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kevin booth

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Everything posted by kevin booth

  1. I have owned a princecraft 186 with a 100 johnson and it was the best boat i ever owned,and i have owned 5 boats never should have sold it and i sold it for 22000. 2 years old with scooty riggers and all the eqipt,i think you might have paid to much if it needs carpet work mine was mint.but anyhow word of advice,thats the nicest 186 in its class on the water,dont carpet it yourself,look around and find a professinal who does marine carpet and hire them you will love the out come it will look like a new boat and you will be proud of that boat guarantee.kevin booth
  2. i hate comercial fishing,i think it should be ban on all the great lakes at least for a few years for reproduction to regain itself on every fish species,as well as the idians should be shut down to.
  3. great boats to fish from,i own one myself and i would buy any legend as ive fished out of alot of them but under powered on all packages so what ever you buy from legend upgrade the motor to the max and you will love it and pass all the other boats around.
  4. wow 15lbs thats a beut way to go guys,looks like a great day for you guys and i know you were in good hands with scott,thanks for the great pics.
  5. wow thats a great season bud,great pics and bringing the wife is all good,as you get older she might not want to go as much but she will have no problem letting you go all the time because she knows how much you enjoy fishing,thats what happened to me anyway.i go fishing every weekend all year round with no hassels because she has been out with me alot years ago and my buddies cant figure out how i get away with gone all the time,she knows how much passion i have for the sport,and new truck wat to go now work on the boat and a camper for the back and you will be ready for the weekends bud its a great life when we are fishing.keep up the good work.
  6. hi all i got out on the 14th of nov/09 and fished the reach on bay of quinte and did well i got some bass,perch,pike and a couple walleye for the pan.pretty entertaining day as my partner got a 10lbs walleye as well as a bunch of other small ones.
  7. hi all,got out saturday 26th on the bay of quinte,deseronto and caught my personal best walleye.930am i was jigging a fin tech jig and gulp 3 minnow and landed 11 lbs walleye.
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