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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Well the kijiji ad for an icefishing bungalow business in NorthBay happens to have the same phone number as Snofari.... :whistling:


    Good report...as others have said, having the bungalow in a poor location doesn't make sense. Great example of how attitude makes or breaks a trip.


    It would be great to see someone take over that business, and, run it properly. Alot of damage has been done, so obviously a name change would be the first order of business. Like others on here have mentioned, it truly is a customer service venture.

  2. There's still time to do something,if he chooses to do nothing I think this time their will be some fan and media uproar towards Burke big time imo.


    The problem now is this terrible stretch has put the Leafs in a worse position for dealing. They look desperate, and Other GM's can smell that a mile away.

  3. Still doesn't cut it for an ice bungalow experience as far as I am concerned. The only reason I would stay in one of those sub par things is if I had fish right under me. That's what the whole experience is about as far as I am concerned. If you have to get up in the morning and jump in your vehicle to go searching for fish you might as well stay with another outfitter in a nice COMFY ROOMY cabin on shore with a shower and all the other conveniences... and have them drive you out to there fishing shacks with fish right under them.


    Thanks however for taking the time to post a report.


    BINGO!! But. Good to hear the OP enjoyed it.

  4. ". But, given that us sens fans used to consider the leafs our arch nemesis, I see no problem in the "mindless" joshing that goes on in these threads. We're all big boys and most of us get a kick out of trying to rile the other guys up.



    The funny thing is how riled up some of the guys get.


    I'm as big a Leafs fan as anyone on here, but, don't take it personally. My biggest thrill right now is seeing the Habs in the basement, sad as that may sound :)

  5. they are a clean fish and clearly a predatory species... Not necessarily a bottom feeder like some people think.



    I know one thing for sure, the 8-9 lber I caught gave me the hardest hit I've had ice fishing, and, fought amazingly well. Once you get over the strangeness of them, they are truly a fun fish to catch. As for eating, I know I'll be keeping one again next time I'm at Nipissing!!

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