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  1. After speaking to 2 CO`s regarding taking pictures of undersized muskies he didn’t seam to have an issue with it. As long as you have the proper fishing licence that allows you to possess a musky and it’s in season and you release the fish healthy it is not something they would likely charge you with. The only thing they said was that in thier opinion it could be considered an offence if it’s a musky that is out of season or you are in possession of the musky without the proper licence like a conservation licence where the possession limit on musky is 0. Basically they said it was illegal to posses a musky with a conservation licence or posses an out of season musky at any time and in the case that you hook one out of season or with a conservation licence you need to remove the hooks while it remains in the water. According to the CO, once you remove that musky from the water and hold it, even for just 1 picture, even for only 10 seconds, you are in possession of it when you shouldn`t be and the picture is evidence of that. However, as the CO`s told me they would even consider charging you if the fish is released quickly and in good health, unless they suspect that you are targeting the musky out of season or with a conservations licence. Yes, I know you’re allowed to fish musky with a conservation licence, but according to the law you cant posses one at any time, even for a picture, therefore if you have a conservation licence you are required to leave it in the water if you hook one. It`s probably best just to get a sport licence if you`re going to fish musky in Ontario. Overall unless the CO suspects you are purposely committing an offence like targeting a musky out of season your chances of being fined for taking a picture of a small musky or any musky is not likely. Graham, Fish Hard, Fish Fast Georgian Bay Musky Charters www.ontariomusky.com
  2. I'll try that jedi. Thanks guys,
  3. Hey Guys, I can't seem to find a wiring diagram so I can hook up 4 batteries to a 24 volt trolling motor. The 2 other batteries are to increase battery longevity, not power. Any help is appreciated. Thanks Graham
  4. Very impressive young_one. I'm guessing your legs are raffia or swiss straw tied and trimmed, thats a lot of work but they make an awesome realistic looking fly fly. I hope they work well for you.
  5. Anglers Pro Shop in Orangeville sells really good rainbow roe by the half pound and pound. It is fish farm roe and it is lightly salt cured but works very good. http:/www.anglerspro.ca
  6. I'd recommend Chaudiere lodge for the good accommodations, good food, great service and of course, good fishing. http://www.chaudierelodge.com/
  7. Good choices Drifter, I've used 10lb Power Pro for bottom bouncing. Awesome for sensitivity, you feel everything.
  8. What method, Float fishing, Bottom bouncing or casting hardware? I like the Raven hi-vis line for my Centerpin reels in 8lb. Other popular lines include Ande, Siglon F and Maxima Green in 6 to 10lb. I use 6lb Gamma for my casting rods.
  9. Sounds like a good price for that rod but like MJL stated that rod might be a bit to heavy if you're planning on doing mostly float fishing or bottom bouncing in smaller clearer rivers which require lighter leaders of 3 to 6lb test. A lighter and longer rod will be more flexible and forgiving while using those lighter leaders and a longer rods gives you better line control. \ Remember that the lightest part of your set-up is not the main line but the leader and the heavier your leader is the less hook ups especially under clear conditions. Sorry to be negative, but if I was you I would try to return it for a 4 to 8lb rod instead and go up another foot or 2 if you plan on float fishing in clear smaller rivers. Get a reel with a super smooth drag and minimum line capacity of 8lbs /150yds - check out the Okuma Inspira and US reels. I have 2 and really like them.
  10. Hey Sharkbait, If those heavier rods are tiring you out, try a 10' 6wt. I've been using 10 foot 6 weights for almost 20 years now. When I started fishing steelhead I was told I needed an 8 or 9 weight for steelhead and then I met a smart older fly angler that let me borrow his 10' 6wt steelhead rod and since that day I have never used an 8 or 9 weight again for steelhead or salmon. I've yet to find a steelhead in the great lakes that I could not handle on my 6 weights and have landed thousands of salmon up to almost 40lbs on 6 weight rods. It still surprises me that guys are still using 8 weights on rivers in Ontario. Other then the Niagara,Maitland and Saugeen most rivers fish well with single hand rods in the 6 and 7 weight rage and wont tire you or the fish out. Cheers Graham
  11. Hey Fshrgy, Due to popular demand St. Croix re-introduced the imperial line up this year again and it's been getting great reviews. I have dealt with St. Croix for service many times in the past and they have been excellent with some rods being returned in less then 10 days.
  12. The Shimano Curado 300 would be my choice because it casted nicely, had a fast retrieve, handled big baits, felt good on all of my St Croix Rods and most of all it held up the whole season under conditions that were destroying Abu C3's fast.
  13. Hey Sharkbait, Anglers Pro Shop in Orangeville sells them. That rod has been getting good on-line and magazine reviews and I have 2 freinds using them now, both guys are also saying good things about them. The 6 and 7 weights have been the best sellers. Graham A Perfect Drift Guide Company www.aperfectdrift.com
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