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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. No worries Frankie, I understand :good:B) just razzing you that's all :P:D Now get to work... like I said, you gots some catching up to do :whistling::P:lol::D


    Jacques you should have seen the way her rod was thumping on the fish she lost. Juli said it felt twice as big.


    We've kept a lot of pike that weren't bleeding Frankie! I don't think anybody should have to explain why they kept an IN season, legally caught fish... No matter the size or specie.... if it's in season, it's fair game IMO. I mean I wouldn't keep 50 perch 5 days in a row... at some point common sense has to kick in but u know what I'm sayin....




    You bet, buddy. We'll see you soon...either trout opener, or before, if we had down that way with the boat for some LPB perch.

  2. hahahaha :thumbsup_anim:



    Good job Guys! I'm not a pike eating guy but my whole family enjoys a good gator meal from time to time! Glad you got out and caught some fish... well Julie anyways! :whistling:






    Ryan, we rarely keep pike as well, but, out of that cold water...if I had three plates-one with perch, one walleye, one pike...you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference. Plus like Juli said, we had no choice, the back treble was right down in the gills, bleeding like a pig.

  3. The fishing queen strikes again :w00t: Great job Juli :worthy: and congrats on that beauty gator :clapping:


    P.S. Frankie... you've got's some work to do to catch up just saying :o:whistling::P:)


    What can I say Jacques...she has the majic touch this year. Nobody there hooked a fish except for her. I did have a follow.


    Frankie gets out fished again! We need to start keeping score! :)


    As for the score Bill, let's just say I'm doing about as well as the Leafs :):(


    Congrats Juli - and thanks for leaving that big one for me; cant wait to get back home.

    Hey Frank - I should get you to review my tackle box when I get back... "You're gonna use that one?"


    a short 15 hour:glare: plane ride home on Saturday - boat out of storage Sunday and in for spring service Monday :thumbsup_anim:


    hopefully the weather obliges the following weekend


    Can't wait Rick!!!!!!


    Gotcha! That's cute and kind of Gollum-like at the same time. :D


    Yeah, Mike, when she starts hunkering down and rubbing her hands together mumbling about her precious, I get a little worried :P

  4. But here's my best suggestion......go catch some CRAPPIES.....the meat is PURE white when cooked and NO fishy taste whatsoever.....but after you catch them put them on ice in the cooler if you don't have a livewell....Good Luck,




    I find the same thing with perch or walleye. Eat them fresh, no fishy taste whatsoever.

  5. which tells me that more people are interested in hearing his opinion than yours or mine.



    That's why he gets paid the big bucks. We all watched it, no?:dunno:


    Like I said, earlier, it's all about good tv.


    Do I take it seriously, not very often :blahblah1:

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