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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. I wont be filling this survey OUT(no disrespect),as like Frank said,I too, am a C&R guy. Dont see the point. Dont understand all this opening/closing/limiting/moving dates.


    I can see limiting catches/keeps.


    Maybe I need to get a following of closing Lake Ontario tribes, one year at a time.


    Oh, never mind.I asked about this a few years ago, and got shot down. Not enough policing to enforce :dunno: .


    Some valid points Brian. Lowering the limit works for me too, but, I just find the bass season so short that an extra week to pursue them, LEGALLY, would be nice.

    As far as other changes...how about closing Scugog to winter walleye fishing, or rotating Scugog/Rice...but, that's a whole other discussion :whistling:

  2. Done!!!


    I am strictly catch and release as far as bass are concerned, so, opening the season a week early for me isn't about filling a freezer. I do feel, that, the populations in this zone are healthy, and, with the trends toward warmer springs opening the season a mere seven days early would in no way harm the fishery.


    For that matter how many extremely healthy bass fisheries in the US and northern Ontario have no closed season, not that I would go that extreme for a high pressure, slow growth...compared to the US...area like zone 17.

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