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Everything posted by walleye_man

  1. Mickey and I got out yesterday between 12-4.30 and had quite the time Spent a couple hours on largies and a couple on smallies and ended up with just over 17 pounds for our top 5 fish Finally starting to figure out this damn river! Have a good one boys
  2. I don't see a problem with the EAP! sick fish as always ace!
  3. Here's one to cure the Monday blue for everyone... It sure worked for me.. New body of water, on the frog, sounded like someone flushed the worlds biggest toilet Same great feeling of a giant trying to fight back <3
  4. Well today was very interesting afte the crazy storms we had last night! Made for a very slow and painful fish until this big guy was hauled Ito the boat This sow was 5.4 on the tournament scales.... Wasn't even enough for me to win big fish for the day NEXT TIME!
  5. Well today was very interesting afte the crazy storms we had last night! Made for a very slow and painful fish until this big guy was hauled Ito the boat This sow was 5.4 on the tournament scales.... Wasn't even enough for me to win big fish for the day NEXT TIME!
  6. Well today was a tougher day on the water..with high winds and a lake that was so choked up with weeds it made navigating the boat through the slop pretty tough making fishing even tougher Flip flip flip flip flip flip doink..... Only decent fish of the day
  7. I am on the Ottawa river!
  8. Well I had another unreal day today Started the day with smallies and broke my pb. Yes there is loads of EAP but this fish was big. 4.6 pounds on the new scale Then I had quite the surprise as this big old gator grabbed a smallie I had hooked boatside...was pretty wild to experience for sure After banging off another 25 smallies we decided it was time to hit a different lake for largies Got a bunch of little guys but my buddy Jesse took the cake with this toad Was quite the day! Hope you enjoyed the pics! Untill next time!
  9. New pb? I donno Hog? Yep Realeased for me to catch again when she's even bigger? Duh! Tons of fun on a ci4 and crucial? UH HUH!
  10. Thanks everyone! I am still completely in shock from the walleye! She was 30 inches, have no idea on a weight,8-10 pounds? and as for getting walleye bass fishin, this is one of those rare lakes that you can get the walleye flipping trees with texas rigged plastics. Usually there not this big though :0
  11. Hey guys headed out for my bass opener today for the season and I had a giant marble eyed gold brick steal the show on me! It's my pb by far and was just a hair under 30 inches! Was very impressed to see such a giant fish come out of such a small lake.i guess anything is possible though Oh I also scored a couple dandy bass. These next shots are two different fish both over 5 pounds! Hope you enjoyed the fish porn... This spring keeps getting better and better!
  12. hey guys I am in a photo contest on facebook run by Rapala for the best fishing picture. all im asking you guys to check out my picture and click like on my picture of my pb musky heres the link I am Chevy Victor Champagne dont want you guys liking the wrong picture http://www.facebook.com/rapalaarmy thanks a ton
  13. Where are the walleye walleye_man? Nice year i only got one good one this year at a top secret location under the moon light lol only went out a couple times for them bass was my main objective this year
  14. well guys I think I can safely that this has been my best year ever on the water from nailin a couple monster musky from catching 9 lm bass over 5 pounds including my PB 6.2 :shock: so here we go guys enjoy 8-) We started off the season hunting musky. I think we fished maybe 15 hours at the most this year for skis but what a great few outings. With Mickey getting his 45 incher on our first outing to me getting a 45 and 50 fifteen minutes apart off the same spot we got that 45 the day before that was a night I will never forget just the size and beauty of those fish do something to you undescribable 45" 50" Then I moved to bass fishing for most of the summer fishing tournaments and fishin my home water Sadly I couldn't catch bass like i was on my own time in the tournaments. That will change next year though heres my biggest bass from the season.... Still pissed about being alone and getting crappy pix And heres the section over five this year... that i can still find pictures of :x And my big girl 6.2 I then ended my season with something i really havent done alot of... TROUT FISHIN heres a couple good ones hope you guys enjoyed the pix just waiting for ice now
  15. well on friday mickey and i headed out in search on some trout again and just like a last experience it turned out great.. we fished 3 lakes that looks like they were heavily fished... due to garbage everywhere :evil: :cry: and got nothing.. decided to find some harder to get to lakes... yup this means walking and hiking... the joys of trout fishing good thing were young we had no problem on the little hikes we had to take to get to these lakes oh did i mention this was the best call either of us have ever made in our trout fishing career :shock: let the pix do the talking some little guys..... yes i fell in the lake and killed my phone.. thats why i have no socks or shoes on and some biggens i got stuck with the skinny females well mickey got the big males with beautiful kypes check out this monster... proberlly around 16 inches satisfied....
