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Posts posted by fish_fishburn

  1. There has never been a known case of anyone overdosing and dying from cannabis. A study I read recently said in order to overdose you would have to smoke 1500 joints in an hour. Now if you ate to many brownies at a sitting you may feel like your gonna puke but you will be fine in an hour or two. The govt reason for this smoke only policy was nothing more than them protecting their bedfellow big pharma. Big pharma knows that consuming weed oil will cure many diseases and ailments because the CBO and CBD in the carboxolized oil are a cure for many diseases and we cant have that. I have a friend who had type II diabetes he was taking two or 3 needles a day to keep his insulin in check. He bought a pound of good weed and had someone make oil out of it. He took it twice a day and in three weeks he was no longer doing needles and his blood/sugar levels were normal. He takes it now once a week for maintenance and everything is good. He said when he mentioned it to his doc he didn't seem to surprised or interested in his finding.


    So sometimes when things seem so ridiculous and asinine with govt policy if you follow the money you will probably find your answer.

  2. Rona Ambrose says she is outraged by the Supreme Courts ruling that medical marijuana users can take their medicine any way they want to. Either smoke it, consume it in edibles or make oil or tincture from it. The old law was to smoke it only and if taken any other way and get caught by the cops you could be arrested.


    Harper and his henchman appealed this ruling three times in the Supreme Court of B.C. before it went to the Supreme Court of Canada for final ruling.and he lost. No kidding. It only cost the tax payers 10.5 million in legal fees to represent the feds.


    I am outraged that Rona Ambrose is our Health Minister she is such a fool. Lets see how outraged she is next November when she tries to find a new job.


    She does have nice hair though.

  3. I have no problem with cops what so ever. You guys can sugar coat it all you want but the marine unit is out there to generate cash. Do you think for one minute that if an officer in the marine division didn't produce lots of tickets at the end of his shift that he would remain in that unit. Of course not he would be back on hwy patrol in no time flat.


    The lowest fruit always gets picked first (fisherman). I can go out on the Ottawa River in my fishing boat and I will be checked by the opp probably 75% of the times I go out. I go out on the same river with my 26 ft cruiser sometimes for a week at a time and I have never been approached by the cops. Not once in 12 years. Go figure.

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