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Bill Shearer

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Posts posted by Bill Shearer

  1. I have an iPhone, and absolutely love it.The Maps feature is ok when pre-planning a trip.

    But I have to say that it does not replace a good GPS in any way. First off you can't be watching it all the time while driving. 2nd it does not announce turns etc. 3rd it does not give re-routes when you screw up, and lastly my GPS displays the speed limits where I am. I have a heavy foot, and have saved money when it warns me. (Fines) That happens often when I'm heading to the GTA.

    Plus, I have taken it when traveling to Florida, NY, PA, Ohio,Hawaii, or Alaska, and it has been extremely accurate.

    So for my money, I still rely on the GPS. I have had both Garmin and Magellan. I prefer Garmin.

    Thats my .02c

  2. Margaret Attwood the author has requested the change. I hope the various levels of checks and balances tell her it is not in the beSt interests of the majority of Canadians. In spite of the fact she is a worthy Canadian, she isn't any more worthy than the thousands of military folks that have protected and preserved our rights and freedoms since the last change. I'm old enough that I still proud ding the original lyrics.

    No change from the altered version is necessary. IMO

  3. Here's my take on Backing.

    I use dacron 50 lb kite string. Comes in many colours, It is much cheaper than the 20/30lb dacron fly backing, it is not as heavy as mono, Does not absorb water like mono, and can be used as a way of adding some color and individuality to reel.


    For hooks, match the size of the hook to the size of the bait, as has already been stated.

  4. Raven extra strong Octopus in #6, #4, should be more then adequate, IMO.

    Those same hooks in #10, #8, account for 90% of the steelhead I catch. I used the #6, #4, and sometimes #2 for steelhead in BC this spring, but I pinched down the barb, as per BC Laws. They held every fish without any fail. Actually graphically showed me how little the barb really matters, if you pay attention to to the fish!!



  5. I hope it's not a case of too little, too late!

    None of us law abiding fishers/hunters ever mind the MNR personnel coming into camp, or checking fish retained while on the water.

    I, in fact am very happy to see them. It does not happen often where I fish. It pains me to see the 'no overtime', 'no holiday extra pay' that has been the norm for years, in the province. Either the present government cares for the resources or it doesn't. It's up to the voting public to stand up and be firm!

    Question your local MPP. Get involved. Being 'political' is not a disease, but rather a right under the laws of the land.

    Change will happen, but not right away, and certainly not easily. IMO.

  6. I have walked that stuff while hunting.

    It is a truly unique experience like walking on a trampoline, but with less bounce. All is good until you go through it, and find yourself up to your armpits in bottomless slop.

    You learn to tread softly.

    Fishing it would be unique.

  7. I have absolutely no idea how the CT stores in specific areas order any of the product they sell. The owners should be aware of area resources, but I believe they are folks who have money to invest, but are from different areas than the stores location. They may not be remotely interested in fishing, hunting, etc. They just want to carve out a living.

    There is how the problem arises. IMO

    They entrust the ordering of our sports to folks who don't fish or hunt etc.

    and that is why we get what we get. Unusable aisles of merchandise in the stores.

    Disaster for the owners. Frustrations for the customers.

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