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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Digital scales are just cheapo spring scales with a digital readout(same crap for more money)...............chatillon is only way to go


    I'm not complaining when mine is within .3 (or less) of a lb, verified to a government certified scale.

    Like I said though, I don't use it alot, so who knows, with increased use it could become "loosey-goosey". :)

  2. I've owned more than a few scales since I was about 10 years old... and have NEVER weighed a fish. Yes I've caught some... just never see a need.


    I don't weigh them very often, probably why the battery is still good on the one I have. Had to weigh the sheepshead I got out with Lloyd last Thanksgiving weekend just cause it was such a pig.

  3. I've had one of the Berkley digital scales for over ten years now, measures in .1 of a lb increments. Still accurate within .3 of a lb. I've done side by side testing with our certified scale at work.

    Received it as a Christmas gift, so not sure of the cost...think they are under $40?


    Find it much better than any of the old spring scales I had.

  4. I'm insulted you guys were in my neighborhood and didn't stop in for a beer! :P


    Good work on the perch though Frank!





    Funny, as we were passing by DC I mentioned to Juli that we still had to drop in and say hi, plus pick up one of the posters from the Fish-A-Thon.


    If I make it down for a shot at some of those brownies, I'll let you know when.

    Maybe we can set up a perch fish with Dan and Shawn, be fun to get the four boats out there together. :)

  5. On another note, I haven't posted a whole lot this summer...a combo of having the new baby and I've been busy finishing the basement so I haven't gotten a whole lot of fishing in... I'll do up a proper summer report once I finish beating down on my in-land closer browns! :whistling:





    Might see you out there one evening Ryan. Nice job on the basement. We're starting ours this weekend, now that foundation dig/repair is all done.

    Good luck with the kid's fishing day!!

  6. Great report Frankie,Good to see you guys on sunday we should have stayed out the storms went the other way by the looks of it as we left the PP .



    Thanks, Shawn!! Nice surprise bumping into you. That sky was looking pretty nasty, plus, we had a decent meal of perch in the livewell so no regrets.

    We'll get more next time...have to slide over to Big Dan's area :whistling:

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