures.

    1. misfish


      All CTC are going this way.

    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      But no good quality floats yet.

  5. Welcome to Team 2 "The best Team and current leaders". Be glad you didn't end up on Team 9. They're fishy. We are glad to have you. Captain Skeeter is your fearless leader.

  6. Welcome to Team 2. Check out the thread and introduce yourself.

  7. Windows 10. Day one. Not sure yet.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. dave524


      davey buoy running and laptop with an I5 processor and 6 Ghz of ram here

    3. Canuck2fan


      If your Hardware supports it I recommend it. Once you have upgraded if you have all the programs you use available for re-install. I would back everything up and do a clean install of Win 10, then only re-install what you will use. The KEY is to BACKUP all your pic, docs, favorites and contacts first.

    4. grizzlybri


      I upgraded when they first offered it and I'm loving it. It is like windows 7and the Apps from windows 8 are in a start menue making it feel like the old windows 7 menu

  8. Wishing everyone a safe and fishy long weekend.

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