  16. hey guys sorry this reports a little over due but here it is now haha this weekend mickey and i headed out to my camp but for the first time ever we didnt have walleye gold on our minds.... we were thinking brookies a fish that i have personally fallen in love with since my trip to nava scotia so we started off spending 2 hours driving around trails looking for access points to bassicly any lake that we could put our boat into without any luck we moved to another part of the area about 15 minutes away loaded with more lakes so were driving and i see a trail that i think i can get my truck through to get to a lake i knew that was down there, so off we go ofcourse my two wheel drive chev had no problem climbing the hills jumping over the rocks and going through big holes but when we came to the end of the trail we saw something we wernt exactly expecting.... a house.... ARE YOU SERIOUS we just drove through the craziest trail with high hopes to pop out at someones cottage... well i geuse that turned out to be a good thing since the guy knew exactly where the lake was we were heading for... thanks again if your out there haha so we drive one minute down the road and see this little atv trail going into the bush... this must be it without eaven thinking we unload the boat and start are crazy portage atleast 1 km through the bush to be treated with the most beautiful sight in the world... a lake so back to the truck we go to get the trolling motor, battery, rods ect. that was a crazy hike i swear my arms were going to fall off from that battery... so we fish the lake for the couple hours we have of light and geuse what not a single bite..... we saw fish jumping and swirling on the bait fish we ssaw them on the fish finder but not a single bite all that work for nothing... we head back to camp empty handed but leave the boat there for day number two.... revenge again we get to the lake fish for a couple hours see a ton of fish jumping... not a fallow nothing so i heard there was another lake that we can portage to from the one we were on so why not we arnt catching fish here lets go so we portage away and start fishing... after about 5 minutes my floaat flys down i set the hook nothing... danm reeling in i see this huge flash and the biggest brookie i have ever seen in my life missed my worm... ok thiss lake has some active fish in it lets do this about a hour in with nothing to show mickey hooks this skinny little fellow on a spinner awesome the skunk is off our targeted fish is deffinitly in here so were going drifting the shore line and i throow my float into a patch of weeds all of a sudden my float flys down again this time i hook up and i get him close to the boat here we go this is my biggest brookie... he takes one more run... hits the trolling motor prop.... and shes gonzo deffinitly a 16 inch plus fish so we float around more no hits nothing and we get this hunch lets try some jigging in the deeper water a couple more minutes go by and this chunk of a speck goes into the net mickeys biggest speck proberolly 14 inches minutes later i finally break my skunk and land this 13 incher jigs for the next few hours with nothing to show and headed back to poratge our way into the main lake ill be back up this weekend trying to get the ones i had break off hope u enjoyed my long winded report guys
  17. hey guys i have had my camp up at Mattawaska for the past 5 years and just recently learnt that there is a large selection of stocked brook trout lakes around me "in zone 15 close to Algonquin park" im going up there this weekend looking to get some of the trout that are up there I looked through the stalking lists and found tones of lakes but they arn't easily accessible so my question is what are some lakes that i can get into around there i have a truck and were just bringing in a small aluminum with a trolling motor so as long as there is a trail towards the lake i can get there and i dont mind driving for anywhere up to an hour so if any of you can help me out i would be greatly appreciative thanks a ton chevy
  18. hey guys been busy fishing up here catching tons of monster bass heres some pix they were all caught flipping into pockets of slop 4.8 4.5 and the freak of nature 6.2 pounder i got yesterday sorry about all the bad pics iv been fishing alone latley
  19. eaded up to the miss today to do some bassin with mickey lets just say the numbers were there but we struggled all day to break 3 pounds..... that we never did heres a couple pix of what we did today well you were all at work \ big fish of the day....2.75 pounds but the real catch of the day was kermit here on a spro frog hope you enjoied till next time
  20. my last 5 pounder was also 21 inches if i can remeber correctly and that one was 5.5 it could be a nickle or not im happy no matter what she was a big fat fish and i got her on a spro popper frog in that big pocket behind me in the 2nd pic
  21. hey again, this years been great so far many big fish for me including this big bucket mouth i got this mourning i dont know how this horseshoe up my ass but it can stay there, i dont mind not to sure how much she weighed but she was 21 inches heres a couple pix hope you guys enjoyed
  22. hey guys we whent out for skis for a couple hours a few nightys ago and i sure am happy we did caught my new pb on a super girl at 45 x 17'' fish just beautifull here she is another shot she kicked away like a true champ and im just in absolute shock never seen a fish like that in my life then when it gets interesting, about 15 minutes later i set the hook on what felt like a log then out of the water it comes just shaking its head i knew this was a huge fish and i was doing everything possible to get it into the cradle then in it slid.... i knew it was big but when mickey told me the measurment i was just in awe 50 inches just a compleate fish of a life time and a beautifull creature Here it is guys 50 by 20 just awesome i dont know if im ever going to top that but right now im on top of the world another shot again she kicked off strong i love seeing something that huge kicking off and going back into the depths something i will never forget hope you guys enjoyd untill next time
  23. I know there's a new ice fishing guide that operates mostly out of the east end. From what I hear he has a nice set-up and I think he even refunds you if you don't get any fish. According to his facebook this is his website www.ottawariverfishing.ca
  24. a couple of days ago we tryed out a new spot neither of us have ever fished set up the portable in 17 feet of water and drilled holes everywhere to find different depths and we started off there around 230 after a bit and only catching 2 dinks we moved into shallower water at about 430 thats when the action heated up got a ton of smaller fish a couple keepers then mickey sets the hook on this HOG she was 23 inches long and had a huge girth on her im thinking around 5 pounds maby less sadley she didnt want to take off so we had to keep her Crying or Very sad moments later we hear a ton of commotion from the shack next to us so we go to check it out they just had to outdoo us and land a 7 pounder Shocked i have never seen a walleye that big in my life again it wouldnt swim off its like after the fight they would instinly just give up its really sad to have to big sponers like that gone but thats life heres a pic of the 7 look at it compards to my boot i wear size 13's so i thought ok this spots great i gotta try the mourning bite and yet again i was not dissapointed within minutes i had my first walleye on the ice a nice 17 incher i then caught a bunch of smaller fish that all whent back and missed a solid 3 pounder at the hole cant wait till the next outing
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