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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. I thought the pale guy from the arctic was Nash the Slash, anxiously waiting to see some meat which succummed to the punisher, that is a nice looking stick(meat stick) you built dave


    Nash the Slash...awesome, lol. Haven't heard that name in awhile.


    Looking forward to more pics!!!

  2. Great work by the boys over the years has finally paid off, and, made the Saugeen the river it always had the potential to be.

    Used to spend alot of time on that river back when the runs were barely a tenth of those numbers. Love the big water, and, strong currents. There is no comparison to fighting them in some of the "drainage ditches" in Eastern Ontario.

  3. Steelhead are anadromous rainbow trout.

    This means they are a rainbow that migrates out of it's natal river to an ocean or large lake (Great Lakes) when it smolts. It lives it's life in the ocean or large lake and when mature it returns to it's natal stream to spawn. It returns to the ocean/lake after spawning to return (hopefully) yearly on these spawning runs.


    A rainbow (non-steelhead) is one that does not drop out of it's natal stream into a large lake or ocean. It spends it's life in the river/stream it was born in.



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