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Posts posted by fish_fishburn

  1. I think theres also a code about carrying your stick around like Kessel does. superstar or not you use your stick like that and your just the same as everyone else. Kessel should of shown he has balls and just grabbed him and held on real close. The linesman would of been there to bail him out in a second.

  2. Hi Guys,


    I acquired a couple of Luhr Jensen Pink Lady's today. I have never seen them before, they are a sort of trolling sinker Are these things still in production or are they old and no longer made? Which end ties to the mainline? If you have any pros and cons about these that would be good too. I got them from an old chap that no longer fishes.

  3. Season opens here for bass tomorrow. Noticed 2 big bass boats with three in each boat pounding the smallies yesterday. by the sounds of them they were having a great time. I got out of my car and yelled to them that bass opens friday and they said they were fishing for Northerns and Picks. Spinnerbaits tubes abd senkos were the hot baits. Gotta get the poacher # on my phone. These idiots give us bassboat owners a bad name.

  4. Well it was an eventful trip out on the water yesterday. The exercise of the day was for the g/f to get the boat ready all by herself Shes a new boater and I am teaching her the ropes. I get to her place and the boat is all ready to go. She hooks it up to the truck and were off.


    We launch the boat and head down river. On the way I decide to check the gas tank. Go figure, less than a 1/4 tank on board. I dont say anything and only go half as far as I had planned. We set up our rods and start a troll heading in the homeward direction. about 1 hr into the troll chug chug chug stall. Pump the buld she fires up again and a minute later she dies again.


    So I pump the bulb again and start it up and tell her to take over driving while I change my bait. Sure as heck it dies again. She says what the heck and looks at me for help. I tell her to go through the starting procedures and she does but it wont start. The she happens to check the gas and there is none. lol You should of seen the look on her face, priceless. Lift the motor and put down the electric motor and troll home. I can almost gaurentee she will never run short on fuel again. No fish by the way but a good lesson in boat preperation. lol

  5. Was in crappy tire yesterday checking out the crankbaits. Your right the prices are bordering ridiculous. I guess as long as we keep buying them the prices will keep increasing. My issue with the higher prices is were not getting a better made product most of the time to justify the cost. One of my favorite trolling cranks is the Rapala Taildancer. I probably have ten and half of them the finish is coming off in chunks the size of a dime after being used only a few times.


    Over the last two years I have been using Reef Runner cranks and have about twenty five different ones. There only eight bucks each and I have had zero issues with the finish staying on them. The problem with them is that probably half of them dont run properly out of the box and have to be hand tuned to get them working right. I guess thats the price you pay for a cheaper lure. But I will tell you that they catch big eyes and Northerns for me on the Ottawa River and BOQ where I use them the most. Needless to say I left Crappy empty handed yesterday, I can get more for my money at my local independent tackle shop. Crappy Tire is definitely not passing their buying power back to the customer. I would say they are twenty percent more expensive then anywhere else in my area at least.

  6. My g/f is about to pull the trigger on her own boat, (used from owner). I was wondering what is the best way to have the Bill of Sale written up. And any other advice on purchasing F.S.B.O. Its been awhile since I have purchased a used boat. Thanks

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