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Bill Shearer

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Posts posted by Bill Shearer

  1. Well Dave;

    The grass is still poking through the snow here in Hamilton. The forecast is for 6" or so, and with the east winds off Lake O, we might get a little more.

    So, we can't really spare too much, but I'm sure the folks in the Southampton/London/Sarnia area would be willing to share what they have! :whistling:

    Your fishing video looked like you had ample at the time,(well done, BTW)

    I can say that if it was within my power, I'd happily re-program the snow machine to work harder up your way :lol:


    Good luck on the video

  2. Mercman

    At the end of the day, you really have to laugh at the ad!

    I'm a dog guy,and I'm not offended at all!

    Of course my dog is a Lab!

    Much bigger than those yappy little balls of fur! :clapping:

    I fished a St.Croix rod for about 20 minutes once, but in spite of that, they have a good product, with a great guarantee. Give them a break.


    We need to relax about this type of thing. Political correctness is contagious!

    And that's my thoughts.

  3. 43 Years ago, I was an avid waterfowl hunter.

    I was offered 30 Anger decoys of various species. The Anger Bros produced some very nice decoys in Dunnville ON. back in the 50s.

    When I went to pick them up, they were jammed in bushel baskets!

    I was lucky enough to get 30 of them.

    I never put them in the water, and after some phone calls and negotiating, got enough from the sale to furnish my first home!



    I wonder what they must be worth now?


    The internet will make shopping those decoys easier.

    They probably are worth far more than you might think,

  4. Had this brand new rod for a few years now. Was passed on from my dad with waders. Never used it since I never tried fly fishing yet. Does anyone know the value or the line weight of this rod? Couldn't find any information on google. This is the 3 piece one and i also have a 2 piece one. Wonder if it's possible to use a spinning reel instead of a fly reel and fish for walleye? Any information provide will be greatly appreciated.


    Thanks for reading,

    J. Fisher

    Back in the day, many folks used a spinning reel on a fly rod, when fishing Steelhead.

    Of course back then, pretty much all of us called 'em Rainbows.

    Some guys took the Butt cap off, and put in a 7" fighting butt, others just fished them 'as is'

    If you aren't a "fly guy"sometimes the nice slow action of a fly rod is very welcome when using light line tactics for finicky pickerel, or Rainbows.

  5. A very commendable effort on the part of you and your family, and I'm sure your Mom is smiling!

    My wife is a Breast Cancer survivor of 13 years, and is involved with the Knot A Breast team here in Hamilton.

    The teams are a fantastic support system for Breast Cancer patients, and their families.

    I urge any fellow OFC members down your way to attend the dance, and support the Survivor Thrivers.

  6. Chumming,is not illegal, in the case of fishing.

    Baiting, in the case of ducks or goose hunting is.


    My experience in regards to chumming for salmonids, is that it isn't worth the effort. A well presented single egg or imitation, is just as good.

    Others have different experiences,I'm sure.

  7. Bigugli

    I worked on the fire dept with lots of ex-navy guys, for 30 years.

    Always liked to listen to the tales of storms at sea.

    As you mentioned, and according to the stories, the Bonny's deck was 90' above the waterline. These guys talked about the bow falling below the surface, during a storm.

    According to them they had to go in for repairs, after the deck was separated, and raised up from the hull, after one storm.

    I would've had to check my pants after a ride like that!


    Nature doesn't know her own strength, and has no limits.



    I was 7 when Hazel hit. I can remember my mother cooking supper in the coal furnace, cause the hydro was out.

    A one frying pan dinner, long before Hamburger Helper!

  8. Apparently, the retailers, and etailers, in this country, have not heard that the US dollar and ours, is only a nickel, (5%) different. Even if you take into account our import duties and taxes, it doesn't come anywhere close to the reality!


    I will buy Canadian produced goods, over the imports, when quality and pricing is the same, but on goods that are manufactured offshore anyways, how can there be so much of a difference?


    Just look at BPS south of the border and here, for the exact same articles.


    Just my opinion, FWIW

  9. One train of thought....

    While travelling south in spring and fall, from PA, to FL, you will see many cops sitting on the overpasses, looking at the oncoming traffic.

    Any vehicle with a front plate, is out-of-state, and fair game to enhance the treasury.

    Instant cash, for a cash-strapped economy.

    But they probably wouldn't prey on Canadians.... would they?

  10. I used to store my boat in a barn. There were tons of mice! Lots of mothballs, and little boxes of warfarin as well. If the little beggars did go in, they'd find a tasty snack as well. Never found a dead one, so I suspect the mothballs did the trick.

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