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Everything posted by walleye_man

  1. i managed to sneak out for a couple hours before dark landed 3 walleye and a ton of perch biggest perch was a touch over 10 inches but fat and i only took a pic of 2 of the walleye both were two small to keep but both smoked my lindy darter gonna head out again tomorow to see if i can hook into some bigger eyes.... till then chevy
  2. yeah i made one today it worked great
  3. thanks man not nearly as nice as your fish but.... there really good you just need to figure out how to keep it still and how to stear it to keep it on your jig
  4. we headed out on c bay today for the first time and tryed out the new portable the day started out alright with a couple perch with the biggest one being 9 inches after a few of those and a pike the sun started setting and i knew it was magic time shortly after i set the hook on my first walleye of the season in 8 feet of water on a hair jig for my first walleye of the year im pretty happy with it mesuring 18 inches deffinitly made for a nice snack
  5. looks like something that can be pretty easily made thanks alot terry ill try it out tomorow and see how it goes
  6. how do you turn the camera though and have it stay in place?
  7. well i have had my underwater camera for a while now but have not been able to figure out how to set it up well so you can watch your jig well fishing and i have watched a tone of awesome vids of people doing this but i cant figure out how to set it all up anyone want to help me out here? thanks alot chevy
  8. That is a scalpin my first and only saltwater fish really turned me off from ocean fishing after that haha
  9. yup its that time of the year that i only have a few more outings left of the season for musky so im gonna make my end of year review now i started the season off fishing for walleye and did we ever do good with many day caching 20-30 fish deffinitly my best year for walleye yet then i started out the bass season on good hands with the pro am more random bass of the season ' bass seasone was very short for me because this year i was determand to catch a musky and low and behold i did 8) my first brooky was also caught on my vacation to nova scotia and my biggest also caught my uglyest fish ever also got a couple bigger "junk fish" in the season not the targets but still fun yup lots of pix hope you all enjoyed though and have a good end to your softwater season 8)
  10. so i am heading out tomorow for some browns and im hopeing we get one or two and stop catching all the little bass that are in there the pond is a basic little basin with a strem going into it and one leaving it last year we had some luck getting them on spinners but this year absolutly nothing but bass what should i try to stop catching the bass and latch onto a brownie all input is greatly appreciated thanks alot guys
  11. thanks for all the great replys guys looks like im gonna be heading out tomorow to get another one
  12. well today we spent a good 12 hours in the boat fishing for musky and hoestly if i didnt get one today i was about to give up.... thank god today was the day but fist lets start off with the story we started off and after a couple of casts i get backlash and the line gets stuck in the trolling motor so we head back over to mickeys take the prop off and get rid of all the line 45 minutes we were back on the water trowing bucktails, topwaters, jerkbaits you name it without a sniff so we try a bunch of spots and about 10 hours into the trip im talking aabout how i have never had a hit on one of theses "secret lures" and just as i say that boom my rod bends RIGHT over and the fight is on what i brought in was this BEAST..... by my standards he was 40 inches long and was REALLY thick im still shakeing that was my biggest ever fish to date and gave one of the best fights ever he wasnt out of the water for more that 45 seconds and swam away strong im really happy about how everything went and by the way my new favorate fish are musky hope you enjoyed chevy
  13. the other day we were fishing for musky for about 5 hours without any thing trolling casting you name it and still neither of us have caught a musky but all of a sudden we stop our troll and i fire a cast towards shore in 5 or 6 feet of water and wham monster hit thought it was a pike or bass but when the head came out of the water we both flipped what we lead into the cradle was this beast my pb walleye at 25 inches and around 5 pounds i caught the beast on this rapala jointed crankbait oh and of course........the release video 8) the beast was released to spawn many more times i love watching a big fish like that swim away 8)
  14. hey guys due to the low water level we cant launch our 17 foot fiberglass boat anywhere in bark lake or in the matawaska were pretty much pooched for fishing any of that strech so my question is where are some lakes that have decent launches in that area in a river or lake that has decent fishing for pike, walleye, or any trout thanks a ton we will be heading out for camp tonight hopefully we can figure something out before that
  15. hey is there any difference between bowfin and snakehead?
  16. beauty fish man wish i had a crick like that around me
  17. some of the biggest pike i have ever seen congrats
  18. also i forgot to mention on our way up to one of out spots we saw a huge fish in the water floating dead so we decide to go see what it was turns out it was a 18 pound pike we put it on the scale to get it out of the water looked like it was dead for about a day sad to see such a big fish dead like that anyone have any idea of how it might of died?
  19. well we headed out to the camp site friday night and was all ready to go for the next mourning DAY 1 the water was LOW now just a couple feet very low these shoals are usually 12 feet under water :shock: so get get out on saturday all day fishing hard... a few pike and a handfull of rockbass to show :cry: DAY 2 so we look over the map that night and think lets go into bark lake what a good call within 5 minutes of trolling mickey hooks this nice eye so were SUPER stoked thinking we found the spot we found the fish but sadly that was the only one we got all day :? wel trying other spots the low water came in advantage helping us find awsome spots for the summer....if the water ever goes up got more rockbass after that DAY 3 today we headed into bark lake again to try for a couple more hours started off trolling but with the temperature so high we thought to drift and jig yet again another good call mickey hooks into another awsome fish a 23 incher yet again high fives we found the fish but no way the heat just brought us back in the fishing is very tough right now i didnt get one walleye all weekend after a couple of hours on ice and about to be cleaned so the stats fish one was caught on a botom bouncer and spinner in around 20 feet of water fish two was caught jigging in 12 feet of water with a leech hopefully we can start doing better soon thanks for reading and i hope you guys had a great long weekend
  20. beautiful fish man congrats
  21. hey guys got myself a couple of slow death hooks and am wondering where i should be trolling them and to either to rig them with a bottom bouncer or what i do not troll very often unless i am fishing musky so im haveing a hard time knowing if i have way to much line out or what thanks a ton in advance chevy
  22. thanks a ton for the helpfull tips you have given to me

  23. cliff i know exactly how your feeling i finnaly got my first walleye of the year last night but it was only 5 inches or so just a tease one thing i have never tried is bottom bouncers i will make sure i try them this long weekend i will also try Erie Dearies i am also catching TONS of big rock bass where i usually catch the eyes does this mean something? thanks so far for all the tips
  24. also had a really hard time this weekend very low water+no weed groth= no fish hopefully next weekend we can get them
  25. i will be fishing from a boat i dont know of any places with to much current i use everything from jigs to walleye divers i usually fish in the eavning the temps are around 55 and i am in constance bay below the fitzoroy damn i hope this helps
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