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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Mike, I think everyone has already made the statements I'm thinking, having read another amazing post.


    One thing I will say, is, I think you have just given me THE destination for the brookie trip that Juli's dad and I wish to do. Both of us have longed to do a brookie trip our whole lives, and we've talked about coasters on Superior, or Nipigon, but, this looks amazing...throw in the walleye and pike, can't be beat!!!

  2. It doesn't matter what rid you get her, you'll be using it the most pulling it out of trees, rocks, baiting it.or she won't use it at all due to horseflies. Go through it every time. Good luck!


    Yeah, know what you mean...NOT!!!!!!!!!!












    Shall I go on!!!???


    To the OP---

    Hope she loves it half as much as my "fishergirl" does

  3. Juli outfishes Frankie...AGAIN! thumbsup_anim.gif



    LOL!! Now that all depends on perspective. Target species was walleye, and, I DID catch the ONLY walleye (sad as that is) but, yes, she did catch the BIGGEST fish :D


    It was a fun day on the water, always a great time with Craig. Juli mentioned me being the crappie king, funny thing, but for whatever reason I was catching them all over the lake. Too bad they weren't a tad bigger, would have made for a good meal.

  4. Well no camping for us again as we have our kids derby here in Belle River the next morning and we have to be in Belle River for 6am for it. But we will be at the Fish-A-Thon bright and early Saturday I am looking forward to it.


    Looking forward to seeing you and the family again Mike.

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