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Posts posted by fish_fishburn

  1. Start small and increase it next year if you wish. I would go with a raised bed if I were you. My garden is 8x20 and its perfect for me I can weed it in an hour and 20 minutes a day for everything else. With decent yields for the wife and I. Then you will have to get into canning in the fall or give most of your stuff away. I did that the first year but have been canning ever since. Lots of fun.

  2. They should do away with both the Beer Store and the LCBO. The service is good at both but their hours of operation suck in my town. Now hopefully the price of beer will come down. A 24 in quebec is15 bucks cheaper than Ontario. That's right across the river from me so that's where I buy. Plus quebec has good sales on all the time because of free enterprise. No such thing in Ontario because we have to pay stock boys and ladies 20.00 plus benefits per hour.

  3. Frying anything is bad. But if you must fry use real butter instead of oil. Any oil in a bottle is not good because of oxidization. Canola is a bmo product if I am not mistaken. Margarine is just unhealthy and should never be used, EVER. All this talk about to much cholesterol and salt in our diets is a big lie. This is why alzheimers is out of control with the elderly because they don't get enough cholesterol to keep their brain healthy. \salt is required to produce stomach acid. Low salt diets are the biggest cause of gut problems. Not enough salt and your stomach acid is to weak to break down your food. Also never drink carbonated drinks with your meal. Anything carbonated also dilutes your stomach acid.

  4. You might want to tell her that the human body cant exist and stay healthy on vegetables alone. She will be deficient in minerals, vitamins and e,f,a, (essential fatty acids). I have a friend whose father passed away at 62 yrs old and was a vegan since 32 yrs old. Died from clogged arteries. Ate no meat or dairy. His M.D. gave him this advice. Personally a M.D. is the last person I would ask for advice on nutrition. But what do I know I eat close to 2 doz eggs a week and use as much salt as required to make my food taste good. I don't drink milk or any carbonated soft drinks, no nitrates and have never had a prescription filled since I left home at 18. Im 54 now and don't need Viagra either. Seems to be working for me lol. I forgot to mention if I have to fry anything I use a big chunk of good old butter. No margarine for this guy, That stuff is pure poison. Just my 2 cents.

  5. What I think has to be done is when you vote you choose independent. someone attached to no political party what so ever. all the parties act the same way when they get in power. Lies corruption and big fat expense accounts. Tow the party line or your out who cares what your constituents want. All the parties will tell you not to vote for independent so maybe there is a method to my madness.

  6. The leafs are so easy to play against and all the other teams know it. You play the leafs and skate hard both ways you will get two points. They are so soft, don't finish their checks and stand around in their own end when they don't have the puck instead of putting pressure on the puck to get it back. They don't stick up for each other like all good teams do. And they don't play for each other.


    If I was celine dion I would be dropping the gloves every game. In four or five games they would be saying he is the only guy doing anything out there. But hes a big coward so that's out of the question. Until the Leafs start making the other teams earn their wins nothing will change. They would be way better off with twenty skaters making under 2 mill a year each that come to work everyday with their lunch buckets and put in an honest days work. Noonis should be paying attention to Winnipeg to see how its done.

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