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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Congrats Juli, you sure can catch fish :thumbsup_anim:


    Frank... not so much :whistling::lol:



    Congrats juli on your pb , and ps what dan said x2 , lol


    I was waiting for the peanut gallery to chime in :D


    Way to go Juli. Congrats (again) I think Frank is the lucky charm - he used all his charm getting Juli and now he has none left for the fishwhistling.gif .


    Thanks, Rick. I won't deny, she has the magic touch right now. We've fished on the ice six times this winter. Juli has caught the biggest fish 5 of those days!! I beat her on numbers a few times, but, I get as much joy watching her land big fish, as if I caught them myself.

  2. keep backing Burke you sheep! by the time he's gone you'll still not have made the playoffs and you'll have no farm system (already don't).


    Ouch :)


    For me, Doc, it isn't a question of backing Burke, or whoever is running things. I just grew up as a Leafs fan, and, will always be one. I won't change allegiances based on performance or standings.


    Granted it has been a tough road for the last (TOO MANY) years, but, it is what it is. Guess some of us are just suckers for punishment :)


    I'm sure being a Sens fan has been tough at times, too, over the last dozen years...coming so close, not too mention some of those defeats to the Leafs due to some absolutely horrendous goaltending in the play offs.


    In the end it gives us all another thing to talk (or argue) about.

  3. Great pb juli congrats with the way our area looks its hard to believe that there is ice in ontario



    I hear you Mike! Definitely have to put some miles on the truck to get to any ice fishing.

    Look forward to seeing you at the Fishing For A Cure event in July!

  4. Glad I was on the road home from Quinte for that one (Toronto/Montreal) yikes!

    I had recorded it, so watched the Sundin ceremony. Classy all the way. Mats said the right things, and, almost lost it when mentioning Pat Burns, Wade Belak etc...passing away. Shame the team didn't show up for the game.

  5. Great stuff, Paul!! Juli does the "Oh My God" when the ice starts banging too. Had a few of those moments on Quinte, Saturday.


    Up until a few years ago, I hadn't been ice fishing since I was "knee high to a grasshopper". Now, I'm hooked big time. Can't believe I was missing out on a whole season of fishing (other than the odd winter steelheading trip)!!!

  6. A 26 incher going 8.5lbs must have been thick...




    I'm hoping to get marissa a bigger walleye this year... It's one of the only species I target where her pb isn't what it should be...


    Yeah, Mike, incredible girth...hard to see on the photo. Checked my scale too, and it is within .3 of a lb, one way or the other.


    Good luck getting Marissa the big one!!

  7. Great Job, Juli! It certainly is a beautiful specimen. Glad you both had a good time.



    I'll pass on the message Roy. She kicked my butt again, this has really been her year on the hardwater.


    Holy cow! Quinte sure is producer of huge walleye


    Yeah, Chad, it is a huge walleye factory. If you ever get the chance, go for it.

    That said, you have some pretty darn good fishing on your doorstep :) We're really looking forward to heading up that way again next January!!

  8. Finally got back out on the famed waters of the Bay of Quinte, Saturday. Tough conditions, with the wicked cold front, but, Juli latched on to a beauty 8 1/2 lb walleye, her new PB.

    The fish was only a hair over 26", but, was a fatty!






    Had a great day in FishinMagicians comfy hut, with a few chasers, and some nice perch caught as well. Even though things were tough, can't complain, especially when a PB is landed!


    Love those waters, and, sometimes I really wish I lived on the east side of Toronto :)

  9. Roy gave me this information for my area... I'd assume it's similar across Ontario...






    Not too mention an "adaptive" personality, thick skin and the ability to produce fish on a regular basis. Thankless job in many ways, I know I wouldn't want to turn my passion into a job.

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