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Posts posted by fish_fishburn

  1. Nice dogs. I have had four of them in my life time. Two Siberians and two Alaskans. They are very loyal dogs and make great pets. Beware though they are very stubborn as well. They are happiest when they are working. My last one was a Siberian and he was awesome. I trained him to haul my ice fishing sled to and from the truck and he just loved doing that. They love to chase rabbits and squirrels etc and I could never figure out how to break them from that habit. I used to save his hair in the spring time when their coat blows out and a lady used to collect it and spin it into wool and make winter mitts and toques with it. Its all about repetition when it comes to training. They are eager to learn but only for short periods of time then they get bored and stop listening. That's when you stop and call it a day. They need lots of exercise or they will become disobedient and dig your yard up like there is no tomorrow. Good luck with him.

  2. I don't condone the act by Thornton, Bill. But he didn't slam him to the ice and stiff him good. He sort of helped him to the ice so he wouldn't bang his head the tapped him twice, gingerly as a warning.Then to everyones surprise Orpik does the funky chicken. Did you see Bryan Murray in the press box? He looked very aggetated. I think he is about to do something!!! Shakeup coming in Ottawa very soon.

  3. Orpik spent more time laying on the ice then he did in the hospital. That's pretty sad when a hockey player fakes an injury like that just to get the other guy suspended. When he plays his next game I bet someone grabs him and gives him a pounding for such fakery. That's embarrassing to all NHLers.

  4. Did I miss something, How can a little poke with the glove on inflict so much damage? Not like he got hit with a haymaker or anything. I bet Orpik will be released and be just fine. Now Neil is going to get a mitt full of games off. That was a real dirty shot. Not sure how you can call the Neil scrap a beatdown he fell.

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